Chapter 4

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Zayn kept on pondering over and over in his head. He is with Niall! What am I doing to him? Am I cheating on him? No No! I didn't kiss Harry.

Then stop thinking like that.

Zayn huffed out watching the tall lad walk out of the gym and turning around giving Zayn a reassuring smile. Zayn smiled back then instantly turned around. What the hell was that? Zayn then let out a long breathe that he didn't even know he was holding onto. Zayn saw how Liam finished talking about something to Louis and Jace and turned around to talk to him.

"Zayn, me Louis and Jace were thinking about going to a restaurant Jace knows around here."

Restaurant? Why a restaurant out of all the places? Zayn saw a smile on all the lads faces and decided against on denying their plans.

"Sure, but Niall has to come."

"Obviously and Harry too, he seems like a nice lad." Jace suggested.


That's instantly sensed a shiver down Zayn's spine.

"Yeah as long as Niall comes I am fine." Zayn told Jace then turned around to Liam meeting those brown eyes.

"I am gonna go to our room to take a shower, see ya."

That made Zayn go out threw one of the large doors and down the big hallways and out of the building. Once Zayn arrived to his dorm he quickly kicked off his shoes and laid down on his bed tucking his head behind his head. Zayn decided against on taking a shower and choosing to take one tomorrow before the 'restaurant'. Zayn then grabbed his phone on top of his side table and quickly texted Niall.

***To: Nialler ***

Hey babe have you heard about the restaurant thing? Well Jace planned on all of us lads to go to a restaurant tomorrow. I am only going if u wanna go. And bring Harry along 2. Pick u up @ 6.

*** From: Zaynie***

Zayn put his phone back on the side table an drifted off to sleep thinking about adorable quite dimples.


Zayn woke up the next morning and shut his eyes immediately seeing a ray of sunlight shone towards him. Zayn quickly got up with his eyes still shut and avoiding the sunlights ray's walking over to the window while opening his eyes and closing the blinds as quick as possible. Once Zayn turned around he saw Liam In a deep sleep and choosed not to wake up the boy. Zayn then decided to take a shower now. Once Zayn got in the washroom he brushed his teeth and jumped into the shower, letting the hot water clear his mind off from last night. Zayn then got two towels, one around his head and the other wrapped around his waist. Once Zayn got out of the washroom he entered his bedroom and opened one of his drawers and taking out a clean pair of boxers and opening his and Liam's closet taking out a pair of black skinny jeans and a plain long black sleeve shirt. Then Zayn went to the washroom again unwrapping the towel from his head and around his waist and changing into his clothes he picked out. Taking out a blow dryer Zayn dried his hair then fixed his hair to his everyday quiff and opening the door to a sleepy Liam.

"Thank god your out do you even know what time it is?"

"Ah no I woke up like and hour ago and took a shower." Zayn gestured to his body.

"Well it's like 2 you know."

"What!" Zayn screamed.

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter, were not going  anywhere now." Liam said while picking out his clothes to wear.
"You done in there." Liam pointed to the washroom.

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