Chapter 11

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When the physics class finishes, listening to half of what Mr Peter is saying, while the rest is disturbed by the scenery around the ballers' changing room — Lydia and the bad boy. Their act irks me.

I take my bag and walk out of the class to the bleachers where the crickets team will be playing.

Before I know it, I'm on the field, minutes away from reaching where I am going. On my way to sit, waiting for Hayden when I've gotten to my destination, Lydia stops me on my track. She stands opposite to me, towering me with her frame that's of assumably three inches taller than me. Her friends stands like a bodyguard behind her, more robust, and intimidating than Lydia, herself.

"Excuse me."

"What if I don't?" Lydia questions. Her dark eyes, roaming my figure as if it's nothing, but a mice to her.

"I don't care. I have something else to do — something that matters than having a fight with you." I spit back at her. She looks taken aback by my words, but regains herself. She recompose herself and laugh a devilish laugh.

"You think you are important?" Lydia takes scaring steps towards me. I take two steps back. Okay, she's crazier than I have thought. Says my subconscious from her imaginary hole.

"You want to take my boyfriend from me by pretending to join the cheerlead group so, after you did join, you'd bring out your presumptuous acts out, don't you deny it." She state in a firm tone as if she is damn-right sure of what she's saying. "Don't look so shock, girl. Now you've proven yourself to be someone I can try my tricks on. If anything injurious happens to you, it is me, Lydia."

Her tone is damn threatening to me that I'm forced to remain dumbstruck. If she tells me that my mouth is agape, I won't take it as a lie. I'm extremely shock that she's able to do this to me, that she was able to get at me, that she makes me feel so bad of myself, that I'm so idiotic that I can't talk back at her until I hear Hayden's familiar voice from behind me.

"Oh, please do try anything stupid, and see if you wouldn't rot in jail. As you've said Rayne is still hiding her presumptuous acts, isn't it? What about you? What did you do? You let it out for every guy to get you laid like you are some stupid, come-and-eat-some-banana, girl."


"Rayne has class, Lydia. She's nothing like you."

Inwardly, I send thanks to Hayden for helping me out. Lydia is left agape, while I'm smiling at Hayden.

"I'll get back at you Hayden. And you Rayne, be ready for me from today's on." Lydia threatens, leaving me to reel over her words. Would she really hurt me, like for real? Will she cause me injury? — where? When? How?

I'm confused that I can't think of much, losing my mind already. When I regain a bit of my awareness, I leave the place, noticing that Lydia and Hayden are still arguing over the matter.

"Rayne." Hayden calls after me. I can't stop walking. I just want to leave. I'm sure when I leave here, I would have more than ten comebacks for Lydia, but as for now, I have none.

"Rayne, wait."

Hayden calls after me again. When I reach the bicycle parking space, I search for mine and Hayden's. When I see mine, I wheel it out. My hands are fidgeting on the handle, tears threatening to come out, but I manage to hold them back. The painful parts of it all is that I'm being presumptuous, just to have an affair with the bad boy. I might have an attraction towards him, but it is not enough for me to want to invite him to my bed, or his. I can't help but replay Lydia's thinking. What if that's what many other thinks too? Lydia is a popularity, if she tells students those words, they might believe her.

Hayden grips my forehead, and I'm too weaken to even shake her hands away.

"You don't believe her, do you?"

"Of course, I don't." Hayden tells me in a serious-minded way. It doesn't calm me in any way still.

"I will see you at home."

I hover my legs over to the other side of the bicycle in an attempt to wheel it soon.

"We came here together. Let's go together as well." Hayden tightens her grip on my forearm, stopping from being able to wheel the cycle.

"I can't. Please leave me alone Hayden."

For a moment, Hayden did not, but suddenly, she leaves my forearm. Her eyes are looking down, at her feet, I assume. She raises her head, staring at me. I look behind Hayden, seeing that Lydia is gone abreast with her friends.

"You will let that bastard witch spoil our friendship?"

"No, it's..." I trail off, seeing the figure unfolding ahead of me, on the field. There he is — the bad boy, watching me with an intent gaze that forces me to lower my eyes. I could see the colour of his eyes — golden cream.

It is very different from the one I had seen at the ballers' changing room. Does he use contact? My subconscious questions rhetorically. Even if he is, he can't be changing contact every now and then, not as frequent as this. Maybe that's how he's even handsome every time. My subconscious reports to my discomfort. Why can't she just shun my thoughtful mouth?

His eyes stream from me to the bleachers. I follow it, forgetting that Hayden is saying something to me — to see Lydia and her friends. Of course he would be looking at her.

Suddenly, he glances back at me — his eyes are of a different shade, I couldn't decipher them since they are now darker, and they hold shock in them. He holds up his hand.

Vote and comment and share. I didn't use WPS office so, there will be many flaws. Note them for me because I'm not rereading.

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