Chapter 21

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Elena freezes and looks down. I'm about to take a step forward but I decide against it. I honestly didn't know if I meant what I said.

She is of course everything i want her to be, but I didn't mean it in that way.

"Elena" I whisper.

"Zayn I-I don't know what to say" She looks up into my eyes at we meet brown to brown.

"You don't have to say anything"

"But I want to, Zayn it's just in high school, because of what Emmett did I don't date. I believe that ever boy is like him. But I know Zayn you aren't like that but I need time before I decide on anything."

Doesn't date? Who 'doesn't date' But I don't wanna date Elena. I just broke up with Niall and we haven't spoken much since then.

I look up at her and nod as I leave her dorm. I hope she doesn't get the wrong expression that I want her because its different now, I wanted her, I don't want her, I want someone else. When I get on the elevator the ride is quick and opens up fast. When I exit the elevator I walk to my dorm and open the door.

I am surprised to see Liam still sleeping, well actually I shouldn't be surprised because Liam is just gonna wake up at 2. I'm glad he doesn't have class today so I can hang out with him.
I sit down on my bed and look threw my schedule even though I know exactly when I have my classes.

I don't even know why I chose so many extras classes, I guess I just thought since I wasn't very in much of my classes in high school, might as well take more here?

I place the schedule back on the side table and go to the washroom. Once I strip and I'm left naked, I walk into the shower and turn the heat up. While I message shampoo in my hair, and rub body soap on me I can't help but think back to high school.

I don't remember ever seeing Emmett. Speaking of him I wasn't joking If I see him I will beat the crap out of him.

Once I wash the soap off my body and grab a towel wrapping it around my waist I leave the shower, leaving my hair to air dry. Once I stand In front of the sink I grab the toothbrush and put some paste on it and start brushing.

I then see a tube resting on the counter. I pick it up and read what it is. I can't help but raise my eyebrow in confusion. What the hell is hair moose that is qualified for curly hair doing here? I am then instantly reminded of the only person that I can remember that had curly hair.


Is this his? No it can't be his. The last time I saw him was Friday before my late classes and he couldn't possibly come here and end up leaving it here. Liam would've been here.


No Liam would've faced time me weather or not I was in class or not and tell me if Harry was at our dorm.

I came back at 12:00 am at night and Liam was asleep.

I place the moose back where I picked it up from and spit the paste out rinsing my mouth before whipping my mouth with a towel.

I splash freezing cold water on my face closing the pores on my face and hoping it'll somewhat refresh my from my thoughts.

When I leave the washroom, I see Liam still sleeping with his mouth open a bit as soft snores escape from it.

No matter how much I wanna wake him up having him telling me what the hell happen yesterday night. But then he is my best friend and he isn't a morning person so I doubt I will be getting answers if I wake him up now.

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