Chapter 7

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By the time I regain my consciousness, I realize I have slept off while in the sitting position on the floor. Luckily for me, there hasn't been anyone to enter in here.

I pick myself off the ground and look at the mirror again. Sweats are on my forehead due to the earlier cramped position of mine. I rinse my face again, clearing every sweats and emerges out of the room after drying.

Reaching the taciturn hallway, the bell rings, indicating the closing hours. Chattering start to erupt, nearing the doors and soon, students fills the hallway.

I make my way to the locker when a hand on my shoulder stops me on my track. I turn to my back to see Hayden.

"Where were you?" Concern and worry etches her tone. I feel bad, knowing it's all because of my earlier weird behaviour.

"In the restroom." I reply.

"Doing what?"

"I had an headache." I lie.

Hayden walks ahead of me to the exit and I follow behind her.

"That's a lame lie, you know?" She says, glancing at me briefly. She focuses back to her front.

Hayden opens the door for me to exit before her. I take that inwardly as she isn't that annoyed at me.

When we are outside, Mia meets up with us.

"Claire." She greets me.

"Hey, Mia. I'm sorry guys, the headache was very overwhelming, that's why I couldn't tell you. I don't want you bothering yourselves because of me." I explain, covering my lies with lies.

That's a bad thing to do, Rayne. Mom must not know. My subconscious teases me. I slap her in, inwardly.

"Oh, it's no problem. Can I see you, Hayden?" Mia shift her attention to Hayden, smiling wider than before. They are so cute together, happy and carefree unlike me, who is being haunted by a guy I never knew — someone else's boyfriend to specify.

"Rayne, I will be back."


I stride to Hayden's car since I didn't bring mine due to mom, driving me to school. I sit on the bonnet, waiting for Hayden. I could only hear Mia's whispers, nothing more when I try to eavesdrop.

Watching the scene before me — friends, talking amongst each other. Everyone obviously seems lively, except me, I guess.

The sound of an engine of a vehicle calls my attention and I shift my gaze to it, catching the frame of a couple, I notice they seem to be in their early twenties. The man occupies the driver's seat, while the woman is next to him on the passenger seat.

I watch them chat for a while, laughing in between sentences. They stop all of the sudden, and place their attention to the entry door.

For some unclear reasons, I follow their gaze, feeling intrigue by their appearance.

Apart from them being young, they have a unique and different features — one that I have just seen from earlier.

The man has a radiant, light copper eyes, so ravishing that I stare at it when I first see it. Straight, blonde hair, cascading down to meet his shoulders in its ponytail form, lustrous, even to sight. His skin is of light, cold-beige. Clean and flawless as of the woman, who's of porcelain skin.

I only notice his wear to be a blue shirt, since I couldn't see the rest. The woman, on another account, is wearing a pink blouse. Her hair, raven in colour. I couldn't see her eyes.

The door opens, expunging the frame of the bad boy and his sister. His eyes cut at me, momentarily. Stoic, not giving any expression out and I lower my gaze from his penetrating ones. He affects me too much that even my subconscious goes silent.

His hair is messier now, likely to by Lydia's manicured hands. I look down at my hands, feeling them itch.

By the time I raise my head, they have entered the car. The engine roars back to life again and they pull out of the parking lot.

"You have officially met the weird Originals family." Hayden's voice says from beside me. I startle for a moment and shift to her, hoping down the bonnet.

"That's their parents?" I ask. They seem too young to be parents of children that's up to at least seventeen in age count. The bad boy looks like an age mate to the man, who's turning out to be their father. Their family are puzzles to me. The way they look — so different from people around here in Murrysville, as if they aren't going out at all. They appear too pale — paler than I have ever seen anyone pale.

"They don't give out much, but as far as I know, yeah, that's their parents. Get into the car." Hayden shrugs, obviously not seeing what I'm seeing, or maybe she has but got fed of it.

"You are driving me home?"

"Obviously, yeah." She replies and look at me.


"Neighbours don't."

"I've never heard that from anywhere."

"This is Murrysville — different from everywhere." Hayden says, boasting sprinkle into her tone.

"That explains much, no wonder there are weirdo family here." I glance over at Hayden. "No offence."

"Many taken." She says, snickering in a contractable way. I join her.

"They look too young." I voice out my thoughts. I still can't reel over the thoughts that those couple are parents. People fell in love at young ages. So, they married since they loved each other. Advice my subconscious. I have no choice than to agree with her.

"That's their life. Why are you acting concerned?" Her questions are firmly directed to me.

Hayden walks to the driver seat, while I take the passenger seat. Her question halts my breath for a moment. I don't know why I'm concerned. Not even my subconscious could answer it.

"I don't know. They just seem exclusive." I say, trying to be nonchalant, but failing.

Hayden doesn't say anything till she turns on the engine. She pulls out of the parking lot with a responsible speed.

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