Chapter 18

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When I open my eyes at first, everything was blurry. I couldn't accommodate well. I blink rapidly while being thankful that the surrounding lights are dim, hence supporting sight and soon enough, the adjustment start to claw in.

I'm in a hospital! My thoughts notifies me and I start to panic. What happened? Why can't I remember things?

I turn my head to the left when I feel a hand, entwining mine in a tender manner and see mom. She's sleeping on the hospital's plastic chair, cramped in her position and clearly uncomfortable. I hate to know that it's because of me— all because of me and I can't seem to remember anything.

I notice a rubber tube, passed into my wrist like a wire, entered into my veins with a needle attached to it.

"Mom." I whisper and she shuffles and wakes up.

"Rayne?" She sits up more comfortably, "oh my goodness, you're awake."

"What happened?" I ask instead. I check the side of my neck, having the feeling of it being numb. Something had bit me...

"You had an accident...hit your head and probably in the process, get cut in some places. A colleague of yours from school brought you here and doctor Aaron had helped in your recovery." Mom explains.

"I'm in your place of work then? I can't seem to remember anything. It's hazy."

"Don't worry yourself, okay?" Her thumb guides to rub my knuckles. It soothes me. "I promise it'll be fine, it's probably the concussion. It will soon go away when you relax." I nod at her.

"Please always be careful, Rayne. You're all I have. Don't be reckless or careless to the stage of hurting yourself badly to land in a hospital. Your neck was pretty bruised hard."

And that's what amazes me. How did I hit or rather bruise my neck?

"Okay, mom." I say and she leans over, snuggling me into a gentle hug. I pat her back once and she pulls back.

"I'll go pack my things since we'll be leaving soon. In twenty minutes, I'll be back. You would have been discharged by then, okay?"


Mom take her stand and gaits to the door, and when her hands touches it, I quickly ask.

"What's the time and how long was I asleep?"

"Nine in the morning and you only slept overnight. It was not too fatal, but still don't scare me like that again."

When she emerges, leaving me alone in the room, I start to stir in my thoughts, rooting for the mysteries.

It all started from when I wake up from the bed yesterday without knowing how I even got home in the first place....then, it steers over to Shade and I talking...the food comes in...and followed is the Franklin school community party...I was on my way home when I saw the bad boy and Lydia, right?...yes, accurate...but what happened next?

It got me, reeling over the thoughts where the bad boy might not just be bad but also had some secrets. And those secrets can mean him to be a bad bad boy or a good bad boy. I mean, he was the last person I saw at the bicycle incident before I zone out and he was the last I saw at the party before I zone out again. Maybe he is the cause of things. Says my subconscious from its still-fixated-position, in a somnambulant tone. Could he be?

My thoughts runs off when the door opens, entering in is a man. He looks to be in his early twenties. His white coat uniform stands still on his body and underneath is an ashy shirt, well tucked into his lighter shade of green trousers. His simple dress hangs so seductively on his body, making him look too handsome to the sight.

He has a cold-beige skin, paler than I've ever seen before. His pale tone rings something odd but I can't lay my fingers on it. Lustrously blonde hair of his cascades down his shoulders, packed into a ponytail, and manages to blend alongside his grey shoes, making a low clicking sound as he approaches me. I'm surprised to have taken in much of his appearance. Well, they are sight-worthy.


"Yes." I croak.

Isn't he familiar?

"Hello, Rayne. I'm doctor Aaron." Snatching his eyes off of me, he checks the water bag. "You're fine and free to go home. I'll inform your mother at once."

"Do you want water?" He adds.

"Yes, please."

He picks up a water bottle from the drawer beside the bed— which I hadn't noticed before and pour me a glass cup of water.

"Here you go."

With a nod of appreciation, I collect it from him, gracefully.

He helps me up to change into a sitting position and begins to remove the needles and bandages, used to keep the tubes in place.

"Thank you." I drop the cup onto the drawer.

"No need to. I'm only doing my job," he glances at me, "do you remember much?"

"A bit. Think I need a rest for now."

"Sure you do." I flinch and hiss in pain when he removes— more like yanks the bandages off of my wrist. "I'm sorry." He dramatically say.

"No, it's fine." I take my wrist in my other palm and rub it in a circular motion. The way he had yanked it off my wrist is as if he wasn't expecting me to get hurt.

"I'll take your leave."

He strides out, leaving me to my thoughts again but they don't last long as in five minutes later, mom enters the room.

"We're set, Rayne," when I want to stand, she adds, "do you need a hand?"

"I'm fine mom. I'm not a porcelain doll." I assure and she snort.


Thanks guys for reading. Do vote, comment and share to your friends.

I want to make some clarifications. When I stopped this book on Wattpad, I was still writing it in WPS where I'm almost through with the book. I'm in 85,300 words now. Well, that's not the main thing I want to share, but that there has been some changes in the characters in my newly edited work on WPS. So, probably when I self-publish or something, you guys will be able to read the more detailed work.

For now, note that Hayden's name is now Shade. Which you'll start seeing in the lastest updates. I'm so sorry for the confusion. And thanks for you understanding.....and also, I'll be making more clarifications so there won't be misunderstandings.

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