Chapter 36

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Momentarily, his words choke me up, but then, when I think about it, it actually pays me. Shade might not come tomorrow and Mia and I don't really go along so I will most likely be bored all day and spending that bored day in thoughts of satisfying my end of the bargain, or working out in the gym area will be devastating. I can not even imagine it.

"I'm in."

"Really?" He ask, dubiously.

"Yes. How do we meet?"

"I will pick you up, school time."

"Sure. I will be ready." I'm so appreciative that he decide to save me out.

"Thanks a lot for the offer." I snuggle closer to Carl, feeling more warmth. He's damn hot and... hot!

"You are officially welcome." He chuckles and I smile.

The way back home only takes about twelve minutes of our time, and all while we walk, we had gist coming up - from five grades talks, to junior high school years and many others. We stop in front of the doorstep without a word from any of us both.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow, school time."


"I should go. It's too late and you be inside now." Carl retracts from the side hug and increasingly, I feel the coolness seeping in into my pores.

"That would be a good idea 'cause I'm feeling cold already. You are weird, Carl."

"And you'd meet all my weird friends tomorrow. They will be at the gym." I nod at him. He turns his back and walk down the steps, while I move closer to the door.

"And Rayne, I saw the book. I know that you want to know things, but you should be careful. I will tell no one," that area there, calms me down. At least Martha won't be in trouble. "And when you probably know things, try not to let the cat outta the bag, or else, you might be forced to forget. Goodnight."

Carl strides away and soon disappear into the darkness in the distance. What he said, as if, he knows my intentions? Maybe he knows things about Nicklaus? Or maybe he's a Vampire too?

You weren't even sure as of yet if Nicklaus is a Vampire, and here you are, including Carl into your list? You really need a goodnight sleep. My subconscious tells me and for one of the rarest time in my life, I feel nothing but to agree that she's right. It's all at the base of my head and from there, I'm bringing out things. Anyways, I will still continue my assignment on finding out who Nicklaus Originals is. Entering my room, I soon fall asleep, the book kept in a tight grasp in my hand. Clear your mind, Rayne. Clear your mind. Clear your mind. Clear your mind.

That night, I had a dream about scary red eyes, forest, moving fangs, and many more in blurry sceneries.

Rare. This is the first time, I will see the birds so close that they flap their wings to keep them in balance near the closed window. Their chirping sound along with the wavering of the trees and blaring horns from the distance awakens me fully and that's when I notice the uncomfortablilty that the birds are in. Smiling to myself as I sit up to take a close look at them from the inside, I carefully open the window. I savour the beautiful skin of theirs. Beautiful. So beautiful.

A bird from the crew, all of the sudden, flies over into the room and in my attempt which is involuntary to help myself out from the shock it gave me, I let out my hands and unintentionally hit the bird away, letting it fall down outside. The others flies away, surely in fear.

"Oops, sorry bird. I didn't mean to. And thanks for being my new alarm." I call after them as they fly away. God, it's morning. The gym I'm suppose to go with Carl.

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