12. Bones

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The short lady saw her coming in, rushing to get her an oxygen mask once she saw how she was breathing. She'd written a note to the school about her medical and quirk-related drawbacks before they started school, so she and the nurse had a designated procedure.
As soon as she started using it, she felt a lot better. She kept it on for a bit though.
The feeling of the plastic on her skin gave her chills, but it made her feel safe, took away her anxiety for just a second.

Fun(?) Fact! Luna's quirk takes molecules from the air around her, converting them into solid molecules that can form objects or organic things. The more power she exerts, the thinner the air around her becomes. This is especially hard with Luna's asthma, and if she uses her quirk past her limit, she could suffocate. She combats this by taking in more oxygen. Taking in oxygen sort of recharges her quirk, and extra oxygen can also give her an energy/power boost!

Recovery Girl took care of her broken bones, making her drowsy, and Mina burst in.
"Kanazuki!! Are you ok??" The sweet pink girl checked her over. "Midoriya told me you came here after the race..."
She took her mouth out of the mask for a second, smiling. Look at that face, how could she not? "I'm fine now, thanks."
She sighed in relief. "Wow, I can't believe you got fourth!! I didn't score that high.."
"What do you mean?? 19 is amazing!! There were hundreds of kids out there, Mina, and you were top 20. That's top, like... 4%. I think that's pretty high, don't you?"
For the first time since she got to this school, she was the one getting surprised with a hug. "You always know what to say!!"
She giggled, hugging her friend back.
"We should head back, we're gonna miss Ms. Alia's debut segment!"
"SorryRecoveryGirlthanksbye!!" And the door slammed behind them.

The crowd wouldn't quiet down after the last round ended, and Simon, up in the commentary booth, took a deep breath as she stood.
Up until that moment, very few people knew she was back. It was for her work on the Greenhouse case, but now she was ready to be known again.
She wasn't the biggest deal, and definitely not a household name, but everyone has mentioned her at least three times out here.
And it was important that she presented herself as strong and charismatic, no matter how much she hated it.
"I can do this.." she sighed as she started walking towards the arch way, directly into the view of hundreds of thousands of people.
She jumped at the loud voice, cursing her coworker out in her head.
That was her queue..
She took a breath and walked into the light, waving up to the crowd.
She almost didn't expect the cheers to be as loud as they were, but then she remembered all of the promo she had done while she was here for that one year.
If it wasn't for her mom, she would have regretted it completely.
God, he wanted to say that he hated rhyming.
"She's a powerful hero and a strong influence on the students."
She continued to wave, ignoring how cold he was.
"Ms. Alia!" Uraraka called from the bleachers reserved for their class.
Seems like half the class had ran to the edge of the railing to wave at her.
She bursted into a huge smile, her ears pointing almost straight up in joy as she jumped and waved.
"Wow, the new suit is so cool!" Midoriya exclaimed, studying it thoroughly. "I wonder why she changed it, it doesn't seem like there was a good reason..."
"There's many good reasons actually, for most of everything she has on." Luna chimed in.
"Ack!!" Midoriya flinched. "Where did you come from, Kanazuki?"
"I heard a nerd calling, so I came as fast as I could." She cracked her knuckles. "Where to start.."
She pointed at the half corset-like structure. "That's for back support. Remember her back was broken at the USJ incident? Keeps the posture good, and precautions around that area."
He nodded, jotting down every word in his notebook.
"The cape is gone. Not a fashion statement. The Nomu grabbed her by the cape. She doesn't want that extra fabric becoming a liability."
"See under her sleeves and down her legs? Those are metal bearings for hitting harder and blocking hits. If you look close, there's something shiny attached to her forearms. Knives, judging by the shape. She most likely has it set up so she can make them extend past her wrist, making her punches double as stabs."
"And the shoes-"
"They look similar to Uraraka's!" He gushed excitedly.
"She took inspiration from the design, so I'm guessing they have technology to make her feet lighter."
"It looks like there's exhaust ports in there, most likely for higher powered kicks!"
"Now you're getting the hang of it." Luna smiled. "Nerdy hero fashion is cool and functional."
They shared a hero nerd bonding moment before looking back down at the field.
"You guys should go get ready for the next part!" Simon yelled up to the class.
"Today, this young lady will be assisting me in my referee position! Isn't she so cute??" Midnight gawked, pulling her basically into her chest, due to Simon's short stature.
Simon thought.
She was let go, blushing, cameras going off as she was caught off guard, mouth agape.
"Ah-!" She fixed her expression and gave a huge grin, audibly hearing awes from the crowd.
God, she had such a different fanbase here than she did in America, Luna realized as they started to file into the waiting room.

