Chapter 5

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Classes ended slower than I expected as l learnt few things about what the AP biology teacher is teaching. As soon as the lunch bell rings, Hayden hurries me out of the class for our lunchtime as if it's going to end as soon as it begins. 

We grab our luncheon and try to find a seat in the crowded room when the frame of the stumbled girl comes to our view. She's sitting alone on a table. Hayden and I walk over to her. Seeing us, she cheers up, wave and smile, ushering us to come and sit.

"You arrive faster than us. Why?" Hayden ask and drops her head to start eating her food. On my plate is a simple food, containing two toasted bread, stuffed together with a maple syrup in between and a pineapple juice.

Hayden's friendly, that's certain. The ways she's already getting used to the girl whom she just met today makes me feel a bit jealous. I wish I wasn't too introversive.

The girl shrug and gulp down half the bottle of water in front of her. "The math class ended up faster than possibly expected." She turns to me. "I'm Mia."

"Rayne." I say back to her and we share a smile.
"You're a new student?" She ask me.
"Yeah. I started today."
"Wow. You are so lucky that Lydia hasn't been planning tricks on you till now. For me, she pours ketchup on my white shirt, on my first day here."

"Sorry. She must be naughty."

"She's more than naughty." Hayden chimes in, digging into her food. "Anyways, math class never ended up faster."

"Yup. But the math teacher has been changed." Mia replies.

Deciding not be the third wheel nor a non-sociable person, I quickly ask. "To whom?"

Before she could answer, Hayden gasp and freeze. "To the Originals' family." Her eyes almost poke out. "Perhaps, they are finally wanting to stay here for a bit more time."

"The Originals' family?" I ask almost immediately. They seem like some popular bingo.

Breezes from outside the cafeteria fans on my skin as the door to the dining hall opens widely, releasing an intoxicating scent. A masculine frame enters followed by a girl gaiting behind him.

"Look who's here. The original Originals." Hayden announces, whisperingly.

"The originals? Is that even a thing, not to say being someone's surname?" I ask again.
"Seriously?" Hayden is surprised. She pauses for a while. "Like for real, you don't know them?"

"We just moved here, remember?" I whisper back to Hayden before I look behind me once again. "Why are we whispering?"
"They seem to hear things. They are a real weirdo."

I feel myself drawn to their appearance as I watch them closely. The guy's wearing a blue V-neck with an ashy jacket on top. His jeans are of black colour, rhyming with his mode of black sneakers. He has a golden-blonde hair that shines under the effect of the rays of the noon light. His lashes seems sharp as I find myself staring at him like a weirdo — which Hayden's described him to be. I'm drooling on him and I wouldn't dare not to accept it as a fact.

He's jaw is sharp and his cold ivory features are chiseled. He's smoking hot. Stunning and the word handsomeness seems like an understatement to his beauty.

The girl, who's behind him is no less of a beauty. Her jet black hair is pulled into a high ponytail, leaving some strands behind to roam around her forehead as the same goes to the boy too. She's dressed in a round-neck polo that hugs her body tightly, bringing out her curvy shapes. She could be an oppression to shapeless or obese females. Her jean-pants also tightens against her beige legs. Her features are sharp but not as sharper as the guy's. I didn't see their eye colour since they are facing backwards to us in their seat.

"The bad guy and the bad girl." Hayden continues to praise.

I focus my attention back on her. "You seem to know a lot about them. Tell me some." Curiosity is getting the whole of me and I've no choice than to satisfy that part of me.

"Well, first of all, I'd warn you not to fall for the guy. He's a womanizer." Hayden says.

"Hm." I tilt my head at her in jocularity. "Why do I have a feeling that..."

Mia takes over the speech and focus her attention on me. "...she's asked the boy out and he doesn't agree, so Hayden, here." Mia directs the back of her thumb to Hayden. " angry or probably jealous that he's going out with the other girls but not her." Mia makes a slight bow and spread forth her hands before her. That's odd for her. She's finally getting comfortable around us.

"Easily explained like a, b, c." I tease further and join Mia in a fit of laughter.

"What?! You guys are unbelievable!" She groans, jabbing her arms at her sides.

"Okay. Jokes apart. What do you know about them?" I ask with seriousness, lacing my words and look back at the originals.

"They used to keep to themselves most of the time, has no friends." Hayden whisper to me.

"As how? Why do they do that?"

"As I said, earlier, no one knows anything about them."

To my surprise, I catch the guy looking back at our table. More specifically, his gaze is fixed on me. I turn down my gaze to the table. His unknown eyes, on me are intense with an unexplored purpose.
"He's looking at me, Hayden." I whisper, having a weird feeling in my body. He's doing something to me without actually doing anything.
"What? Wait..." Hayden turn her gaze to the guy's table and shift back to me.
"Yes, he is. He's watching you as if he wants to figure you out. Maybe he likes you."
"You don't know that." I protest. "You no nothing, Hayden."
"My guess never trick me."
"Focus." I whisperingly yell in frustration. "Is he still watching me?"
"Yeah. Just act like you didn't notice, hopefully he'd retract."
I take Hayden's advice and raise my head, focusing on the pineapple juice. I sip it and for an odd reason, I blink up at him.
Hayden doesn't seem to notice anymore as she and Mia indulge into another conversation.

He's ravishing. There's something about them that makes them beautiful and crystal clear, attracting to them to sight. They seem paler than normal, their skin, lightening up in the ray of light. Their skin's snowy in some ways, making them look extraordinary.

Suddenly, an irritating shrill erupt from the door as it kicks open. The disgusting face of Lydia brightens up as soon as her artificial eyelashes lands on the guy. She squeal, running towards their seat and in the process, stopping our small staring contest. I jealous or something? I can suddenly feel a strange feeling of fury in the pits of my stomach when she bumps into his frame and gives him a hug which he replied to.

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