Chapter 31

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Friends. I know the most stupidest thing I can say right now. But I know this 'Friends' thing would only last a couple of days. Because I'm getting Harry back.

"So what do you want to do?" Harry ask awkwardly. I actually have no idea what to do. I came here because Liam and I needed to grab some lunch. Also Liam wanted to get his famous cheesecake from here.

"Lets get out of here." Harry furrowed his eyebrows while getting up along with me. We head of the packed store. The air is ice cold. I feel my my cheeks freeze up as I curse under my breathe.

"What happened? Are you cold? Do you want my jacket?" Harry starts questioning me. I shake my head shoving my hands in my pocket as Harry throws away his coffee in the outside garbage.

"Its just that Liam took the car." I sigh.

"Oh its okay, lets just take mine."

"Okay." Harry leads me to his car. I offer to drive but Harry keeps shaking his head. Surprising him, I run to the driver seat.

"Haha you lose!" I playfully tease him. Harry pouts then squints his eyes.

"Don't make me take you down right here." I couldn't but let my dirty mind take over. Harry stops for a second realizing what he said.

"Um I meant like beat up-"

"Yea I know what you meant." I get in the car while Harry does the same.

"Okay so where do you want to go?" Harry ask looking me.

"Um I actually don't know? You? Do you have any suggestions?" Harry hums thinking of where to go. "Do you want to go out for lunch?" Im not hungry but I just asked figuring Harry might be hungry.

"No I'm not hungry, unless you want to?"

"No I'm not hungry either." Harry nods his head going back to thinking. Then, he says something that surprises me.

"Lets go to a frat house." I look at him trying to hide my surprise face. I raise my eyebrow. Is he joking?

"What?" I say confused.

"A frat house. Where people get drunk-"

"I know what that is, but why do you wanna go there?"

"I don't know. I was gonna go during christmas eve with my friends but planned changed." He shrugs his shoulder.

"But its like 3," I point at the digital clock in the car. "And why would you want to get drunk now? Why even get drunk? Wait, do you want to get high? Why? And why would there be people now? Its after Christmas and-"

"Okay, okay we could just go somewhere else." Harry drops his head low while playing with his gloves.  Why does he want to go there? I was still confused about that. But maybe he just wanted to go party. I take my phone out praying there will still be a party. I tap on the name 'Stefan' and press the phone to my ear. He was friends with Liam and Louis more than me. Since Liam and Louis are the party type.

"Zayn? Yoo man wazgud." I sigh in relief hearing Stefans voice threw the phone. He was the 'thug' in our school. And I remember hearing that he lives in a frat house near Waterloo.

"Hey hows it going." I could see from the corner of my eye, Harry looking out the window.

"Good. So why call bro."

"I was asking if theres a gonna be a party at your place. You know the frat house you stay in." I then see Harrys curly hair bounce as he snaps his head in my direction.

"Really man? Is Louis and Liam gonna be here?"

"No just me and my friend."

"Ohh okay man. Yea come man. I got tons of people coming right now. The party is just starting." I smile knowing this is gonna make Harry happy.

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