21. You Can Wear My

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They got out and away from the registered goon guards, and stood apart from each other.
"What information do you have about the case?" Simon asked.
"More than I can say here. You?"
She looked around the empty streets. "That's classified, sorry." She mocked his coldness.
Jeez man...
"Alright. Just notify me before you do anything so we don't interfere with each other." He said, starting to walk away.
This guy...
"Just check my snap or something! I've got a job here and can't text you every time I do that job." She argued, standing up for herself.
His face was surprised for a moment, and he stopped walking. "You're solo right?" He asked over his shoulder.
"So, we can help each other out." He compromised. "I'll give you everything I have if you stay out of my way when I need you to."
She thought for a second. "Or how about we both share everything we know and both stay out of each other's way."
"Good idea." He said as he just continued walking in the fluctuating rain. "We can discuss when and where tomorrow."
"Right! Goodnight then." Simon called out, happily getting what she wanted.

Footsteps followed him close behind.
"Yes?" He asked as he slowed and turned.
"I know I said bye but my place is this way. I'm not following you." She assured him.
He nodded, inconvenienced, as he continued.
Her footsteps were loud and she walked at the exact same pace he did, just three yards behind him.
It was really awkward.
He fully stopped walking and checked his phone.
She casually passed him.
He resumed walking once she was a few paces away.
It was only when she glanced over her shoulder worryingly that he realized that they just switched places in the game 'stalking each other or just socially ungifted?'
"Hey, this is weird!" She turned and started walking backwards, yelling down the street to him.
"Noticed." He responded.
"So, live in this neighborhood..?" She asked, voice still raised.
"Yeah, a few teachers do."
"Wait, why?" Simon's pace was slowing as she thought.
"When you got the job you got your apartment with the contract , right?"
"Oh yeah! Everyone's offered that??"
He caught up to her by now, steps away as she continued to walk backwards.
"How close are you from here?" She asked as she looked up at the tall buildings.
"Close enough." He responded dryly, like usual.

"Hey.. Did I freak you out with my reaction earlier?" She asked out of nowhere, still facing him.
He looked at her questioningly. "At the time..definitely. But you don't need to tell me anything I don't need to know."
She was slower as she walked backwards, so soon he was only a few paces behind her.
She thought. "Thank you. And I'm sorry for getting in the way and being all... dramatic about it."
"No it's fine. I would've left right after he shot the other man anyways. With him out of the way, it'll be a whole lot easier for us and the opposite for that Parker guy."
Hearing his name without warning genuinely made her stop moving completely.
Aizawa bumped into her, sending her to the floor, but she didn't even blink as she hit the wet ground.
"Simon-" he said in shock as he saw her face.
She just stared, mindlessly.
She didn't realize how much Parker being in her head again affected her.
She was 7 again.
"When I grow up, I'm gonna be your sidekick, Janie!" Parker cheered.
"Parkie, no! We'll be partners! We'll be an unstoppable team! Both our quirks are perfect for us to be undercover agents! I'll be in the field protecting you when I Simon people, and you can get in bad guy's heads and make them not able to think so I can beat them up!" Young Simon, then known only by Jane, said, like it was an ancient tale.
Parker was a year younger than her, and always had stars in his eyes when she would imagine their futures and tell the stories like how Father Samuel spoke to the church.
The two were inseparable, for better or for...
"Janice! Parker! These floors aren't nearly clean and it's been two hours!" One of the sisters yelled through the echoing kitchen. "What have you been doing??"
"I wanted Janie to tell a story! Sorry!" Parker called out before the two kids giggled quietly.
Sister Janice saw them in the halls, and laughed to herself as she passed.
"Those two little troublemakers will help me with supper if they're so bad at sweeping."
Jane grabbed Parker's hand and dropped her broom as fast as she could, running up to the sister.
"Thank you!" She cheered.
"Can we make bread rolls??" Parker begged.
Jane gasped, squeezing his hand. "Please!"
She opened her eyes, not knowing when they closed.
Looking around, she recognized nothing as she sat in an armchair, by a window.
She was in an unlit, unfamiliar home and tried to retrace her steps.
It's all Parker and that one memory...
What happened?
"You're awake."
Her head shot up.
Oh no.
Please don't tell me-
"You passed out and it started raining a lot heavier. I would've taken you to your home but..I don't really know where that is."
It's exactly what she thought.
Why is god punishing me today..?
"Thank you, Aizawa! I'm so sorry! His.. mind is really powerful and I thought I had enough energy-"
"It's okay." He interrupted.
She was taken aback. At least he kept the lights off like a bat so he couldn't see the shame on her face.
"I should really head home.. I'm so, so sorry that this happened. I promise I'm more capable than this usually!"
"I know, stop apologizing." He said, flicking on the light.
His appearance made her dive for her phone to check the time.
He was changed, even his hair up.
"I was out for how long..??" She asked nervously.
"About an hour if you count when I carried you here."
She covered her face.
"It's not an issue. How far do you live?" He asked.
She uncovered one half of her shameful face and checked her location.
"Just a 30 minute walk.." she said quietly.
He was thinking for a second, and Simon peaked up at him for the first time since she shame-covered her face.
I'm a reckless dummy idiot.
She thought as she studied his contemplative expression.
Don't let him offer you anything! He carried your huge ass all the way here!
She begged herself as she stood.
She was freezing in her damp clothes, but hid her shivering the best she could.
"I should get going sooner rather than later. I can call a car to come get me."
I can't. No driver will be out at this time.
He tilted his head slightly.
He definitely caught that.
She didn't help her case when her teeth began chattering.
Then, he started rubbing his neck and looked down.
He used his other hand to place something on the table near him. "So you can get home without freezing."
She got why he was embarrassed now, and she herself couldn't help it when her ears went red.
"Ah.. thank you."


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