Chapter 20

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Who knows, maybe where I'm lost into thoughts, I'll start saying things about Nicklaus. Yeah! He's pretty attractive to me and convincing enough to make me drink his features and get attracted to him— his charming, captivating frame had help a lot in that. He has the tools and gadget. I wouldn't and shouldn't blame him to be a bad boy.

If he isn't, girls would be killing themselves over him and sooner than later he'd have no choice than to accept them. Are you going to throw yourself at him? My subconscious ask and I groan again. Why does she have to resurface? I'd have shouted back at her through thoughts but then, I revise, she owns the thoughts.

Nicklaus is daring in my opinion, as if he wants me just like I do. I didn't just think that? We've only met once or twice, okay, no lies to myself, we have only met thrice— the lunch room, the bleachers, and the party and I'm making a firm guess already?

Ouch, headache.

"Shade phoned. I think it'll be appropriate to return one back!" A shout-out tone of mom's voice interrupts my thinking.

"Will do!"

I open my PC and check my mails, there's nothing captivating unless the cheerleader group mail box. I open it and read their message. It's a message from Mrs. Meredith about when it would be comfortable for me to prove myself and join. And that I should reply with the time choice of mine.

I don't know if I should join the cheerleader group. I mean, I wanted to join it to retaliate against the bully Lydia but then, what if it tires me? I never had a thing for cheerleader, so obviously it would tire me one day and I might end up leaving the group, or regretting of ever joining in the first place, or even get embarrassed.

Maybe I should cut it off. I'd give my answer at school tomorrow after I think well about it. I think and slam myself into the soft bed.

My phone rings and I trace my hand to the cabinet to grab it. I place it to my ears and pick it up already before I check  the screen. Shade's name is on the screen.


"What the actual fuck, Rayne? You got me worrying all night where you might have gone to and your phone was unreachable. Thank god, I had your mom's number." Shade blurt.

"Oh, sorry about that. I didn't know."

"It's fine though. I'm at school, so can't talk much. We'd see you at school tomorrow, right? I'd have come to your place but I submitted my art paintings to a company as a freelance and they said they want to review it. So, they need me to be present."

"Maybe they want more than freelance? You're pretty good to become an actual worker." I say and she laughs.


"I'm actually and thoroughly sorry for being a disturbance."

"Better. You're a wave gal."

"Whatever your lordship says." I tease.

"Actually, you sobered me up real quick because I drank too much and thought it's going to be morning before I get better, but when we couldn't find you, then, saw your shoe around the backyard, I got sobered instantly. So I'm-a forgive you for that." She says and I snicker.

"Your mom said you got your head hit, really hard. She just messaged me this morning."


"Hope it isn't serious?"

"Not that I think of, no!"

"How did you even get yourself hit in the head when you never drink with us?"

"I don't really know."

"And how did you get yourself to the hospital?"

"I don't even know—"

Something pops right into my flashes...crimson...bleeding eyes....scarlet....elongated pearly white teeth, tainted with crimson thick liquids...more like blood...inhuman acts...

...Nicklaus and his sister....he was doing something to Lydia...if what I'm thinking is what he is then, he must be feeding off Lydia...yeah, vampires feeding usually subjects to pains...I guess I'm, silly me. I can't be...vampires aren't real...they can't, they can not be...if they are, then the world would have been destroyed since a long time ago, or turned into a vampire-enslave-humans-movie-like world...things wouldn't be like this...

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