Chapter 26

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Her eyes, with the colour of blue and purple around it. Her lip, puffed up from one side with the same colour. I sit right next to her while being eyed with all the girls around us.

"Who did this?" I question. Trying to be calm. And for a small second Emmett goes threw my mind as anger goes threw me. I look at the girls around us. All of them happening to be brunette while one stands out being a blonde. I recognize at least one or two of them from my classes. "Can you leave us alone for a bit. Please." I smile politely. They nod there head as they exit threw the door. My attention goes back on the hurt girl.

"Elena, tell me who did this. Was I-it him?"

"Zayn I'm scared." She whispers. I was about to grab her hand and calm her down. But I didn't. I rubbed my thumb on top of her hand. And for the quick second, I swear I felt the cold, wet, like how I was from my recent dream. If I can recall.

"I know your scared. But tell me who did this. I need to know to keep you safe." I look into her hurt brown eyes.

"Zayn-" we both turn around to be met with a really short girl. She's wearing a light baby pink skirt with tights. And also wearing a pink sweater.

"Omg Elena, are you okay." She covers her mouth seeing the bruised up girl. Her hand falls down with she sees me as she repositions her self uncomfortably.

"Yea I'm fine Violet." Elena tries getting up but I stop her. Making sure she's lying down. I feel like if she gets up she's gonna hurt herself. The Violet girl comes towards us as she goes on her knee looking at Elena, worried.

She looks at me with a kind smile on her face as she speaks. "Hi, I'm Violet. Elena's roommate." She puts her hand her. I take it politely shaking it once.

"I'm Zayn." I mumble while turning my attention back to Elena.

"What happen to you girl?" Violet looks at her friend. I can tell she would own the other side of the room. Being all girly with posters all over the place.

"Nothing," Elena closes her eyes for a while before re opening them. Violet looks at me before getting off the floor.

"I guess I'll leave you two alone. Nice knowing you Zayn." She smiles as me again. I get a feeling she wants to be my friend. I shake that thought away looking at Elena again.

"Tell me Elena, and don't say nothing. Tell the truth please." I plead. Trying to make her to tell me what happen.

"Please don't get mad." She gets up and this time I don't stop her. What does she mean? It's probably Emmett that's why. She shifts for a memo menu getting comfortable while leaning back on the head border of the bed.

"Wait what you mean?" I move closer but keep a good distance between us.

"Zayn. Please." She wipes her tears. Choking on her words.

"I just want to keep you safe." I whisper looking down. I look back up seeing Elena looking at the celling trying to keep her tears from falling.

"I don't want you to be mad..." She looks at me. Her eyes red. Nose red.

"I won't, well at least I'll try." I smile trying to lighten up the mood. "Wait so someone did this to you." I just realized it can't be Emmett. Why would a guy beat up a girl? A innocent girl? Elena nods her head looking down. Anywhere but me.

"It was s-someone." She shrugs it off like it's not a big deal. I inhale sharply while closing my eyes.

"Elena. You can't just shrug this off. Tell me who this is." I eagerly say.

Elena opens her mouth but quickly closes it. "I can't say," she huffs out.

"What do you mean, you can't say." If the person who did this to Elena, and told her not to tell anyone, then I'm defiantly gonna beat up the person.

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