Chapter 27

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It's past midnight as I drive fast. The snow starts coming down faster the more further I drive. How would Niall have the guts to even lay a finger on Elena? I still don't get. But mainly, why would Niall love me? He could do so much better than me. I can't give what he needs. I'm not good for him. I feel devastated just imagining what i must've put Niall threw when I broke up with him. If I explain this Liam or Louis, they won't get it. Niall was the one always closest with me when Liam and Louis weren't there. I liked Niall, I truly did. He made me realize that it was possible moving on from someone you love. But what made me feel guilty was that loving Niall, never crossed my mind.

I drive fast on the road hoping no cops, or undercover cops are around as I go over the speed limit. The only thing to be herd in the car are the swear words that keep on slipping out of my mouth. I can't seem to think straight. I don't know what I can say to Niall except the words 'sorry.' And I know, it isn't enough for someone who loves me.

When I arrive at the campus, I quickly park my car close to the dorms. I run out of the car feeling a cold gust of wind. When I open the doors, I stand there taking a moment for the warmth to affect. The hallway lights are slightly dimmed since its past midnight as I walk down the halls. I stand in front of Niall's dorm. I inhale sharply. What if Harry wakes up. Or what if he overhears our conversation. I push open the door, turning the knob. I'm met with their dark room. Opening the lights, I see Harry asleep peacefully. Watching the tall boy sleep before my eyes, is so relaxing. I all of a sudden just feel sleepy my self just watching him. I sit down next to him. I grab a hold of his hand feeling how cold it is. I wrap both of my hands around it, trying to keep it warm. I smile seeing a bit of drool escape from his mouth. Everything that happen these past few hours, seems to just be dusted away seeing Harry. I snap out of my thoughts hearing the door open. I get off the bed seeing Niall enter with his head hung low. I start walking forward when his head snaps up. He runs to the door but I'm quick to stop him.

"Niall, please stay." I keep my voice low not wanting Harry to wake up. Niall breathes heavily still looking at the door. I stand right behind him having my hand on the knob stopping him from leaving. I quickly have seconds thoughts about staying in this room with Harry asleep. I turn the knob slightly, i indicate Niall to step out first. When i step out closing the door behind me, I see Niall sitting down across the hall. While walking towards him, I wonder what took him so long to come here. Sitting down next to him, I sit criss-cross as Niall has his knees bended, and his hands resting on them.

"I don't want anything to change between us." I break the silence.

"If you leave me alone, nothing will change. Just like these past few weeks." He snaps. I feel the hole in my chest, forming. It's all my fault that this is happening. I just care about too many people. But I won't let this happen. I won't let Niall feel that he's alone. That he has no one.

"Niall just please, stop acting like one one cares for you. You have so many people that love you Niall. I love you Niall, your my best friend." I keep my voice low trying not cause a scene.

"I know you love me Zayn, and I know it's not in that way. If I haven't told you that I-I love you, you wouldn't have treated me differently. So why now?"

"Because Niall, today after the longest time, you finally told me how you felt. And I want to help you." I say it and mean it. I want to help him. He just needs to let me.

"I don't need help Zayn. I'm old enough to do it my self. Stop acting like I'm a baby. Because I'm not. Just pretend I didn't say anything and move on with your life." I frown at what he keeps on saying. To leave him alone.

"But Niall-"

"If you want what's best for me, then just fuck off and leave me alone." He snaps at me while getting up. He starts walking away in his dorm while closing the door. I hear the lock on the door click. I close my eyes frustrated. I get up, slouching. I head for my dorm trying to shake all of this off. I need to forget about this, about all of this.

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