10. Gay??? No, Gray...

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The festival was tomorrow, and then after that, work studies, then tutoring.
Great. She could let down someone besides her entire family. The entirety of Japan.
The door opened a crack. "Hey Luna?"
She smiled. Maybe not all of her family.
Without him, she wouldn't have gotten so much time away.
"Mom says she's been calling you."
Brian stayed in the doorway. "She sounded mad..."
"I'll handle it, B. Thanks." She gave him a reassuring smile.
She grabbed her phone, which was usually on silent.
7 missed calls...
She pressed the bright green button.
"Hey mom.." She held the phone far away from her ears, and talked quietly.
"My phone was on silent, and I was doing homework... sorry."
"Well, manang," She flinched at the sarcasm. Manang was an honorary term in Tagalog, used for people older than you, but not too much older. It was like her mom calling her older sister. "Don't put it on silent. That's stupid."
"Sorry, mother."
"Don't be sarcastic with me."
"I was just trying to behave." She felt her frustration rising. "You called me manang. You only do that when you thin- when I'm being disrespectful."
Her mother just scoffed. "Anyway."
Luna sighed.
"I wanted to surprise you, but I just can't wait."
Oh no. "What is it, mom?"
"I got a ticket for the Sports Festival!!!"
It was like her heart stopped beating in her chest.
"I'm getting on a plane in a few hours. Uncle Wayne is driving me, remember him? He misses you." And just like that, her voice wasn't venomous anymore.
Oh yeah, I definitely remember him.. She shivered at the mention of his name.
"It's an 11 hour flight, I'll land in Tokyo and your brother's gonna pick me up and drive me there just in time for it to start! He won't be there to drive you to school, so you better wake up early!"
"O-oh." Her voice was breaking. "Will he be watching too?"
"He's part of security, so he can't watch."
She didn't answer to that.
"After, I'm coming home and staying for a week!"
Her eyes, which were already blue, drained completely. They were a dull, dark, empty gray.
"That's... that's great mom."
"I know, right! I missed you guys so much!"
"Missed you too.."
"I'll be in the 26th row, in the B section. Look for me ok? I'm gonna take so many pictures!"
"I will.. send me the good pictures, ok, mom?"
"Love you.."
She didn't feel safe until she was sure the beep she heard was real.
And then she did what she'd been wanting to do this whole time: sobbed.
She grabbed her pillow, trying to drown the sounds of her screams and cries. She didn't want Brian to hear. She didn't want to worry him like that.
I can't escape it, can I? I have to win. I have to be good enough now.
She could already feel her mother's eyes on her. Burning holes straight through her back. She could hear it, the yelling and screaming. Only when they get home.
She laughed.
Two years. Just two.
That's how much time she had to fool herself with the idea that she could possibly get out of this cage her mom put her in. That an ocean was enough distance between them for her to have freedom.
I wanted to be a hero back then.. but not anymore..
How could her mom take her dreams and turn them into nightmares, all with that sickly sweet voice and that toxic smile?
When it got hard to breath, she scrambled for her inhaler.
Puff, inhale, exhale.
Puff, inhale, exhale.
Deep breaths, deep breaths, deep breaths...
She kept taking in air, but she still felt like she was suffocating.
She felt better when she was drowning in that lake.
When her pillow was soaked with tears, she turned it over.

"Luna?" He knocked gently, letting himself in.
She was asleep on her bed, wet pillow discarded onto the floor.
He set it back on the bed, shaking her gently. "It's dinner time."
"How did it go?"
He couldn't even tell if she actually opened her eyes, they were so swollen.
"Hey, B.." She sat up, immediately crashing into him.
"I'm taking that as a 'not very well'." He wrapped his arms around her.
"I'm sorry, Luna, I really am.."
It wasn't what she needed to hear, what her brother always told her. It never was, but that was ok.
She'd deal with it.
"Hey, Luna?"
Her response was muffled in his shirt.
He conjured up a flower, a big, pale lavender wisteria, wrapping around the ceiling fan and hanging down like a chandelier. It brightened up the whole room, making it smell amazing.
"Would this make you feel better?"
She looked up, eyes lighting and turning a bright yellow. "Yes!!" She sniffled, hugging him tighter.
Distraction. Ahh, what a beautiful coping mechanism it is.

Luna couldn't help but laugh at Uraraka's scary face, it was still cute somehow.
She just sat, talking with her friends, trying to be positive about the festival, which was in a few hours. Talk about pressure.
But a night of moping and 15 minutes of holding ice cubes on her eyelids this morning kind of made her wanna smile today. At least for the girls around her. The literal presence of so many not toxic people made so much more of a difference than it should have.
She'd had a lot of time to think about it walking to school.
"I don't know.. aren't you guys nervous?" Momo asked, her smile not matching the others' excitement.
Luna threw an arm around her. "Of course we're nervous. But just think about it like a big game. That's basically what it is right? We wanna have fun too!"
Her giddiness worked its magic, and she saw her friend's eyes light up, as she gave a genuine smile and nodded.
Mission accomplished.
"It's time to go, guys." Aizawa said, and they all rushed out.
"Where's Ms. Alia?" Mina asked.
"Amara said something about her debuting her new costume today, I think she's helping whoever the referee's gonna be, so she's doing a big reveal type thing." Luna responded casually.
"OoOoO she's changing her costume??" Hakagure exclaimed. "Heroes rarely do that!!"
"Simon does it a lot actually. She's had, like, 27 iterations of her costume since she debuted. 28 if you count the Washington D.C. baboon incident, but I don't. She's famous for changing it every time she has a big fight."
They all chuckled as she sounded off a whole fansite article while never looking up from her phone.
"Are you a fan??" They smirked.
"What??" Luna blushed furiously. "No, I just have a good memory, ok?? I had to study her for a, uh, school project."
"Sure... fangirl."

"I'm going to beat you, Midoriya." Todoroki said blankly.
Luna was the only person in the room who seemed to find his constant seriousness funny as hell, and of course since this was an inappropriate time to laugh, she snorted at the serious atmosphere.
I'm GoInG tO bEaT yOu, MiDoRiYa. She mocked in her head, shaking it with a smile. Maybe tutoring will be fun after all.
She continued to get ready, wondering how to check how her ass looked in the uniform without being obvious about it.

Why Bakugo??? Why UA, why???
As he walked up to give a pledge for the class, they all inwardly cried.
"I'm gonna be better than all of you. I'm got get number 1 in an indisputable victory!"
This guy is so proud of his dick size...
Both Simon in the narrator box and Luna on the field had one objective the whole time she was up on that stage.
Keep stray eyes away from boobies.
Of course, they gawked at her like idiots while she explained really important parts of the first competition that they should listen to.
Was this some sort of strategy to make this whole thing harder or were they just gay??

Was this some sort of strategy to make this whole thing harder or were they just gay??

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