22. Sweatshirt

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Simon held her wet hero costume against her chest as she sped down the streets, her face and ears a shade of crimson.
Yeah, that thing he placed on the table?
All it was was a clean set of clothes that just.. happened to belong to him.
Why was she being so dramatic about it, then?
She was shameful about having to put him through that, but this had her freaking out like a middle school girl.
Wait, no! I don't have a dorky crush on "the boy who gave me his sweatshirt!" This was just weird circumstances...
Mhm.. whatever you say, Simon.
I don't! It's just a really odd situation! Leave me alone!
As her inner monologue argued, she felt her phone beep in the pocket of her borrowed clothes.
Mar🌼- I'm at the hospital rn it's mom again and it's serious get here soon
Simon should've been used to it by now. Her mom had a scare every other month, but dread seeped into her soul for what seemed like the hundredth time that night, and she turned towards the hospital.
As she ran, the thought kept pounding in her head.
Could Parker have hurt her..?

"Mar!" Simon yelled out to her sister, who was crying into Brian's shoulder. "Is mom okay?!" She cried out, but Amara didn't answer, just crying. "Amara!" She said after seconds of full silence.
Luna cleared her throat. "She's going into surgery now.. they found something wrong with her appendix." She said quietly. "Unrelated to her other issues."
Simon sighed. "Is- is it safe??"
Luna eyed her brother and sister-in-law solemnly cowering. "It's one of the safest open surgeries you can get. She's going to be okay."
Simon gave Luna a look that was easy to place, and they both turned back to the sobbing Amara.
Bit dramatic...
"How long?" Simon aimed the question at Brian, obviously testing him.
"Um.. the doctor said it would take like, about, um, well-"
"How long?" Simon turned to Luna, her eyes unable to change color like her's, but Luna recognized the crimson red glare.
"An hour." She said simply, and Simon fell into the chair behind her.
"Thanks, kid." She said before draping her discarded glove over her head as an eye mask, and leaning back to take a nap.
Amara's finger twitched as Luna sat down next to Simon. "Bry.. can you help me to the bathroom..?"
Simon audibly scoffed from under her makeshift napping station.
They walked away, and Simon threw the moist glove off her face.
"Tough night?" Luna asked.
"Tough sister." She replied with a smile.
"She's got Brian even more on edge."
"The more pregnant she gets, the more terrified I am of tiny little Amaras running around."
I hate her. I hate her so much.
Luna chuckled. "I'll have to live with them."
"Fair." Simon could barely laugh. Amara was-
"So what happened?"
"You look like you bought a slenderman costume 8 sizes too big." Luna turned to face Simon directly, seeing her eyes bulge from her head as she looked down at herself, and then threw her head back again, cringing to herself.
"Don't wanna talk about it!" She called out a bit too loud for a hospital.
Luna squinted.
"Those aren't your clothes." She pointed out, and Simon threw her hands over her face.
"Oh my god were you with a guy??" Luna gasped as she grabbed her sister in-law's wet hero costume from her lap.
"Hey!" Simon cried, yanking them back.
"Oh my god." Luna's jaw dropped.
"So.. Did this mystery man, perhaps a friend, find you in the rain, your eyes meeting his as you shivered in the cold..?" Luna put her hand against her forehead and leaned back dramatically.
"I swear.."
"Did he offer you a safe haven in his home to dry off, and reluctantly and tiredly, you accepted?"
"Not what happened. Stop."
"Did you share a moment after you finished changing, looking down at the ground embarrassed, and did him seeing you in his shirt make him start blushing??"
Simon's face went red.
Luna stopped her spring of the moment fanfiction and her jaw dropped.
"That's so what happened!" She giggled maniacally. "Who was it??? Another pro?? An old friend???"
Simon threw the wet costume at her.
"No! Stay off of the internet you god-deficient fucker! Go find me a dryer and run these!"
"What?! We're in a hospital!"
"Then keep your voice down and go to the laundromat down the street!" Simon ordered smuggly.
"Yep. Pro's orders."
"She better not be lying about getting me those chips..." Luna grumbled as she hugged the warm, freshly dried clothes tighter against her chest.
"Oh gosh.." She heard someone say, looking to her right to see a woman trying to bend over by the vending machine.
Did she drop something?
She sped over and picked up a chocolate bar, handing it to the lady. "Here you go, ma'am."
"Thank you. I have a bad back, it's hard to bend over sometimes." The lady smiled warmly. She had stark white hair and gray eyes matching the ones she sported so often lately.
"Are you here all alone, ma'am?" It looked like she was a permanent patient, she didn't have any visible injuries or anything.
"Yes, actually. I was just about to head to the cafeteria. Would you like to come?"
She nodded. "That would be nice."

