Chapter 2

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Before dinner time clocked, I made sure to have checked each and every space of my own room. As expected, it looks exquisite and spectacular. A four poster, moderate bed, many pillows in the chest, cosy bathroom, and spacious closet. I pack some of my cloths into the wardrobe before I get out of the room, especially those needed for school on Monday which is two days from today.

When I get to the dining room, I catch the frame of dad, seating already with his head buried into the newspaper as always. I wonder why he doesn't get bored of it. Mom's bringing in the dishes and I hasten my gait to help her in arranging the dinner plan.

After some minutes, the dining is set with the pepper pasta in the silver dishes. With a well-manicured hands, mother snatches the newspaper from dad.


His gaze shoot up and immediately soften when he sees mom as she takes the sit beside him while I take the left side next to dad.

Finally, I dive into the plateful of spaghetti with my fork. Silence embed us for minutes and the only sound that erupt is the rumblings of the sky.

"Rayne." I move my gaze to dad when he calls me, supping in some strands of the spaghetti.

"Yes." I mumble.

"About your schooling, your mom and I have made arrangements for it. Since you said you don't want a private school, we registered you for the Franklin regional senior high school here in Murrysville. It seems like a good school enough for you."
Dad's hazel eyes access my reaction but I only nod. I knew already that I'll have no choice than to change my school and that reminds me back to my questions.

"You guys are staying for a while, right?" I stop eating and dart my eyes from dad to mom. They have always been busy with their nature of work.

"Yeah. We'd be around." Mom smiles, genuinely from opposite me and I smile back.

"Your mom's been transfered to work in a hospital here and I also have some business partners that wants my attention here. So, sure we'll be around." As dad says, my mind start to wrap up on everything. I should have knew it.

We relocated here because of their changed course of work, nothing else. Not because of me. I left friends behind all for the sake of being with them when we get here and now that I'm here, I feel somber, and I'm also changing school. Sometimes, I don't think they even care about me.

Trying my best not to lash out my anger at them, I push my chair backwards and stop eating.

"Can I go out? Just for some minutes walk?" Dad and mom wears a sudden confused look. "I'm not going to get lost. I just need to clear out my mind on the new change." I add and heave a heavy sigh.

"Yeah. Don't be late." Says, mom as she looks at me with a pleading face. She's known the reason why I wanted to go outside and I'm thankful she's letting me. Dad seems not to get the picture as he darts his eyes from mom to me. I manage not to catch his gaze.

I pick a green raincoat from the rack abreast my yellow leather jacket when I reach out, in case the rain starts fuming again.

Lights from the street and houses brightens up my surroundings since the sky's moonless.

I start to walk to the backyard while my hands are tucked into the comfy, foamy pockets of the jacket as the earpiece plays random music into my ears.

Dad's a business man, not just a typical one but a rather duteous kind. He's never really got time for us, occasionally except seldomly. I rarely find time to speak with him and as far as I know, we mostly talk on phone than conversing face to face. Traveling seems like his favourite thing since that's all he does most of the time.

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