Chapter 29

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My breath caught up in my throat. I swear, something hazy just ran past. There's definitely something or someone out there. I need to unravel every thoughts of mine today. I'm not insane. I'm not losing my mind. I'm just a seventeen old girl who wants to clear off her mind on things that are very uncommon to lot of other humans.

With a new determination, I run off to the living room and make my way to the door, mom doesn't wake up still till I get outside.

"Rayne! Is that you?"

Stupid creaking door.

"Yes mom. I'll be back soon."

At the backyard, I wander my eyes into the woods and check the scenery. Nothing seems out of place, or eerie except the wavering leaves atop the big trees. With a deep breath, I take my first step into the woods.

Inside, with only the tall trees and chirping of birds surrounding me, a voice suddenly, out of nowhere booms behind me. I almost jump out of my skin.

"Lost again?"

I turn to my back, coming face-to-face with the bad boy, damn handsome, speeds-up-my-nerves, Nicklaus.


I root my hands into my pockets inside my jeans, his voice are familiar and the black hoods he's wearing relate to the person that helped me out in the woods the other day. I remove my hands from my pockets with wide eyes.

"You're the guy in the hoods, the other night?"

Memories of the hazy figure with red eyes passes by my vision. Could it be him too? What is he even doing here? Is he a stalker?

"Yes." He answers. Did he answer my question, or my thoughts, or both?

Nicklaus walks ahead of me and I stumble over a log of wood when starting to follow him. He held me up and fix me back to a standing position. He couldn't have caught me if he was normal.

I clear my throat and start. "Why are you not at school today?"

"You wouldn't understand. Is there a problem?"

"Yeah. A big one. You're the one with the problems," he scoffs, "I remember the things you did."

"And what are they?" He taunts.

" stopped the van before it could hit me," my voice is barely a whisper and my eyes squint in remembrance, "your hands, they were hurt, they bleed when the van door yanks off and cut your flesh and then, bam! the flesh covers up and healed,"

He listens attentively to me. His blue eyes focuses their intense stare at me, intently, "I woke up in my bed without knowing how. It was strange. Everything was strange. It's gotten my head aching. Mom told me a different story that I hit my head at the party but I know that is not the case. You did something to Lydia and your eyes, they changes colour."

"You know all this base on fantasy researches?"

"But they are true." I look straight into his eyes, "like for now, they aren't their actual blue anymore."

"What are they?" He ask.

My heart speeds up. What if he hurts me by knowing his secrets — he's most likely a vampire or an actual one?

"They are now yellowish-amber. They sparkle but this different eyes are like, staring straight into my soul-- as if they are reading me. They are mysterious. You're, I don't know, abnormal Nicklaus?"

For a reason that's unclear, I start to panic. There will be no one to save me in case anything happens. Incase he does anything.

Nicklaus take steps back, shocked. Shocked Nicklaus? Rare.

"You know my name?"

"Yeah. I fucking woke up this morning and next, I suddenly know your name without asking it from nobody." I yell. "This is maddening, Nicklaus." The frustration is plain in my tongue.

"No, it is not." He looks down as if trying to take it all in but I know it's the other way round. "You need to stay far away from me."

"Don't you get it? I can't. I don't know why but I just can't. I'm...I'm obsessed with you. Give me a goddamn, straight, clear, evident answer for God's sake. Please, Nicklaus." I demand.

"I'm a villain, Rayne. I don't deserve you. I'm not good for you. You can't be obsessed with me. I'm not a kind of person you want to deal with. I came here to clear that."

"I don't believe it. Just tell me things about you."

Thanks so so very very much for reading. Laters people. Oh, do vote and comment and share. 😜

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