Chapter 9

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The two boys just sat there cuddle in each other arms, thankful that they became friends. Zayn remembered the first day he saw Liam, he had long light brown curly hair, kinda like Harry, and he was really nice. Liam was a boy that you could be friends with like that. After Liam, Zayn met another lad as well, Louis. It was hard for Zayn to hang out with both of them because for some reason Zayn didn't know why but Liam and Louis would just never get along. Liam and Louis hated each other. Liam will always pull Zayn away from Louis, then Louis will do the same. Zayn never understood why, but after when they both got girlfriends Zayn would always end up seeing her more often. That's when Zayn meet Niall. Zayn decided one day to skip class and just watch her, thats when Niall came and started to talk to Zayn. Even though Zayn would never listen, Niall will keep on talking and talking, so Zayn decided to talk to the lad and get to know him better. That's how they became good friends. And thinking about all of that made Zayn think that how Liam was the one that was always there for him no matter what.

"You know you are a really good friend" Zayn mumbled against Liam's chest.

"Mhm, really?" Liam looked down at Zayn who still had his head against Liam's chest.

"Yeah I was just thinking how we met, remember you and Louis hated each other" Zayn started to laugh a bit at the memory.

"Yeah" Liam joined in with Zayn's laughing, " yeah, but Danielle and Eleanor got close so that's what made us friends" Liam explained.

"I can't imagine all of us not friends" Zayn said witch kinda made him upset thinking about that.

"Yeah me neither" There was another short comfortable silence, before Liam spoke up.
"So if I was a good friend you will listen to me right?" Zayn started to get curios of where Liam was going with this.

"Uhh yeah" Zayn got out of Liam's hold and looked at him confused.

"Well I have one free period today, and you probably missed your classes that's why your here" Zayn rolled his eyes. "so I wanted to ask do you wanna go for lunch now? I know you have a free period too right now" Zayn laid down on his bed.

"Liam, ugh, I don't wanna go anywhere okay, I have no more classes for today" Zayn put his arm on top of his face blocking the sun that was shining in the room.

"Your not gonna make me keep you lying here all day, you know that right?" Liam said.

"I am staying here, your not making me move, period!" Zayn started to get annoyed.

"Oh yes I am moving you from here" Liam picked up Zayn bridal style.

"GET ME DOWN FROM HERE!!" Zayn screamed.

"Uhh I am not letting you go until you have lunch with me, or at least your BOYFRIEND!"



Zayn fully forgot about how he never saw Niall today at all. He was crying basically the whole day for somebody else. Zayn calmed down a bit after thinking that it wouldn't have been a good idea if Niall was there and not Liam.

"So I take your pause as a your coming with us?" Liam stood in front of the washroom door.

"Uhh, fine yes I will-" Zayn didn't finish his sentence since Liam already dropped him on the ground. "Liam, you fucking idiot, you broke my butt!!" Zayn yelled from the floor.

"Sorry, sorry, jeez you didn't break it, here let me help" Liam moved his hand toward Zayn, but Zayn quickly slapped it away. "Ouchh!! Zayn!" Liam moved his hand up and down in the air.

"Ha, that's what you get for breaking my ass bitch" Zayn got up and squinted his eyes feeling his butt in pain.

"You don't have to slap my hand!" Liam put his hand in the air showing Zayn it.

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