"Are you sure you don't want any food, dear?"
Luna smiled. "Yes, thank you."
"And you're sure you have time?" She eyed the pile of clothes on the seat next to her.
"They won't mind, I'm sure."
They were sitting at a booth in the cafeteria, talking about little nothings. The ceiling was so high in here...
"How old did you say you were again?"
"My son is around your age." She smiled, looking down contently. "He visited me last Friday."
"That's nice. How often does he visit?" She rested her head on her hand.
"This was the first time... I haven't seen him in years." Her face dimmed for a moment, and tears welled up faintly in her eyes. "His dad keeps him busy. Helping him become a hero."
There was a lie in that second part, Luna could read it, but she didn't push. "He wants to be a hero? Does he go to UA?"
"He does, he started this year."
"Oh! I might know him then!" She gushed. " I ca-"
She checked her phone and saw the contact Brian had made her put in for Simon:
Seriously, B? What the hell are those emojis? I have to change that later.
"So sorry, the person I had to go to, they want me to go back now." She frantically apologized to the woman.
She calmly nodded. Everything about her was so serene. "It's ok, honey. Thank you for keeping me company."
"It was really no problem, my pleasure." Luna couldn't help but smile again. "Goodbye!"
She almost tripped over one of Simon's sleeves that was dragging on the floor. Probably got the clothes dirty again, but Simon didn't need to know that.
That lady... Luna got that feeling from her, this motherly aura she never got used to.
I hope I run into her again... she's so sweet.

"What took you so long?" Simon groggily asked. "Why didn't you answer my call?"
Luna threw the clothes at her face. "Can I have my chips now?"

Simon swore under her breath with every step as Luna and her sped through the halls.
"I'm late too, calm down!"
"You're not staff so you calm down!!" Simon argued back, finger in her face.
"I am calm, you drama queen!" Luna shoved her.
"Stop! I'm so exhausted that I might fall over and die if you do that!"
They got to the door.
"Just silently go to your seat, I'll handle it."
Luna nodded and opened the door.
It was the middle of a quiz on hero safety laws, so Simon just walked to her normal spot and pretended that she'd been there the whole time.
Aizawa looked at her instantly, her hair frizzy and eyes baggy.
"Long night. Sorry." She was too sleepy to think back to part of the reason why it was such a late night, and when he nodded and looked away quickly, she remembered and her eyes went wide for the first time in 5 hours.
Oh yeah.
"Luna." He turned to her. "Why were you late?"
Luna turned with dull and ghostly tired eyes. "My mother-in-law is dying. Hospital stuff. That's why I'm late." She threw her bag over her chair and sat, giving a lazy point to the TA.
"Mother-in-law..? Like-" Midorya said before turning to Simon.
Everyone in the class looked back to her, who blinked rapidly. The relationship between the two was well known at this point.
"Well.. I mean yeah." She shrugged, the atmosphere uncomfortable as the whole class tensed up.
"Ah! Well it's not news to me! Do your work!" She dismissed, waving her hand lazily.
Luna could barely keep her eyes open. She had tutoring today, but she couldn't even try to read the words in front of her without her eyes automatically shutting.
Simon longingly eyed the man who was now comfy in a sleeping bag.
She was TIRED.
Her inner thoughts were never gonna live that down...

Her inner thoughts were never gonna live that down

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