15. No, No it's Not a Penis

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"You can do this. You can do this. You can- who am I kidding? You can't do this." Luna leaned her head back against the wall.
She stepped into the view of the mirror. "You're fine, you did great before. He's a little bitch boy, okay? You're gonna kick his ass."
And then:
"Have I always looked that weak? I'm still drained from before. Emotionally, I'm dead. Mom will be..." Her breath quickened so much. "She'll be watching."
Saying it out loud...
She took out her inhaler.
Just in case, two extra power puffs wouldn't hurt. Right?
Puff. Inhale. Exhale.
Puff. Inhale. Exhale.
It felt like a breath of fresh air.
She chuckled. That's kind of exactly what it is.

"I want neither of you to hold back." Simon held her hands out.
Each of them touched her hand, Luna reluctantly so.

She sighed. "Let's go, Queen Elsa."
What she overheard from him did pass through her mind briefly, but she shook the thought away.
He doesn't want pity. It's not my place.
An immediate blast of ice, narrow and aimed. She dodged, and he blasted again.
Another dodge, and she hid behind it this time.
Two seconds, all I need.
She traced on the ground and pop, she was holding her favorite thing in the whole wide world: a black permanent marker.
Combat the ice.
With what????
Her eyes fell on the huge burning bowls on each corner of the bounds.
If I could have enough time to sketch it...
She got the basic shape down before the ice behind her shattered.
He'd impaled it with another icicle, making it break.
She dodged another blast. They're smaller than usual. Is he going easy on me?
She ran around him, barely faster. How was she faster???
The open container in her hand spilled thin, honey yellow liquid everywhere.
No, no it wasn't pee.
She stopped back in front of him, seeing his confused expression.
A short, basic shaft shape, tipped with a nub.
No, no it wasn't a penis.
She carefully caught the lit match as it popped into reality, heaving a breath before tossing it onto the ground around him.
Instantly, flames shot up three feet high, and he was surrounded in the bright yellows and reds.
She jumped back, propelling herself through the air as she allowed her mind to think.
The gasoline spread towards him, and the fire did too.
She thought that the flames would buy her some time to think before another ice blast hit. Cause right now, this was the only plan she had....
And that's when she made the mistake of looking up. B section, Row 26.
She froze up, her mom's angry expression already telling her what would happen.
She looked back to him, seeing his face and gasping.
He looks so scared...
Oh my god, the flames..
FUCK!! Luna, you stupid, stupid-

Simon watched Luna's already full eyes flashed white as they stared up into the stadium seats, only for a moment.
Gray meant drained.. she's at her limit??
That couldn't be it.. she's using her quirk sparingly.
Todoroki caught that moment too, not doing well himself.
He panicked.
She jumped back as he expelled ice in all directions, catching Luna midair as the entire stadium dropped at least 10 degrees.
The blast was focused towards her, creating a huge glacier up one side of the stadium, and smaller ones in all directions.
"Todoroki has rendered Wechsler immobile! Todoroki wins!"
"Aha.." Simon tried to speak, trying to add on, but she couldn't.
She just watched two fucked up kids basically trigger-fight each other..
What was going on with them??

"Shit." He looked at what he'd done, letting out an icy breath.
There was at least three feet of ice between her and the air.
He ran to go melt it.
The heat he expelled warmed his body, melting away the patches of ice on his skin. He made it hotter, trying harder to melt her out.
The blasts he made around them were high enough to keep anyone from getting in or seeing them.
I went too far...
He didn't know why the flames scared him. They usually didn't.
Maybe it was the pressure of today. The talk he had with Midoriya, and his father.
Why'd he have to dig up old trauma?
He stared at Luna, frozen in suspension.
Her eyes, they're so gray...
If they worked the way he observed, they shouldn't be.
Could gray be another emotion? As far as he noticed, there were only six.
He looked back up to the stands, where he saw her glance.
What made her look like that?
She dropped to the ground, inhaling sharply, steadying her breathing. Her lips were a shade of purple, and she was shivering, skin grayish.
He hesitated before  gently placing a hand on her shoulder, helping her bring her temperature back to normal.
"Listen, Todoroki, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I'm-" She sighed. "I'm really really sorry."
"It's fine. You didn't know."
She almost cried at that. But I did, didn't I?
"Sorry I almost froze you to death."
"I could've died????"
He chuckled.
"Hey." He called to her while he slowly melted the rest of the ice. It was quieter than he meant, but she still heard him.
"What's wrong with your eyes?"
"I drained my power, they go gray when I do that."
"Your limit is a lot more than that."
"Your power is far from drained, you barely created anything in our battle. Could it be tied to a certain strong emotion like the other colors? But it isn't included with the other six in it's rainbow state.."
"Have you been studying me or something?"
He looked away. "Sorry."
"No, it's flattering! In a.. weird way." She smiled.
She pointed in the direction of the B section. "My mom's up there."
"She kinda really wanted me to.." She realized for the first time that she'd lost. She lost. "Fuck."
"What?" He asked.
The ice was mostly melted at this point.
"G- good game." She held out her hand to him, and he took it.
It was shaking, a lot. Should he say anything?
"Good game.."
She ran off, toward the locker room.
No, he shouldn't.

No, he shouldn't

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