1. Beat the System

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"Why do I need another job?? Mom's on a better healthcare plan now, all I need to do is hero stuff to support her."
"They need a TA, and you're great with kids. Plus, it comes with a free apartment off campus~" Amara explained to Simon.
Good with kids? Does she remember the wedding at all???
"C'mon, please? TAs don't even have to do that much, you'll be there for just like, the homeroom class. My husband says they would be reaaaally thankful if you took the job! They requested for you specifically to test this new position!"
"You really had to go and get all romantic with the head of security at my old high school? They wouldn't even have known I moved here by the time the school year started if it weren't for you!" Simon whined.
"C'mon! The press probably won't even know you're there because of how small the job is! So you can continue to quietly work on that one case!"
Simon sighed. "You always convince me to make bad decisions..."
Her sister grinned.

"I'm gonna die."
Luna's brother laughed, pushing her out of the car. "You'll be fine. Just, at least try, ok?"
"Yeah, yeah. 'Do it for me' and stuff."
He drove off, leaving her to walk into UA by herself.
It was beautiful.
The architecture was flawless, and it was huge. But the faces of excited students about to try out for the UA hero course only made her hate it.
No matter how much she dreamed of this, she had one job..
She adjusted her backpack on her shoulder, and drew on her arm with her finger, because she was nervous.
The tiny little bird popped into reality and flew away, leaving everyone staring at the weird girl.

A written test???
A school for pro heroes, and the first thing you do to get in is a written test??
Yeah, no.
So she flunked it.

For the entrance exam, they had to fight off killer robots.
She was probably gonna die.
She scanned the crowd of people... some kids from her school, of course. Everyone wants to be a hero...
She just needed to occupy all fifteen minutes without getting any points. Avoid the robots, don't die.
She didn't wanna go to UA.
"Go!!" She ran forward with the other kids.

As soon as they got in, this blond guy burst forward with... were those explosions from his hands?
That was a violent quirk.
And he seemed to have a violent personality, too.
This kid was blowing up one robot after the other as he flew through the air, leaving people on the ground crushed beneath the metal.
"What a dick!" She exclaimed.
If she wasn't gonna get points, she was gonna help someone.
She ran to the nearest wall, sketching out some roller skates, putting them on, then a large, long metal pole.
And she started to trail him, pushing people out of the way before he could get to them.
"Hey, you asshole! Stop hurting people!" She yelled.
He definitely growled as he turned and landed on the broken robot ahead of him. "WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?!"
She bonked him with the stick. "I'm literally pushing people out of the way like you're a train!"
Did he just call me an extra? What in the hell kinda insult is that?
The unfamiliar sound of cement crumbling in on itself made her turn her head.
Oh fuck.
The zero point robot was huge.
Could she still back out???
The blond bitch fled, probably to get more points, and Luna was about to do the same, but...
some kids were trying to frantically avoid it, and they got themselves caught in the process.
She needed to help them...
"Think, think, think, Luna.." She thought to herself as she pulled a marker out of her pocket.

Luna Wechsler. Quirk: Animation! She can make anything she draws on a flat surface or her body into reality using her quirk! Their durability and power relies on how detailed the art is!

A rocket launcher. She could shoot a rocket at it.
It was only kind of stupid.
She sketched one out on the wall in front of her. She'd researched enough to know how to draw most weapons.
She activated her quirk and caught it as it fell from the wall.
The robot turned at the sound, spotting her and focusing it's beady eyes.
Line up the trajectory, and.... launch!
Ok so, maybe it was a bad idea to not color it. She knew the quality wouldn't be great, but she didn't think the rocket would completely miss the robot and land on a nearby building, blowing the top floors to pieces and making her fly back into a wall with the force.
This was not good.
I mean, it was good for her not getting in the school, but not good for her back.
What else could she do? It was stalking towards her now.
It hurt like hell to move, How many bones did she break?
She fiddled with the marker cap, tearing it off and scribbling on the concrete in front of her.
Clouds, she used charcoal from her pocket to blend them with practiced ease, and then a fast white stripe down from the sky, with some chalk. They were both broken, but they did the job.
A cloud slowly appeared over the robot, like a comic, and a huge zap scared her into looking up.
Wow... lightning's so pretty up close...
The heavily electrocuted robot fell to the ground, taking the sides off of the nearby buildings with it.
Luna couldn't stand, and she couldn't breath well, but she could smile at her work.
Then she turned to her left and threw up.
"My arm!" A girl cried from under the rubble of her first blast.
Oh my god, Luna! Idiot!
She scolded herself as she weakly stood.
Hurts less when I'm up.. yeah!
She tried to convince herself as she painfully ran to the pink haired/skinned girl.
"Are you okay?!" She asked as she tried to lift the rubble, feeling woozy.
An idea graced her.
She went for her arm this time, and drew a hammer.
Then she took the hammer and chipped away the rubble on the girl's arm.
"Thanks!" She said as she rubbed her freed wrist.
"I'm so sorry, I-" she began, and a 3 point robot showed up behind the pink girl.
"Watch out!" She cried, throwing the hammer, hitting it right in it's red eye.
"Woah! Nice shot!" The girl complimented. "Thanks for freeing me and good luck!"
Did I just unintentionally get three points?!
When she tried to move, tears came to her eyes and she wanted to scream in pain.

She woke up in the infirmary. When did she fall asleep? Last thing she remembers was the pink girl and the robot...
Recovery Girl walked in and smiled. "Oh, you're awake dear, thank goodness." She handed Luna a glass of water.
"Um, how long have I been here?"
"Just a few hours, dear. You fainted right before the exam ended. Broken bones and some quirk overuse. Nothing that couldn't be fixed."
Luna thanked her, a bit awkwardly.
"By the way, congrats on getting admitted to UA!! You're going to love it here."
Her eyes popped out of her head. "WHAT??!"
Recovery Girl just smiled cheerfully at her.
"But- I- I got two robots!! One of them wasn't even worth any points! And doesn't this take like, time to figure out?!"
"Oh, I've said too much, haven't I? The test was more complicated than that, dear. You'll see when you get your letter. Between you and me though, you should be excited about the results."
"Wow... I'm stoked.."
"Great! Now get some rest and I'll call your guardian to pick you up!"
"Thank you..."
She grabbed her pillow and screamed into it.
As All Might's projected image congratulated her acceptance, all Luna could do was sob.
Something about rescue points. She got 70? And they weren't told about it to bring out their 'genuine selflessness'?
She hiccupped when she saw her name flash on the ranking, the number 3 next to it.
She was the only person that got into UA who didn't want this.
It hurt too when she knew how her mom would handle the news. She'll be so proud...
She sniffled. "Amara.. hi." She said to her sister-in-law.
"Did you not get in??" She asked, worried.
"No don't worry.." she wiped her face and plastered on a weak smile. "I did it.. I got in!"

 I got in!"

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