Prolouge: Suck My Balls

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This is the story of two people, Simon Says and Etch-a-Sketch... and how they became some of the world's most- well.. pretty decent heroes, and more importantly, pretty good homies.
You see, this isn't your average crawl to fame, cringey autobiography that most pros spit out these days. This is about a teacher and a student at UA high school, joined by the marriage of each of their siblings. And for a while they absolutely fucking hate each other.
The in-laws...

"You want the maid of honor to wear her hero costume..?" Simon Says, the Control Hero, said to her older sister on the phone.
"My fiancée's family is a huge fan! And so is like, everyone in Japan!"
Simon sighed, letting Amara be dramatic as always.
"I left for a reason, and I'm not here to be back in the public light anytime soon.."
"My fiancée has a sister that's trying to go to UA like you did.. and now that you and Mom are moving here to be with me, might as well at least stop by dressed up."
Simon stayed silent.
"For your favorite sister..?"
"You can't tell anyone that my name is Janice anymore, alright."
"Deal, Simon!"
"Amara's sister is Simon Says, Luna! Even if she's mean, you might get a recommendation for UA!" Her older brother's aunt said at the rehearsal dinner.
"That's the part that's stressing me out! What if I make a bad impression??" The girl responded, panicked. She was a huge Simon Says fan, but with UA's entrance exams so soon, it made her feel even more stressed.
Bryan's wedding was tomorrow. He was her acting guardian and half brother. The one that moved back to his home country to live with Luna when their mom decided, 'Hey! I'm gonna force Luna to go to UA! Better yet, I'm gonna send her to Japan two years early to prepare her for going to school there! And since Brian's from there, he can just uproot his whole life and move there too! I'm a great mom🌸💕✨!'
Because her mother parented her children like shitty owners treat their dogs.
At least she's not here with us...
She didn't even fly out for the wedding.
It's her 2nd year living here, and she can proudly say that she'd consider herself fluent in Japanese and avoiding her mother.
But her brother is marrying an American woman, so now she's going to have to acquaint herself with more white people...
It was a pain.

The vows were cute, and the flower girl was at least in middle school, which surprised Simon. She liked the flowers though, she didn't recognize them, but they were beautiful.
The wedding had been officiated and Simon made her exit, her hero costume from the last time she was in the country sitting unfamiliarly on her body.
Simon had spent a few years back in America, and through some advertising campaigns and a lot of attempts to make more money, her costume became less and less appropriate.
Luna stared at the pink and blue haired woman on the other side of the isle.
Simon Says was usually a stealth hero, it never made sense why she had such bright hair...
But she'd always loved it. It reminded her of cotton candy.
Luna was even more confused when she came back in her old hero costume, cape and all.
"SIMON SAYS.. CONGRATULATIONS!" She yelled in slightly-rusty Japanese.
The whole crowd cheered, and Luna's eyebrows shot up.
Her idol was standing right in front of her, and all she felt was distaste.Years of admiration amounted to nothing in her head. Her sudden change in feeling gave her whiplash.
What happened? She adored Simon.
But right now, the hero just put a bad taste in her mouth.
'The flower girl is glaring at me' Simon thought, kind of scared. She was the one wanting to get into UA right? Maybe she's just a big fan with a weird expression..?
She walked up to the young lady.
"Simon says.. your skills were wonderful!" She said with little effort, and the girl blinked, unamused.
"I'm sure you're ready to train hard to be the best hero!"
Luna clenched her fists.
"No?" Simon asked. "Look, Kid, I'm trying here.. I didn't wanna do this."
Luna cocked an eyebrow. "It's your sister's wedding and your hero rank is still 68th in Japan after not being here for 3 years. Why are you upset?" She asked bluntly.
Why is this overgrown flower girl so rude?!
"Oh, I'm sorry! I meant why do you seem so sad when you are such a famous hero? Isn't that the whole point of your little thing?"
That's supposed to be better?!
"Listen kid! I'm sad because I'm an adult in the world, it's not that hard to understand. And you need to not be so blunt and rude to your senior!"
"Senior citizen.." Luna mumbled as she turned to walk away.
"What did you say?!" Simon asked.
"I can make you juggle bowling balls, kid!"
"Real heroic!"
"You're the one who called me old!" Simon yelled back.
"You're no more mature than I am! No wonder you left!"
Simon's blood began to boil. "You better watch your mouth! For a middle schooler you sure are a brat!"
"Yeah, whatever! Suck my balls old lady!"
"Luna!" Her brother called in a scolding tone as the newlyweds re-entered the bar area where they were fighting.
"Janice!" Simon's sister yelled.
"You said you wouldn't use my name!!" She cried out.
"You're such an old lady your name's Janice?!" Luna laughed.
"I'm gonna kill you, kid!"

The In-Laws||MHAxOCS||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon