18. Dumb and Dumber Make a Pact

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Simon watched from around the corner as Luna walked into a store. What was she doing?
She came out five minutes later with a different, much more casual outfit, braids replacing her high pony, and a backpack, most likely holding the fancy dress she'd been wearing earlier.
Guess she got busy in the dressing room.
"Excuse me, are you Simon Says?"
She turned around to smile warmly at the lady. "No, actually, I'm a party host Simon Says impersonator for kids! I go around to birthday parties and such."
"Oh, sorry for mistaking you.."
"No worries! That's kind of my job!" She waved at the person leaving, turning back around to babysit from a dista-
Where did she go???
She spotted her about to cross a street. God, this kid walks fast..
Or you're just short.
Shut up, inner me.
Her sister and brother in law's apartment was on the second floor, and she waited for a while after Luna had gone up the elevator to go in.
She tried the door, and it opened without a struggle or a squeak.
Remember to lock the door, kid! Geez...
The apartment was full of flowers and different plants, it smelled so fresh. Vines ran across most of the walls.
She heard the quiet clicking of an inhaler, and an even quieter gushing of air. She could barely barely make out the sound.
It was the room closest to the kitchen, the one covered in colorful stickers.
That's definitely Luna's room.
Puff, inhale, exhale.
She leaned against the door.
Puff, inhale exhale.
Inhale, exhale.
Inhale, exhale.
She fell forward as the door opened.
"So, did you enjoy dinner?" Luna held a makeup wipe to her face.
"It's my room? And what are you doing, stalking me?"
"No! I was just trying to make sure you were safe-"
"Well, I'm safe now, so.."
"And doing okay." She added on quietly. "I wanna know if you're okay."
"I'm perfectly fine, obviously." Luna turned, and Simon could see deep purples and reds staining her right cheek, seperate from the lighter ones she got at dinner.
"Does she... do that often?" She gestured to her bruises.
"Technically speaking, she hasn't done it in a few years." Luna said, too casually. "She likes to make things clear, you know?"
"Is that why you don't wanna go to UA?"
"I used to." Luna tossed the wipe into the trash. "I think I still do? I don't know."
Simon stayed silent.
"I think I just don't want her to be right about anything. She makes a lot of assumptions about me, and sometimes I get scared I'm gonna make her proud."
"Well, you wanna be a hero, right?"
Luna nodded. "I always have."
"So do it."
"You know what's better than disappointing a shitty person? Proving the shitty person wrong. Being miserable in an attempt to defy them just proves their point. You being a hero isn't just doing what she wants. It's doing what you want. You need to do better for yourself. Make her see you're fine without her."
"You have a point..."
Simon's eyes softened. "You'll be out of this soon. Just, don't throw away your dreams in that time, ok kid? They're still yours, even if they feel like someone else's."
The gray voids Luna had for eyes right now started watering. "Got it."
Something caught her eye, a bright pink and blue from the other corner of the room. She walked over to see what it was...
"You know, you're not so ba-"
"You have posters of me in your room??"
"You were nOT supposed to see those!!"
Simon grinned. "Wow, the 2018 Burger Queen promotion." She held up a suggestive poster of her holding a burger, wearing a crown and robes. "You know you had to be 16+ to even buy this, right?"
Luna grumbled and mumbled incoherently, something about stealing it from someone named Emmy. Simon looked down and bent over to pick up a Limited Edition Simon Says action figure, and a poster of the top 50 heroes the year Simon was posed in her OG costume with a '20' behind her. "Are you some kind of admirer?"
"I prefer the term fan, but yeah, I was."
"Hold on, hold on. If you like me so much, why do you... hate me so much?"
"I don't hate you, it's just.. At the wedding, you looked so.. forced in your spot. You were everything I was being forced to be, and it seemed like you took it for granted, I guess. I took down the posters that night. I don't know why I didn't see before, how unhappy you were in them."
This girl... sigh.
"No one usually notices that..." Simon chuckled. "But I can't fool you, huh?"
Luna smiled. "No, you can't."
"Hey. I wanna make a deal with you." Simon turned around quickly, holding a hand out for Luna to shake. "I'll forge good grades for you until you get them up."
"Whaaaat's the catch?" Her brow furrowed, skeptical.
"You have to pick me for work studies. One week for me to show you how to love this like you used to." And give you a supportive adult figure in your life. "I know a lot of great heroes are gonna request you, but I really think I could change your mind."
"What's wrong, can't handle it?" Simon pushed.
Luna's impulsive, competitive side was her downfall. "Like hell I can't!!" And she took her hand, shaking on it.
Ooooh I'm gonna mentor the fuck outta this kid!

Ooooh I'm gonna mentor the fuck outta this kid!

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