Chapter 13

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Zayn woke up on the following Saturday morning.

Thursday and Friday went by fast. Zayn never got to see anyone.

Thursday Zayn woke up in the afternoon and chilled out in his dorm while Liam was gone to his class. Zayn went to his class late at night for two classes.

On Friday Liam had no classes at all. So Zayn and Liam just hung around. Just the two of them. Though at the night time Zayn had two other classes as well.

So when Zayn woke up at 7:15 am he quickly took a shower, brushed his teeth and wore the first thing he saw.

He was rushing so much because his mom was coming today. His mom was coming today because she had to drop off his car. Zayn told his mom when he called her a few days ago that today would be a more better day to drop off as he had no classes at all today.

So as soon Zayn was all dressed up and looked decent he left his room making sure Liam was asleep and left threw the building. When Zayn checked his phone he saw how it was 7:57 am meaning that his mom would be here any minute. His mom told him that she would be here at 8:00 am sharp, and when she means sharp, she means it.

Zayn sat down at a bench that was near by him and quickly went threw his phone and texted Niall as he barely got to talk to him at all the past two days.

When Zayn was done he saw his car enter the parking lot at exactly 8:00 am like she said, along with another familiar one. He didn't know who's car though but knew he recognized it.

When his mom came out Safaa his younger sister came jumping out of the back seat.

"Zaynieeee!!" She came crying out and had her arms spread out and took Zayn in for a hug.

"Safaa omg I missed you so much!" Zayn whispered as he lifted up Safaa seeing his mom coming towards them.

"Hey Zayn" Trisha Zayn's mom kissed Zayn on the cheek.

"Hey mum, hows everything?" Zayn asked as he adjusted Safaa, that Zayn was holding on to on the side of his hip.

"Glad you asked though everything has been going perfectly great. But the few days when you were gone the girls were a bit sad but some how got over it" Zayn looked at Safaa oh smiled brightly back showing off her teeth.

Zayn and Trisha shared a small laugh.
"How's your English literature going so far?"

"Good everything is going perfect" Zayn eyes where then caught by Harry who stopped across the parking lot and looked at Zayn.

Trisha and Safaa were confused to who he was looking at. As Zayn still never dropped his gaze down, Harry started to walk forward, and that meant that Zayn started to get butterfly's and felt his grip on Safaa loosen.

As Harry came closer to them and stopped in front of Zayn and beside Trisha he spoke first.

"Hey Zayn, how's it going?"

"Umm fine, you?" Zayn said as he shifted Safaa so she wasn't going to fall on the hard concrete.

"Doing great. Is this your sister?" Harry asked as he stepped closer and stroke Safaa's hair who smiled brightly again.

"Hi I am Safaa, Zayn's best sister" As Safaa still had her big smile, all the adults around her gave her a small laugh.

Harry then turned to Trisha and greeted her. "Hi Mrs.Malik, nice to meet you"

"What a lovely young man, and please call me Trisha. Can I ask how you know my son?" Trisha gave a small wink to her son who blushed then shook his head.

His mom knew about him dating Niall. His mom had to taken a week to take all of it in. Her only son became gay. Well bisexual. So right now Zayn's mom hopefully and probably thought that she was just saying that cause she thinks Zayn and Niall are threw.

"Oh I am his friend we met last Saturday" Zayn felt a shiver go down his back. Was it true that he actually said that? Are they even friends? Did Harry actually mean it? All these question came to Zayn so fast he didn't have time to answer them.

"Oh okay then Zayn you have found a very good friend" Trisha assured her son. Zayn and Harry looked at each other for a minuet and smiled at each other as Trisha took Safaa into her arms.

"Okay, Zayn I have to go, have a nice year here and if anything goes wrong-"

"Mom we have been threw this before" Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Right sorry hun" Zayn shook his head at his moms constant mistakes.

"Zayn!!!!! Bye I am gonna miss you" Safaa screamed across the parking lot now knowing that they were leaving. Zayn smiled as he waved goodbye to his little sister as they stepped into the familiar second car that came in with them.

Zayn thought it was just his neighbour or something so his mom and sister have a ride back. Zayn looked at Harry as he instructed him to walk with him.

"So do you have any classes today?" Harry asked Zayn.

"Nope not at all or tomorrow too, I am a free man!" Harry laughed at Zayn as Zayn took Harry's hand into his own. Both Zayn and Harry were surprised at Zayn's sudden movement.

"Well I have three classes starting at 4, but no tomorrow" Harry explained to Zayn as Zayn nodded his head.

They both walked like this for a while. Where it would be a comfortable silence, and sometime turn to awkward. Or even sometime where Harry would just break the silence and ask more about Zayn's family.

But this time Zayn broke the silence. "Harry would you like to hang out today, my mom dropped off my car so we could like hang out in the mall or something" Harry smiled as he nodded his head.


Zayn and Harry both hung out like this today at the mall. They stopped at some stores and just shopped for a bit. While they were shopping Harry notice how Zayn never letted go of his hand, and was happy for that.

Once it was time for lunch around 1:00 pm they headed towards the food court.

"So what do you wanna have?" Zayn asked they sat down at a table for two.

"I don't know, anything you want" Harry said as he looked around the crowded room full of people in it.

"Harry you could choose anything, I don't mind I am fine with anything"

"No it's okay you could choose, honestly I am bad a picking stuff" Harry said as he sat down.

"No, no Harry you could choose" They both went on like this for a while until Harry loosed and had to choose.

Harry looked at Zayn, "what about subway?" Harry suggested.

Zayn nodded as they went for that. Once they started eating they had a few conversations about anything that pooped up into any of their heads.

When they were done they went to Zumies for there last store, and just like Harry had hoped Zayn held his hand again. Harry bought black vans as Zayn suggested it for him.


Zayn opened his room door and closed it behind him and slid down the door as he was happy that him and Harry both held hands for more than just an hour, and how Harry called him a friend.

Zayn sat there for a moment taking in every moment that just past by an hour ago.

Once Zayn got to his feet and came back to reality, he noticed how Liam wasn't there. He also heard weird noises coming from the washroom that was half way open. He decided to go open the door and see what was going on and to see who was there.

Once he opened the door a loud gasped escaped his mouth at the sight in front of him.

( hoped you liked this, sorry for the long wait I had this chapter written then for some reason all of it got deleted and I had to re write everything, but don't worry there wasn't any major changes, please vote and comment)

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