Chapter 10

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Hayden's convincing words were partially true. The wild, heavy breeze was freezing instead, drying my lips since I'm free of any makeups. My gown is icing cold against my skin as I walk in sync with Hayden beside me, rather looking fine, not at all affected by the air.

Mia meets us at the walkway into the entrance, beaming with smile. I inwardly wish I can be smiling as her, but it isn't possible for me. Hayden is trying though to help me get with the ways of Murrysville, but it's not that easy for me. I don't have any glitch about the weather because where we relocated from — Montana has weather like this most times, the changes are the only problem I think I have.

When Mia greet me, I push the thoughts away from my mind.

"Hi, Rayne."


"I heard a gist from the students today." Mia's words are more directed to Hayden than me. She finds you boring? Says my subconscious. This Miss owns-the-thoughts surely doesn't know her boundaries.

"What's that?"

"The school is accepting another students. Well, as of now, I don't know when he would attend."


"Yeah. That is what I heard." Mia confirms, glancing at Hayden momentarily.

We get inside the school, to the hallway. Mia follows Hayden to her locker, while I go to my mine. They continue to converse about the new, rumoured student when I interrupt, telling them my thoughts.

"I'm thinking of joining the cheer-leading group in school. I'm not so sure yet, but what do you guys think?"

"I think it's a great idea." Hayden says, smiling at me. Her eyes grow big. "That would teach Lydia a lesson if you can be the captain, and not her."

"I don't think Rayne should join." Mia says to Hayden. She faces me, explaining more. "If you join, Lydia will never stop trying until she wins by causing your downfall. Trust me, it would be disgracing for you." Mia tells me, drawing the blood from my face for a while. I regain myself and cough out.

"I will just try out how it works, for now. I'm only thinking of it, not joining as of yet. Where's the place?" I add. I place my hand on Mia's shoulder, indicating I will be safe from the evil Lydia. Luckily, she gets the message.

"Next to the ballers' coach's office." Hayden directs. I nod at her, getting the path in my head.

"I will see you guys later. Go to class."

Within seconds, the bell rings and I turn my back, going to cheer-lead coach.

"We have many list of cheer-leading here. I will show you, but which would you like to join?"

The coach for the cheerlead group turns out to be a woman in her late twenties. She has a warm smile on her face as she looks friendly by her appearance.

She's sitting opposite from me, a desk for her studying is in between us. She's drinking a cup of coffee as her eyes lowers, her free hand is searching the drafts attached to the desk. For all I can see, she's wearing a orange, and white in partial patterns shirt, heavy makeup, making her look younger from afar. Her brown hair is in a coiled shape, scattering wildly around her head.

"Um, I'm not so sure, Mrs Meredith. Maybe if you would let me check. I'm a new student-"

"Yeah, I can see that." She says, interrupting me, but I'm not offended in the least.

"I'm only still thinking of joining."

"A-ha. Here it is." She closes the draft in a way that it emits friction sounds, and holds out a paper list before she outstretch it to me.

I look at the list, it contains the divisions of each groups of cheer-leading that's categorize by the list of sports, taking place in the school. I'm shocked momentarily when I roam the many contents — football cheerlead, baseball cheerlead, basketball cheerlead, lacrosse cheerlead, cricket cheerlead. I stop at seeing that. I have little interest in cricket so, I think that will do just fine with me.

I hand out the script to Mrs Meredith and she takes it from me.

"Do you see any interesting one you would like to join?"

"Yeah. The cricket cheer leading."

"Oh, that, luckily for you, there will be a match today. You can check it out, warm up on how they play and you will see some of the cheerleaders there too. You can friends with them." Mrs Meredith says, her smile, growing wider. I smile a ghostly smile back at her.

"I will do that. I should go to class."

"Yes, see you around. Rayne, right?"

"Yes, Mrs Meredith."

I sigh when I get out of her office and start to walk to my class. The first period is already near to getting over so, I will go to the next class instead.

Passing by the ballers' changing room, turning at the next corner, I stop, gasping in embarrassment which is unknown to me as to why I'm feeling so, and shock at what my eyes caught.

Lydia opens her eyes when she notices that the bad boy isn't kissing her anymore. Her gaze fixate on me, sending me evil glare. The bad boy stiffen, raises his gaze at me for a second.

Lydia takes his forearm, and puts it around her waist, snuggling closer to him.

"What are you staring at? Leave." She yells lowly at me. I take steps back, scared by her tone, or rather still shocked from what I saw that Lydia's words has an effect of such on me.

The guy looks me up, till down, no source of embarrassment on his features, neither on Lydia and here I am — saint and yet, getting embarrassed. You've been wiped, Rayne. As much as my subconscious will like to insult me, she's glaring at Lydia currently in utter hatred.

"What are you waiting for?"

"I'm sorry, I was coming from Mrs Meredith's office." I state in a shaky tone. Lydia's eyes widen in realization.

"You think you scumbag can win me?"

Oh, no. I just gave myself out. Lydia knows even before I joined at all. Well, she will know either now or later. Am I scared of her, or why am I bothered if she knows or not? I can do whatever I want to.

"Don't talk to me like that. At least I was doing something good, not having sex in school." I say out of anger, but in a rather low tone, that makes me seem less intimidating compared to how I would have wanted.

Lydia walks forward, but the guy grab her by her waist. She looks back at him, and so did I — he has an amused smile on his lips, as he is looking at me. His eyes, a different colour than I knew them to be — a bit scarlet this time around. Lydia follows his gaze, landing her eyes at me.

I leave, passing by her immediately. The way he watches me pokes out something in me, and I need to quench whatever it is. It's because of his beauty, I'm certain that's why I'm feeling this way towards him.

I text Hayden before my next class begins. "Meet me at the cricket practice today during closing hours, Rayne."

I turn the screen of the phone off, just putting it in my hind pocket when it chimes. I turn the screen on again. Hayden has text back.

"Okay. How was it?"

She doesn't clarify, but I get she's asking about the cheerlead conversation.

"Fine. It went okay. I need to go to class. Also, it isn't a good thing to chat, while in class. Focus on your studies, Miss Hayden Patterson."

"Okay, Miss Rayne Miles."

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