Glittzstar's briefings.

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So just want to brief you guys on this.

This book will be of five books.

The first is this one, Within The Cave-Originals, which is talking about Rayne, and the originals family, involving their life as a vampire.

The second book is Within The Cave- Wildlings, which will be talking about Rayne, and the new life she's been indulged into, laid with beasty, wild, and large creatures, known to be called Werewolves, and their hybrid families. As she was with the vampires and vampire Hybrids.

The third book is Within The Cave- Hunters, a book revolving the life of Rayne, and joining up a union to destroy the supernatural's most dangerous, and most afraid predator. Yup! Earthly, world's most dangerous predators have got their own Thanos. Haha. Enough on this.

The fourth book is Within The Cave- Ryders. Talks more on Rayne's life as usual, and the dragon riders and their hybrids. This chapter is going to be complicated and so enticing that even myself isn't so so sure of the plot I'm building for it. It's going to be....gosh...let's wait till then.

Hehe. That was some suspense, isn't it? I'm only kidding.

Fifth book will be named Within The Cave- Hybrids. As it name has gave out some infos, this means it will involve Rayne, the prologue, and all of the supernaturals...IN A WAR!!!!

Against who.....?



Okay...that's all of the briefings. Later guys.

Do vote and comment. On my chapters. And perhaps on this as well. What I need most guys is your views and support. Vote isn't going to take me anywhere. So all I'm asking for is some supporting comments, and many stick-around readers, cause that's what's going to make me have the joy, and ecstasy to continue.

And thanks to HockHayal. And many more readers.


Yup, seeing more views here is better than jerking off...oh, I did not just text that.


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