Chapter 15

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Hayden and I finish our breakfast faster, had a series of marathon watching of movies — season movies, included. Meanwhile, Hayden falls asleep without me, knowing until she awakes, shuffling. Her sleepy figure doesn't look so bright as her active one.

We make laughs, occupying ourselves with discussion other than school talks, until we notice that five in the evening has ticked. We move to the kitchen, preparing mom's food.

Hayden takes control of the rice, while I take control of the chicken, frying it. We eat some out of, before packing the largest piece of it, abreast the fried rice into the iron flask to help in residing the heat till we get to mom's place of work.

I put the flask into a polythene nylon and pack it into the back seat of Hayden's car since we are taking it. I should take my car instead since I haven't taken it out in a long time, but I don't want anything to happen it. Party and the commotions that accompany it. What if fights happens? I wouldn't want my car injured.

Hayden goes back to her house to have a shower, and get dress, while o stay at my place to do the same, except showering, of course.

I change into a curvaceous, crimson red gown, stopping just above my knees. There's a open design of a star shape at the back, revealing my skin, but doesn't reach my butt though. I take mom's ruby red heel shoes, and put it on. My golden bracelets from last year's Christmas, received from dad. I pack my darker, blonde hair to cascade down my back, before drawing all the strands to slide down my left shoulder, making it look seductive in some ways. I smile to myself. There is no way mom wouldn't know that I went to a party, before coming to her place. She won't be annoyed at all, but she will surely ask the sexual-protectiveness questions that always irks me.

Seeing myself beautiful enough, I walk back to the living room when after five minutes, the front door opens, Hayden enters. Wow. My head lights up, seeing her.

Her golden, caramel skim blends well with the golden, shining gown she is wearing, having a design made with beads at the chest area. The rims stops at cleavage, as it is sleeveless like mine. Her gown opens at the back in a likewise design as mine, revealing more of her golden skin. I beam a smile of approval at her, definitely reaching my eyes.

She adds copper, four inches, heel shoes to her outfit, and a purse of light cream colour. She looks a determined woman, confident, beautiful, have guys, falling at her knees, guys, yanking out their hearts just for her. She's damn beautiful.

"How do I look?"

"Ravishing." I state in the one word that comes to my mind, the moment she asked me. I look down at my dress.

"How do I look?"

"You are standing awkwardly."

Unlike Hayden who knows how to lift her legs in an alliance with the heels, I'm a contrary.

"It's the heels. I can't really move it."

"Oh, don't worry, you will when you start to walk. Just walk next me in case anything funny happens." She says, checking out my outfit.

"Oh, thanks."

"You aren't using makeups." Hayden sounds like she's asking me a question instead. She's surprised if I'm not reading her in the wrong way.

"You are very beautiful, Rayne, but you'll need some makeup still — some light mascara to bring out more lashes to lessen your big eyes." She says, checking me out.

"Why aren't you a makeup artist?"

"I might be, but I prefer art — painting, and drawing more. I have a couple of works, you might want to check. They are beautiful."

"I trust you to make a perfect job."

"Let's put that aside, but intensify your beauty, pronto."

Hayden leads me back to my bedroom. I glance up at the wall clock — five-seven in dusk, it says.

She position me in front of the mirror, standing behind me to check me out before she starts to pick out items from her purse. Oh, now you know its function.

"Is that all what you put in there?"

"Mostly. There are other items like money, passports, some more."

She continues with her work. In twenty minutes more, we are ready to go.

The drive to the party is mostly shared in silence, none of us, talking much, expect when we see things amusing, or beautiful on the roads while we pass by.

Within minutes more we get to the community where Hayden informs that the party would be taking place. It's dead silent when we enter the area, causing my heart to spike up an abnormal beat. There's no light from the houses on either sides of the street, except the street light as usual to situations like this.


"We are okay, Rayne. We live in a small town, Rayne." Is she recalling that? "There's a Franklin community area, made by the students. Something like a frat house, but a community instead." She explains, making me calm from the fear, creeping up on me.

As Hayden had informed me, when we drive inside increasingly, we come across the booming sound of the fast music from afar.

Getting closer to the place, the music becomes lucid that Hayden sings after it. I stay silent, watching the big, clubby house where the party is taking place, before we park at the lots. We get down, and Hayden takes my hand. I blink up at her.

"I don't want you lost."

"Thanks, Miss possessive." I tell her, smiling. Hayden snicker.

We enter the room, and I'm first being blinded by the ball-shaped, rolling lights of different colours. I use my free hand to face-palm, covering myself from the punishment-causing light. Hayden laughs beside me.

She looks around like the light is nothing affect-able to her. Her eyes are wide, wandering.

"What are you looking for?"

"Mia." She says. "Oh, there she is." Her mode brightens, pulling me with her to where Mia is.

Mia's colour of dress is complex to explain since the light is changing some colours to another, reciprocating. She's wearing a gown as us too, an heels, a bracelet, and a purse. Her hair draws down her back.


Hayden pulls her into a tight hug.

"Hayden. I thought I wouldn't see you." Mia responds within the hug.

"Why won't I?"

Hayden pulls back, letting Mia sees me. She takes a stand from the booth to pull me into side, light hug. She pats my back in a feather-like mode, and I do the same.

"How are you doing, Rayne? I heard about it." Mia tells me. I look over to Hayden. She's raising up her hands in a surrender mode, freeing herself from any guilt I might want to lay on her.

"Don't worry, I didn't tell anyone." Mia assures, adding.

"Hmm. So, what are we going to do?"

"Take three shots and get wild." Mia wails, flipping her hands above her head in a swaying way. Hayden and I laugh at her.

"Mia, pour us the shots, then." I say, turning my voice to as husky as I can.

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