Chapter 16

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"What does it contain?" I ask, darting my eyes from Hayden to Mia, before looking at the glass of shot in my hand. We are sitting inside the booth, facing the crowds that are busy dancing and enjoying themselves.

"Tequila." Mia responds.

"Oh." Is all I manage to say. I used to hear tequila is very alcoholic, no wonder we are going to take it.

"One, two, three, go, girls." Hayden calls for us, and we all take the shot in one draw — Hayden and Mia. Me, I'm an exception. I sip it little by little, holding another shot, after dropping the last glass. I feel like if I drink it once, it will get into my brain, and injure me.

"One, two, three, go, girls."

Again, we take the shots. When I lower my eyes, the tequila burns me more, two folds than earlier. My eyes waters, causing my vision to get blurry.

"Rayne, are you doing fine?" Hayden ask.

"I think so. You guys have taken all the shots?" Disbelief etches my tone. These girls are tougher than I thought. When I blink up at Hayden, through my blurry lashes, she looks just fine. Mia, on another account, seems just as disorientated as me.

"Yeah. What did you expect?" Hayden ask, her voice is huskier. She stares at me with a courageous brown eyes. Hope they don't kill someone tonight.

Mia hiccup, falling her body onto the booth's wooden counter, she hiccups again, using her hands to cover her mouth.

"I feel on top of the world." She blurt out.

"You feel it too?" Hayden yells out, laughing for no reason, and she pats Mia on her back.

"I sure do."

"Are you guys, okay? Maybe I should drive you home. It will not be too late for me to go back and see mom." I add, more directing my words to Hayden, but she doesn't seem to be hearing me.

The song changes, changing the rotating ball too to blue lights, and out of the blue, Hayden yells, bolting up from her seat. At first, I thought something bit her, until I come into the realization that it is the alcohol's effect. Mia whoops after her, both of them, running to the dance floor, to the top of the small, circular, dancing stage at the middle where few students are, getting wild, I suppose.

"Hayden." I stand from my seat, but almost trip over my feet. Aren't I going to be spared?

I go on my knees, steadying myself from any abrupt fall. When I think I'm okay, I stand again, wait for some seconds for total balance, after I start to walk to the outside. I have had enough.

With slow, steadying pace, I manage to get outside. The chill air, brushing past my skin. Inside would have been a good idea, you know. My inner thoughtful self tells me. Oh. I will not fall for those tricks of hers. Going in back there will just be another bad idea. I had two shots, and I'm behaving this way — hardly being able to control my consciousness. What if I had five? I can't imagine the terrors I would do. More so, mother needs me.

The coldness eases me, momentarily, but then, will come back after a pause. I pass by an Audi to Hayden's Camry, hearing a muffling grunt from the inside. Before I look over, I already guessed what I will see. The still-on-fucking-sessions students didn't even notice me, passing by, as I couldn't see their faces, but passes by their car.

I pick mom's food from Hayden's car, preparing to find an uber to take me to the hospital. I pass by the packed cars, directing myself to the street. I turn on the GPS, then search for the main street. Finding it, I look at the time, it should take me nothing more than twenty minutes to get there if I walk faster so, I prepare myself towards the lane, leading to the main street.

I have put the blaring music to the back of my mind, but now that I'm at ease of finding my way out of here, it comes back, invading my ears.

I am passing by the house, when the back door open. The bad boy and Lydia walks out. She's leading, taking his hands, as she's laughing hysterically, putting his hands on her butt, while she turns to her front, and kisses him once, gentle.

She pulls back, waiting for his reaction, I guess, but then, he takes her face at either sides with his large hands, and kisses her again. They don't notice me, standing just meters away from them, on the clear, open, dark street.

There's a tree beside the street so, I hide myself there, watching them with irritation. I can not say why I'm doing so — watching them, kiss and face-fuck. It irks me anyways, seeing them at such proximity. Don't they align? — a perfect couple. They look just so fine together, they get each other since they are both cruel — Lydia disturbs my life, while he disturbs my mind. They cause me nothing but trouble, discomfort, and pain. I feel sore sober, and somber — the alcohol is a once upon a time.

I turn my back to meet the tree, fuming my mouth, and look heavenwards. The sky is filled with a crescent moon, small tinkles of stars, and dark clouds, rumbling in the background as the music that's playing on the inside.

I should go. I say in my own head and grip the polythene bag, when Lydia gasp, as if she's suffocating. Listening closely, I notice it is as if her neck is being strangled, causing her to strain from shrilling.

Quickly I turn, hiding myself from getting seen, but watching the scenery unfolds itself before me. Then, I watch what I'm seeing, and could decipher. The bad boy is sucking her neck?

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