Chapter 35

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The hound growls at me, sharp canines bared at me, saliva of his drooling down. He take a daring step towards me, and I freeze. I'm sweating and quivering at the same time. He barks again, then, all of the sudden, he jumps at me. In the fast moment, I can feel myself being ripped off of all thoughts, eyes flared and heart thudding that it causes pain, but then, nothing I expected came at me, expect a hand on my shoulder.

"Open your eyes, Rayne." It is Carl's voice. I will always remember it.

"The—" quickly, I search round my surroundings to find myself still at the library. Catching a glance of the hound, I back off, almost tripping over my feet.

"You're fine." Carl says.

"Thanks." I look at the hound and he seems to be contained. He looks like a domestical puppy, rather than the predatory animal I saw minutes ago. "How?"

"I'm the library's owner's friend. So you can say that I know his hounds through that." Carl smiles at me. "Sorry about that."

Martha runs out from the rear part of the building, panicking. "Rayne, are you okay? Oh, my God, I'm so sorry. I didn't—"

"You have done enough help, Ms. Peterson. You can go home." Carl orders.

I retaliate. "No, I promised to take her home. She helped me earlier."

"I see." Carl gazes down to my palms where the book is kept but I manage to position my hand elsewhere so he wouldn't see. Looking back at Martha, she gives me a thank-you-like expression. I press my lips into a thin line.

"I have someone who would drive her home." Carl says, his tone leaving no space for argument. I open my mouth to retract his words when Martha tells me.

"I have wronged you tonight, Rayne, so I think as a punishment, I'll do as Mr. Wildlings had said." Martha breaths out and walks away.

"You can't do this." I frown.

"I have." Carl state simply. He bends down to rest one of his knees onto the ground. He start to massage the hound's head.

"He didn't hurt you?"

"He can never." Carl says, his head turn to take a glance of me and he smiles. "Sit, Rocket."

As Carl ordered, the hound, now known to be Rocket, sits. "Raise a paw to Ms. Miles — to shake her." Carl made sure to frankly state the last words. I snicker.

As ordered once again, the hound raise its paw for me to shake. I hesitate.

"I promise, he won't hurt you."

Boldly, I shake him, but make sure not to touch those sharp nails of his. I can trust Carl, but not the hound, rather, Rocket.

"See." Says Carl. He is smiling at me. I flush.

He's wearing a blue sweater, black trousers and his dark blonde hair is messily done. I couldn't see much of the colour of his eyes, but in the dark, he's handsome still.

"Mind if we both go to lock this boy and his others in their cage?" He notices my expression. "I swear, none will hurt you."

"Okay, but I—" I don't want to give in, but then, if I go home now, all I will do is read the ancient-type book and think about Nicklaus. More also, Dad and Mom can never be anywhere close to home now. They might not even come home today— that's more than fifty percent sure guess.

"Let's go." I say to Carl and he stands up from his bent position. He takes my hand and with his other, he nudge the hound — Rocket stands up and gait to his cage.

"Wow, he sure knows the way. And you sure have your way with wild animals." I say, and Carl looks at me with an offended gaze.

"He's not wild, okay? He was only afraid since he doesn't know you — what if you were a threat?"

"But I wasn't." I retort. Carl shakes his head.

"As a Wildlings, I'm not wild. And for him to be one too, he is not wild." Carl says as we walk to the rear.

"Do you know what you just said?" I ask, baffled. Carl exhales.

"I was just trying to defend Rocket." He says. I wanted to press, but restrained.

"So, you came here to meet your friend, the owner?"

"Obviously, then, I saw your car and knew you are here. Luckily for you, I was there to save your ass." Carl teases and I swat his shoulders. Damn, he's got muscles. My subconscious is dancing waltz.


"What about you? Wanna show me that book?"

"If I say no?"

"It's no problem."

The moment we get to the lock, silence is all that filled except the howling wind. Odd of hounds to behave this way, but then again, Carl is here. That could explain why. Rocket, by himself enters his cage and whines when Carl close the cage.

"See ya buddies tomorrow." Carl says and gesture for me to follow him. I watch in wonders. As we start to walk away, they all howl and I can feel a pull from Carl to me. I can not understand it. I look at him and he is grinning at me.

When we reach the front part, I start to feel cold again.

"Come here." Carl says. I look over at him in surprise. He is a really changed guy. Way more confident. I do as I'm bid.

Warmth flows from my back to every part of my body when Carl places his hand against my back.

"Guess I have lots of warmth." He says, chuckling lowly.

"Actually, it's weird."

"But anyway is helping." He says and I have to agree. "Let me walk you home." He sounds instead questioning.

"I brought my car."

"What if I ask someone to drive it home for you, so we can really talk?" He sounds pleading. I am fazed.

"We can talk in the car."

"It will not be favourable for me." He says. I look at him in the eye. He shift to me so I can see his expression clearly since the dark obscure most of it.

"You mean it?"

"I do."

"Okay, to make amends of me shouting at you the other day. Is that why you didn't come to school?"

"Actually, I had forgotten that. You have gym class throughout tomorrow, right?" Carl ask, squinting.

"Are you stalking?"

"That's not stalking." He defends himself. I shift my head to face him while I laugh. "Seriously, it is not. Stalking is when you follow someone around to know about them, like a spy."

"That's partially wrong. You know, I observe you to act qauint-like. You're so different." I mention.

"If you don't forget, Morocco is to be blamed."

"I think I appreciate Morocco's work."

"Back to the question, Rayne."

"Yeah, I have gym class." I huff. I hate gym especially when the teacher will have to force you to perform all exercises and use all equipments. It's so tiring, and wearing. I grunt inwardly.

"If this is not too much for you, can you, for old time sake, let me take you to my gym place. I can teach you stuff and we will also have a great time. It will be fun." Carl tells me.

Here another chapter stops.

Thanks for reading guys. I have a new story here on Wattpad which I love too. Well, as I've said before it's not a season book. It's just one. So, if you're a lover of Within The Cave-Originals, do go and read this amazing new work of mine. I'll really appreciate it guys. Laters.

And it's in my second account. Here it is...SanusiAdemola

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