Chapter 3

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Monday comes quickly, indicating my first day for Franklin regional senior high school. I make sure to wake up before mom comes, knocking on my door as if she wants to yank it off.

Taking a quick shower and other morning hygiene routine in the same hurry mode, I start to dress up in a simple, plain blue shirt, black, rough jeans, coupled with a light makeup.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror.
I look appropriately to my age of seventeen, silver gray eyes — rare in my family since dad has brown hazel eyes, while mom has amber — that looks a bit too big to fit inside my small socket, a beige warm undertone skin, rhyming with my darker shade of blonde hair, a light blonde eyebrows and lids.

The mirror easily captures my shorter figure of five feet, four inches.
I turn to the bed, checking the time from the alarm clock next to the lamp. It's seven-thirty and school will be starting around eight. I stock a face-cap into my bag, a sweater and few usable books.

"Rayne." Seven-fourty on clock, mom calls me from downstairs.
"I'm coming, almost ready."
I pick my bag from the bed and check myself once again in the mirror. I look better and great for school. Getting downstairs, mom's prepared pancakes — her fast food — laid on the dining table.

"Be fast with your food. We are late already."

I look over to mom. She's picking a bottle of cold water from the fridge and after she's done, she walks over to the table, pick a pancake and start to eat.

"Dad isn't around?" As usual, I should have figured that out. He must have gone to work early, a conference meeting, maybe.

"Yeah. He has an early meeting. I'll be visiting the town's hospital, my new place of work today. You will have to take the bus in the afternoon, I'll drop you off this morning." Mom explains as she eats, hurriedly.




She sighs. "Nothing. We love you, remember. And our work too."

"I know. Be fast with your food, we don't want to get late." I mirror her words and stride to the car, waiting for mom.

Minutes later, mom drives me to school, and while the drive last, we had a minor chat about the issues of first day at school and random lessons from mom about studying and not making bad friends.

I groan inwardly each time she repeats the lesson again and again and again.

"Be good, darling. Don't forget, try to make good friends." Mom says as she pull over.

She gives me a peck on my forehead when I lower and peer at her through the rolled-down car window. She's said those words more than thrice now.

"Yes, mom." I turn my back, ready to face Franklin when mom calls again.

"Rayne." Her eyes glint with seriousness.


"We love you."

She flashes me a motherly smile and roars off the parking lot. I walk past the walkway with field grasses beneath, watching my environment; most students swarms into the building while some stays outside, chatting with their friends.

Amongst them, are those flaunting with their new, fancy cars. Show offs! Says my inner goddess says from within me. I smile at her.

"High school." I mutter in exasperation and sigh, shaking my head.

Everyone is busy with their doings as I begin to approach the entrance. The interior is cool but I didn't check much of it. I don't want to look like a weirdo, so I just dash straight to the principal's office by the help of some students.

Walking past the hallway to the principal's office, an officially dressed woman, whose blonde hair's styled into a bun with clips holding it firmly by the sides. She rushes from behind the counter to call my attention.

"Rayne, right?" She walks to stand in front of me, a file's on her hand. She looks elegant even in her work outfit and her smile only makes her more friendly.

I smile and nod my head. "Yes."

Her sharp strides gait her behind the counter as she checks a record book or so, I think. "I'm Talia." She glances at me for a brief second and faces the file again.

"Um...I needed to ask. How did you know my name?" Curiosity got the better-most of me. But still, I needed to ask. It's not like I tape a placard on my head with my name scripted on it.

"Your dad's informed the principal, who then informed me. He's a good man to our school, supports a lot." Her smile widens. I didn't know dad knows here, no wonder he wants me to study here.

As she continue to do her thing while I'm standing in front of the counter, I here an argument going on inside the principal's office and I try not to eavesdrop. It seems like a student is in trouble.

Talia's eyes stir up and she stretch forth a paper to me.

"That's your syllabus." Then, she bends under the counter for a minutes before saying. "Your locker's number is..."

The sound of the office door, creaking open, stops Talia mid-sentence.

A feminine frame walks out to reveal the girl who waved at me from the house opposite us the other day — Saturday to be specific.

Her mood instantly lights up from a fury expression and she walks towards me with a smile broadening her face.

"Hey." She greets. "Mrs. Talia." Her eyes dart to Talia or rather, Mrs. Talia who cock a smile to her.

"Hi." I scratch the back of my neck. I'm too introvert and bad at reciprocating speeches.

"You guys know each other?" Mrs. Talia ask and we both nod almost in sync.

She ask, giving me my locker number. "If so, Hayden will you be kind enough to walk Rayne to her locker?" Almost instantly, Hayden nods.

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