14. He Didn't Come Here to Play

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"Luna!!!" She heard a yell.
She ran over to Mina's table, where all the girls sat.
"Hey guys.."
"That was amazing, Luna!!!"
"The race! You were so cool!!" Hagakure gushed. "You definitely got noticed by a lot of pros!"
"Aw, thanks Hagakure! You guys were amazing too, though!"
"Hey, what's up with your eyes?" Momo squinted at her. "They're gray."
"Oh, they do that when I've pushed the limits of my quirk."
"They were normal after the cavalry battle, though..." Mina commented.
"Hey girls!!" Kaminari greeted, a bit too enthusiastically.
Thank god.
"Shouldn't you be getting ready?"
"For what?"
"For the cheerleading competition!" Sero grinned. "You didn't know? During the recreational games, the female students will wear cheerleading uniforms and have a cheerleading competition." He pointed at some girls at another table wearing the outfits.
"Better hurry, lunch is almost over!"
They all freaked out and headed to the locker room.

"Wow, they look so pretty..." Kaminari blushed, like most of the boys were doing.
Momo shook her head. "I used my Creation for this..."
Luna walked straight up to Kaminari, fuming. "Cheerleading competition, huh???"
"I mean, I wasn't lying, there actually is one-"
"C'mere, you perverted asshole!!!" She yelled as he ran away.

After the games, Simon held out a box for all of the students to draw lots, to see who they would battle.
"Hey, brat." Simon greeted.
"Old lady."
Luna grabbed a paper and stared at it, mortified.
Todoroki Shoto.
Simon took a peek. "Oh.." she looked away awkwardly. "Do your best.."
"I hate you."

After she assessed the battle pairings, Simon once again became unbelievably nervous, but more than that, she was proud.
So she focused on that as she became more than a prop to look at.
She was in charge of keeping the matches safe.
She would get control of both participants by having them high-five her, so if they became a threat, she could make them stop instantly.
First, Midoriya against a boy from the general course.
Simon had a secret hope that whoever he was, he would win.
An underdog's story is always the coolest type of story, plus, it was the same way that she got into the hero course 9 years ago.
The two boys walked up to her, but seeing the determined face of her student, knew that she would always really be rooting for him.
"I want neither of you to hold back, and have trust that I'll stop you if it gets too far." She informed sternly.
They nodded, and she looked at the boy with purple hair.
Hitoshi Shinso. He looked tired. He was also looking at her in a way she didn't place immediately.
"Touch my hand." She said to him, and he did, same as Midoriya.
She now had control and only needed to shout a Simon Says command if they hurt each other too bad.
Midnight called the fight, and they began.
Shinso took the first few seconds to praise him for his quirk, then asked him various questions that Midoriya tried to avoid.
He then resorted to insulting Ojiro.
Simon was confused at first, but when that definitely drew a reaction out of Midoriya, the purple kid smiled like this was what he wanted.
"Go walk out of bounds." He said, and a chill went down her spine as her student's expression went blank and he turned around.
She heard her name, and snapped out of her dumbfounded state.
If he is doing what I did, he's frankly not doing a good job. His way makes the fight look helpless and heart wrenching, rather than impressive. It seems like he's incredibly gifted, but his performance is lacking in spirit, and not in every fight, but in this one, he has to focus on that as well.
She watched with a painful look as Midoriya took step after step, only, she saw his finger twitch.
She almost yelled out, but remembered her control and job, closing her mouth.
A gust of wind pushed her back into Midnight, who was also struggling.
He did it!
He went to attack, and she knew now that her student had the fight to himself.
She was a bit disappointed as he dropped the opponent on his back, cheers exploding from the audience.
Who was this kid..?

Shaken up by the mini-Simon(even though he was taller than her), Luna intently watched the fight from the bleachers.
"Go, Midoriya!! Come on!!!" She was one of the only people who wasn't silent with confusion as their classmate blankly walked further toward loss.
"He has such a villainous quirk..." She heard someone say.
She hated that saying.
"No quirk is inherently villainous, you know. That mentality's just stupid. It's similar to Simon's, and she's one of the most adored heroes you'll ever see. He wants to be a hero too, this guy. And he could, easily. The way he goes about it though... It makes him look bad. He just needs the charisma she has."
Some kids hummed and nodded, kind of surprised at her observations. They didn't think about it like that...
She wondered how Simon was assessing the kid... Shinso, right? They were so similar.
He reminded her of Simon at her festival, the whole emo look...
She chuckled.
His hair is cooler.

"YEAH!! MIDORIYA!!" She yelled, cheering him on.
"You should get ready for your battle, Luna!" Mina reminded her.
"Oh shit, yeah! Wish me luck!!" She ran toward the locker room.

"Oh shit, yeah! Wish me luck!!" She ran toward the locker room

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