Chapter 22

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I drop my phone from my hands as it lands on the bed. I gape as water starts to drop out of his blonde hair.

I never expected him to be here. With everything going on he was the person I least expected to be in there. And I also wonder, why is he in here anyway?

"Niall" I gulp.

"Zayn" Niall looks down then start to step back in the washroom, and before I can call after him, he closes the door.

I stand there astonished. Did he hear Harry? I hope not because I know deep inside him that he knows I broke up with him because of Harry. I hate to admit it that I did. I never meant to break Niall's heart, but I like Harry.

When Niall exits the washroom he's all dressed up in his clothes with his hair still wet.

"Um, so what are you doing here?" I ask Niall trying to raise off the tension from the air.

"My hot water just went out so Liam let me used yours, I hope you don't mind" I know that since this being Toronto university, Niall probably had someone fix the hot water. But I can't help but think what if they haven't fix it yet and Harry needs to take a shower? I need to find him fast.

"No it's okay I was just curious" I pick up my phone ready to leave here and head out to find the curly lad.

"Is that cream yours?" Niall points to the washroom and I instantly gape. He found the moose and he probably thinks the other way. That maybe it's Harry, because who else from us had curly hair? I need to find Liam now, fast.

"Ahh, no it's um I don't know, Liam got it a few days ago" I lie.

Niall nods and looks down and walks to the door and leaves the room without turning back. He probably thinks I'm lying to him and I hate that. I don't know what to do because I don't even know who the hell owns that moose.

God all this problem for just one curly moose.

And one curly boy.

My subconscious adds and I mentally scowl at it. Because, I'll fix that problem later.

I smirk to my self as I exit my dorm while locking it and go on my hunt to find Harry.

I feel so weird going to go meet him again. I feel like I wasn't acting my self earlier, and he wasn't acting like him self.

I shrug it off and head to his dorm begging for Niall not to be in there too.

Once I get to his and Niall's dorm, I knock on the door two times.

When the door opens I see Harry in sweats and a white t-shirt. Something totally different than what he was wearing only minutes ago.

His hair is all messed up like always, and his eyes drowsy. His room is dimmed down and dark, almost like he was sleeping and I feel guilty instantly.

"Oh, Harry, I'm sorry I didn't know you were sleeping-"

"No it's okay I couldn't even go to sleep, here come in" Harry cuts me off as he steps back letting me enter.

"Oh what happen, didn't get enough sleep?"

"Something like that" Harry sits on his bed and pats the seat next to it allowing me to sit but I shake my head.

"I was just needing to ask if you happen to see Liam and Louis by any chance?" I then regret about asking him about Louis.

"I thought Louis had classes today?" When I meet with his green eyes I'm reminded of earlier today and blush. My stomach starts to feel uneasy as I bit my lip looking anywhere else but him.

Taken /Zarry-AU-Completed/Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz