Chapter 31

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Till the end of that day, I didn't get off my bed as all I did was brooding over what Nicklaus meant. All what he's said and the meaning, hindering behind them. He doesn't look like a bad boy to me... well, through characters, he might be, but with the way he meant it sounded horrific — also that he's a killer?

The way he had said it sends chills all over me and I draw the pillows, clutching it close to me every now and then....his words haunt me till I fall asleep at night.

And that night, I had dreams about — red, crimson eyes...changing lens of Nicklaus ravishing eyes as if he's using contact every minutes...sometimes, I'd find myself in a dark room, a spot light shining over my frame and everywhere else will be dark...terrifying glows of eyes will surround me, as if in the movies. I shudder all while I dream and around six in the morning, I sit up and watch some comedies on the Internet to pass time and change my mood — it actually helped.

I spend my days this way and luckily, I start to get over Nicklaus. But my deal of finding who he is, is still in my mind.

Three weeks has passed and life hasn't been so fair to me. For Shade, her project is going fine, meaning fate is supporting her unlike me, who's sadden almost every time. She's submitted the atheistic portrait and it's pending, I think she'll get result of her success tonight which is the time, the company gave to respond back to her.

Mia, on the other side has changed completely— she and Shade are five and six, best friend forever. They spend time together than with each of them with me. Not that they wouldn't but I haven't been paying much attention to them. I'm busy on offering my end of the bargain — finding out who Nicklaus Original is.  And I don't care about it at all, finding Nicklaus hidden identity is my main priority. And I can't explain the obsession

When the bell rings, startling me as I'm brooding over my plans of discovery for today, totally not hearing all what Mr. Charleston has been saying — the chemistry teacher.

I bolt up from my seat and regain myself before I rush out of the room faster than any of the students. The hallway is now crowded and I ruffle my way to the lunch room. While I pass through, I notice the somber expression on everyone's faces and since today is Thursday it seems odd. We're getting to the end of the week.

Shade nor Mia has arrived when I glance at our tables. I don't bother to pick a tray since I'm not taking much food, so I just grasp an apple and a soda.

I gait to the tables and sit, darting my eyes around, looking at the bickering of the students — some of the boys which I remembered as players for the cricket team jokes about random stuff, not sitting appropriately on the table but at its hem.

Ridiculous! That's one thing my subconscious calls them and I agree.

Shade's figure comes into view while I watch the boys and then, I notice that Mia is accompanying her. They both occupy our table with their trays in their hands. I approach them.

"What are you staring at?" Ask Shade.

"Nothing, just thinking actually." I never lie about 'it' but I never tell people what the 'it' I'm thinking about is.

"You've been thinking since the last few weeks." Mia points out and I scoff.

I open the cap of the soda and take two sips. The gas, erupting from it into my throat, waters my eyes and I manage to couch it out.

"Enough about what's wrong with me — it's my personal problem," then, I change the topic, "what's wrong with everyone?"

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