4. Dixie Normus and the Farming Club

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"Wake up!! You forgot to tell me everything about UA after you came home!" Amara said to Luna as she woke her.
Yesterday was mostly about Amara's pregnancy and the betrayal Luna felt.
"Is my sister annoying? Are your classes hard???"
"Amara, it's 7am.." she groaned.
"Aha.. right.. my husband will drive you! Come eat the pancakes I made!"
Why did my brother have a thing for these types...
For both girls, the next few days were a lot of intros and learning on both sides, as well as friend making.
It was only until the next Monday that something remotely interesting happened.
"Ah.. class! Since your teacher is in the process of becoming a butterfly, I'm gonna be the one to take you for your next class!"
"Costumes." The yellow cocoon on the floor said, muffled.
"AH! Yes! The applications for costumes you all submitted have been passed! You'll be wearing them today!" Simon finished.
The class erupted in cheers, and left to get changed.

"Oh my god. Nononononooo!" Luna cried as she pulled out her costume. This was not what she requested.
It was a full body, black suede jumpsuit with fur cuffs on the wrists, and a fur collar. Suede. Suede!!!
A typed note sat on top, a typed, relayed message from her mother.
'I didn't like your application costume. It was too revealing, and not practical. I had them make this one instead, it's better and so you! Good luck! -Mom
Dear god.
This costume wasn't Luna at all, it was so her mom.
She groaned.
"What's wrong?" Mina asked.
Her smile had an edge to it as she rummaged through her bag for her sketchbook. "Just a costume mishap."
She intricately sketched her costume design, lined it, and drew herself the markers she needed to color it in ten minutes. Almost everyone had left the locker room by then, but it was worth it.
Her original idea had been a pastel yellow turtleneck bodysuit, with big white polka dots, made of fireproof material. It kind of looked like a swimsuit. She had a utility belt around her waist full of art supplies, and elbow and knee pads, the best protection she could get when she often needed to draw on her skin. Her sneakers looked the same as the ones she had at home. They were a cute pastel pink, with angel wings coming out the sides.
She looked like the definition of a soft girl. It was perfect.
"Wow! Luna, you look so cute!" Mina said cheerily.
"Look at that pattern! It matches your complexion perfectly!" She responded, looking at the teal and purple Mina sported.
They headed back to the classroom, where Luna went right up to the teacher's desk.
"Can I please get my application sorted out? Someone submitted one for me, and I had to draw mine myself."
Aizawa was no help.
"You mean-" Simon laughed. "That's what you wanted it to look like??"
"Shut up, Gandalf. You don't get to talk with those wizard robes."
As soon as she held up the costume that was made for her, Simon went dead serious.
That costume wasn't even funny ugly, it was just ugly.
"I can... I can call someone who can get it all sorted out." She almost gagged.

"Wow! The girls all look amazing!" Kaminari drooled.
"They do!" Simon agreed, putting a stern hand on his shoulder, making sure he wouldn't be gross. "You all look great!"
"Whatever.." Bakugo growled.
"Tch.." Luna rolled her eyes.
"Enthusiastic as always, you two." Simon sighed as she passed them both, hitting the back of their heads as she passed.
"Follow me!"

"All Might???"
They're flipping their shit!
Even Luna had a dopey grin on her face for a moment, before she tried to hide it.
For a girl in the hero course, she sure tried her hardest not to like heroes...
She sucks..
Bet she'll play the perfect villain in the exercise.
Meanwhile, Luna was having some thoughts of her own.
The old lady is staring at me again!!
"Now, for teams!" All Might explained, talking in bold.
These teams were interesting, but there was one that intrigued Simon most.
Ojiro and Hagakure against Todoroki and Wechsler-Kanazuki.
"What?? Kanazuki was third in the entrance exam and Todoroki came in through recommendations! That's not fair!" Kirishima yelled.
"Since when is a real life battle ever fair?!" Simon yelled at him, switching to a smile. "I do hope that Hagakure and Ojiro win this one though~!"
"You just hate me and wanna see me lose, old woman!"
"Old?!" All Might gasped.
"I graduated when you were in 5th grade, dummy! There are twinkies older than me that are still edible!"
"Whatever Jani-"

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