"The next task is..." Simon waited for the spinner to stop. "A cavalry battle!!"
"Huh?" Luna asked, clueless. Whether she was uneducated or just distracted by Simon's costume up close, it wasn't clear.
Simon looked medieval. Like an iron maiden. You know, those torturous coffins with spikes that impale you?
A diagram once again popped up.
"Students will make groups of three or four. Each student will be worth a certain amount of points, and the combination of all those points will be worn on the head of the person sitting on top. You will be trying to take other people's points. When you take another team's points, you have to wear the headband around your neck." Her voice rang perfectly through the stadium. "The top four teams will move on to the next stage!"
"Here are everyone's points. They're based on how you placed in the last challenge!" A chart replaced the diagram. "First place is worth... 10,000,000 points!" She giggled a bit at the end, seeing everyone looking at him all weird.
Sorry, Midoriya...
"You have 15 minutes to choose your teams. Simon says... gO!!"

Luna looked around. She had no idea what to do... who should she go up to?
She spotted Mina, running up to her. "Hey, Mina!!"
Her face lit up. "Kanazuki!!"
"Do you have a group?"
Mina twiddled her fingers. "Yeah actually.."
"Oh, that's totally ok, sorry I-"
"We still need one person, though! Can you join us, please?"
Luna grinned. "Ok then! Who's your group?"
She cheerily pointed at the two people she didn't think it would be.
Kirishima and Bakugo.
Kirishima was a great teammate to have, but about the other one...
Logically speaking, since he's third, he's more under the radar than the other two, less of a target, with arguably equal skill.
She watched him yell at someone for asking to join their team.
But also double the asshole...
"Bakugo!! I found someone for our team!"
"Who??" He was yelling for no reason.
"Hey." Her demeanor toward him wasn't cold, but more like... calmly heated.
Kirishima frowned. "She came in fourth, though!! Did you see her in the race?" he did his fist. "So manly.."
"And she's the only person here who isn't scared of you!" Mina chimed in.
He walked up to Luna, glare stamped onto his face. He came so close to her, she couldn't tell if they were touching.
The space between them was hot with their breath, and he stared her down like a rabid dog.
Was he trying to be scary? It wasn't working.
She raised an eyebrow, not pulling back at all. "I got ahead of you in the race, and by that measure, I'm the other most capable person here besides Midoriya and Frosty the Snowman. And as fourth, I'm virtually not a target at all. Logically, I'm the best option. But you already know that, don't you?"
"Tch.." He turned away. "Fine."
She smirked. I win the staring contest.
"Yayyy!!" Mina engulfed her in a hug. "Let's do our best, Kanazuki!!"
"Yeah!!" Let's do our best!!!" Kirishima pumped his fists, fueled by the can-do feeling in the air.
She smiled warmly at her. "Luna. You can call me Luna."
She looked at Kirishima. "You too."
"Luna... doesn't that mean the moon?" Mina asked.
"So manly..." Kirishima made another righteous pose.
"Yeah, it does." She felt all warm inside. I haven't let anyone call me that since I moved here... "Now, let's maliciously plot our path to victory!!!"
"Ok, Luna!!"

 "Now, let's maliciously plot our path to victory!!!""Ok, Luna!!"

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