Chapter 14

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Zayn stubbled back and ended up falling on to the floor on his butt as he covered his mouth with his hands.

As Liam got up off the washroom floor he started blabbing out words way too fast.

"Zayn I can explain, I didn't start it, she did!" Liam raised his voiced as he pointed at Eleanor who also got up off the washroom floor with only a two piece on.

"Shut up Liam, you know you enjoyed it?" She asked more of a question then just a statement.

"Eleanor I was wasn't talking to you!!" Liam screamed even louder as Zayn got off of his butt.

"Liam, I can believe you will do that" Zayn said in shock. Louis and Eleanor are dating. Liam just had bathroom sex on the floor with her.

"Zayn let me explain-"

Zayn interrupted Liam. "No don't explain to me, I don't care who you have sex with. This is collage, were supposed to have our virginity taken away if we didn't yet. Drink till we have to throw it all up. Smoke weed everyday. I honestly don't give a fuck about who you decide to go fuck in our room in the washroom, but just not my bed. Don't explain this to me. Explain this to Louis, her boyfriend." Zayn pointed towards Eleanor.

"But Zayn no I can't" Liam whisperer.

Eleanor sighed dramatically as she tossed on her crop top and her high waisted jeans. "Okay to be honest I didn't want all this. I came here to find Louis cause I knew that you guys were friends, I asked that's Jace dude were your guys dorm is. I came here and then I see Liam and I guessed I just kissed him and then things got heated up" As much as Liam wanted to deny the fact that they both didn't have sex. He couldn't. He just couldn't. Because it already happen and whatever Eleanor just said what the truth.

"Eleanor!!! I know you and me aren't close, I get it, but just tell your boyfriend or ex boyfriend what ever he is, don't tell me. Just don't" Eleanor was clearly shock at how Zayn snapped at her. Eleanor then started walking towards the door with some of her clothes on. Once she was about to open the door Louis comes in and as he was saying hi then stopped while he looked at Eleanor who was half changed and then turned to Liam right away as he ran to him and threw a hard punch at him.

Louis already knew what had happen just at looking at Eleanor not fully dressed, Liam who looked all messy, and Zayn standing there innocent.

Liam stubbled back just like how Zayn did a few minuets ago.

"You son of a bitch!!!! How could you?!" Louis screamed as Eleanor tried to ouch back Louis from hurting Liam anymore.

"No, you get out Eleanor, I don't want to see your face again" Louis said softly as Zayn helped Liam off the floor.

"But Louis let me explain-"

Louis interrupted Eleanor. "No there is no need for explaining. I could see what exactly happen" Eleanor quickly whipped away her tear as she ran out of the room. Louis then turned around to Liam and saw how Zayn was helping Liam.

"Zayn get off of him! You Liam I am not done with" Louis ran to Liam as Zayn pushed Louis back.

"Louis you are not fighting him. You guys work it out like real men's or Louis just get out" Zayn said as he had successfully helped Liam off the floor.

"I am sorry we're you the one who just saw your girlfriend cheat on you with your own friend?" Louis snapped back sarcastically.

"Louis I am not fighting, get out" Zayn said in between gritted teeth.

"Well I am" Louis spitted out. But before he could go and jump on him Harry came running in the dorm with Eleanor next to him.

"Stop it guys, just stop!!!" Harry screamed as he went beside Zayn.

"Zayn stop it don't fight" Harry whispered in Zayn's ear.

"Harry he is not listening," Zayn looked away from Harry then gazed at Louis. "Louis I get how you feel, but I need you to stop Liam made a mistake forgive him and let's just move on from this"

"Move on? Hah you expect me to move on from this thing. I am sorry Zayn but I am not gonna move on from this until Liam suffers" As soon as Louis hands were fisted he ran to Liam as he was gonna throw a punch right at him, before he did that Harry came running in first and blocked Liam from getting a punch and got punched him self.

Harry stumbled back as his hands were against his jaw. Zayn saw how Harry fell back on his butt and went and punched Louis hard. He didn't want to do it Louis was his friend but hitting Harry that just crossed the line. When Zayn punched Louis one more time and looked up at Harry, Harry was slowly cleaning up his blood as he whimpered by Liam helping him.

Zayn got even more mad and punched Louis even more, punched him again, and again. Zayn stopped as Louis moved away. Zayn looked at Harry then back at Eleanor and screamed.

"Get out now, leave both of you!!" Zayn yelled.

Harry got up. "No Zayn I am not leaving you"

"Harry out! I don't want you to get hurt no more" Zayn stepped closer to Harry as he whispered the last part.

Harry didn't want to fight anymore with Zayn. No. That would be the last thing Harry would want to do. So Harry left as he whipped his tears and he grabbed Eleanor and they both left out the room not even sure if Eleanor would see Louis any more or Harry would never see Zayn again.

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