Thank You [Ulquiorra] for Samori

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Ulquiorra didn't know why he did it. Why he got involved in such a trivial matter. He had been in the World of the Living for a mission. While walking in a barely lit street the Espada heard the cry for help. "Trash," the young man muttered, walking past the alleyway.

"Sit down and shut up," a thug growled, forcing a female down roughly. "Do as your told."

"Yeah, don't make the boss angry," spoke another.

"No!" she yelled. "I will never stop!" Ulquiorra stopped. "I will never stop until I can get away from you! I'd rather die!"

Maybe it was because she spoke up to them, no matter the danger? Or the sincere determination in her voice? Or the fact she was never going to give up?

He intervened.

An invisible force threw the men off the young woman, knocking one out cold, the other scrambling to get away. Ulquiorra looked down, realizing, the one who had been attacked was looking right at him.

"Thank you," she breathed, gripping at the torn shirt. The Espada stood frozen, shocked that she could even see him. "They attacked without warning..."

Finally composing himself, the Espada turned away. "Go home, human."

Not trash.


It should've been the last time he saw her. That was not the case. Ulquiorra had been walking in the same area, looking for someone with spiritual pressure. Him and a group of other Arrancars had been instructed to eliminate anyone with pressure so the Soul Reapers would not find more allies.

And there he saw her walking on the other side of the street, before entering a run down apartment complex. The young man was not curious by nature, yet still found himself drawn to follow.

One bedroom, a kitchen that was barely functioning because half of the appliances did not work, and a small bathroom. The only other form of living space came from a two-person table, crammed into a corner of the kitchen. The young woman packed everything away before turning on the burner to the stove, which flickered before going out. Running a frustrated hand through her hair, she rummaged around a drawer before pulling out a lighter and igniting the flames.

Ulquiorra watched her well into the evening, observing the streets as well, looking for his target. Her clothing was baggy against the thin body beneath, a ratty appearance to the articles. They were clearly old, possibly pre-owned. Her brown hair was pulled up into a messy ponytail, green eyes scanning a newspaper. During that time, she had eaten a small portion of white rice and noodles, clearly not satisfying her always grumbling stomach.

The Espada didn't know why he took an interest in the young woman. It wasn't like he was going to walk up to her and start a conversation. In fact, he wanted nothing to do with a human, no contact whatsoever. Ulquiorra would rather observe from afar.

His target became known in the area, and he turned away from the window to finish his mission.


It was raining one night, the only window in the run-down apartment cracked open. The smell of rain floated into the room, calming the young woman. Something was bothering her, besides the fact that bills were increasing in price, and the job she held was soon no longer going to be able to pay for everything. Not facing the window, she spoke, "If you're going to keep watching me, I'd prefer you let yourself be known. I don't like stalkers."

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