Chapter 17

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(Zayn POV)

So all I could comprehend right now is that Liam my best friend just asked me to break up with Niall my boyfriend to which Liam knows how hard that will be not for me but for Niall.

That's why it was so hard for me to decide. Niall is a type of guy that doesn't like bad new. And when I break up with him it's just gonna break his heart so much I know.

But then again me and Niall aren't serious. Nothing special happen. Yes, I do like Niall but I don't love him. So if I do break up with Niall it might not heart him as much as I thought it would.

"So you actually think that, that me breaking up with Niall is the best thing?" I ask my best friend.

"Yup it is the best thing for you, or that's what I think, it is right?"

I decide to think about that question later. My head is spinning just so much. First it's Harry and Louis, eww I can't even think about that that's some nasty thing. Then there's me deciding to break up with Niall. Wait I am gonna break up with him so I'm just worrying how it will go.

Then there's this fight going on. Me Liam and Niall against Harry Jace and Louis. I don't like this. Me and Louis and Liam were all great buddies, Niall too. We still are but I don't know. Friends fight right? So let's hope this doesn't last long.

I look at Liam and shrug my shoulder as I pull the blankets up and close my eyes.

My last problem is that Harry styles keeps roaming around my head. Well it won't be a problem once me and Niall are done. I really want Niall and me to be friends after. Me and Niall before we got together we were really good friends so I just wish that happens after our break up.


My eyes spring open when my alarm goes off with a loud BEEP noise. I moan in frustration. I really hate morning. I look around my dorm while rubbing my eyes. Liam's bed is all messy then I remember that he had his class early this morning. I get out of my bed and go to the washroom to brush my teeth because in a hour I have my class.

When my teeth is all brushed and I'm casually dressed, I quickly grab and leave the room. I quickly walk to my art room. I needed to be a bit early today so I could start my drawing of Elena.

Last week our assignment was to draw the person next to you and we'll, she was next to me. I am a okay drawer so it won't be hard.

I had already gathered my material so I just started drawing the girls face that I once fell in love with. It wasn't hard drawing her at all. I had already drew her a lot of times when I was in love with her.

Half an hour passed till students came threw the door. When Elena sat next to me she instantly fell for the painting.

"Omg Zayn! You never told me you were a artist" She took my drawing of her and held it up.

It felt happy seeing her all excited.

Man what has gotten into me.

She gave it back to me smiling hard.
I gave her a the same smile back intense.

When the professor came threw the door he told us to start out assignment because it was due today.

I woke up early so that I can get it done and over with because today I was gonna break up with Niall.

Lucky for me, Niall had no classes today so once I was done drawing Elena I could quickly go and get it over with.

As I finished up my drawing Elena smiled at me again as I got up and handed in my work. I then quickly walked out side. I picked up my paced when I saw the dorm building ahead.

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