Chapter 23

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Harry seems to be still. He almost seems confused? I release one of our hands and move it down his waist. I lean in closer. His breathing becomes jagged the more closer I come to him. Once our lips meet, again, as I take full control.

I insistently push my tongue in his. I want him right now. I only want him. I want him so badly. I pull away and repeat my earlier steps that seemed to amuse him. I start creating a new hickey as I push my hips closer to his. As my already hard dîck touches his hard as well. Harry moans as I start to feel turned on. He starts groaning when I start rubbing.

"Zayn," he breathes. "Please."

I move to his lips kissing him viscously. Knowing that he wants me, made me realize how much I wanted him to say those words. Nothing gets me high like him.

Harry starts mumbling random things in between kissing. I couldn't help but realize now. Am I taking this too far? I start slowing down the kiss and pull away. No matter how much I want him, I still need to keep my self under control around him. Because what if he doesn't want me when I can't take control?

"Your mine now Haz, remember that." I smirk at my new nickname for him. Harry starts blushing deeply as I move back. "Bye Harry." Our hands that were in-twined, slowly pulls away the more I moved back.

"Bye Zaynie." I smile as the words rolled off his tongue. Other people had always called me that. But nothing compares to how he said it.

When I get to the door, I turn around to see Harry still blushing as he still is leaning on the washroom door. "Harry?" He looks up and nods his head. "Let's take things slow." His reaction seems relief, for some reason.
"That's unless I'm not horny." I smirk at him as he gapes. I laugh loudly pulling the door open as my laughter dies down.

The hall way seems empty. Just a few people talking about going to the frat house, or going to their late night class. I yawn while covering my mouth. It's been a along day. And I don't regret anything. Today has been such a relief. Knowing Harry always felt the same, that he wants me, just made my day ten times better. I can't talk to Liam about this at all. Well I would when he's not drunk. Because if I kiss Harry publicly, not wanting Liam screaming out or something out loud, I'm gonna have to tell him ahead of time.

I can't help my self but wonder is Niall will be, sad? We did just recently break up. We've been dating for a good 3/4 months. I know it's been a long time, but it wasn't serious. We didn't have sex and I didn't love him. It wasn't even friend with benefits, but I guess we were complicated.

Just like me and Elena. We were complicated. Well we weren't even dating but still.

I remember last week how I had skipped a lot of my classes sitting out side of Harry's class. I still remember his expression like it was just yesterday. The lust filled eyes with shock in them. It always made my day. We hung out like friends. And now, we're more then friends. I don't think we were ever friends actually, knowing what I said before. I felt so bad for him, but I had to say it.

I sigh as I open my dorm. I see Liam lying on his stomach on the bed with a bucket next to it. I cringe knowing what was filled in it.

"Liam, you nasty ass." I take my shoes off stripping off my clothes with only my boxers.

Liam mumbles something under his breathe. I couldn't hear what he said. So I just shook my head and slap Liam's ass. Liam sighs exaggeratedly after he chuckles. I shake my head again and find some sweats and a full sleeve shirt. Winter is coming soon. And since this being Canada, the snow should be falling somewhere this week.

Hearing my stomach growl I decide to go to the cafeteria and grab something to eat. I check my phone while opening the door. It read 8:47 pm. I shove my phone in my pockets and start walking around the corner to the cafeteria. When I open the doors I see a few people sitting around either alone or with their groups. I grab some noodles and show the girl behind the cash register my ID card so I can get the food for free. Well until the expiry date comes. When I sit my self down on a table I start moving the noodles around. Once I start eating it I felt my stomach grumble more. I hadn't had something to eat for a while.

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