19. Just a Glance

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i'm going out, if she asks tell her I finished my homework already
Luna waited for barely a second before Brian responded.
They're still on the first course. Are you sure you're ok??
She sighed before typing up an answer.
yeah, don't worry about me :)
She stuffed her phone in between her skirt and tucked in hoodie. She wasn't gonna compromise her look for pockets.
Simon had left a few minutes ago, and Luna had decided to give herself some unofficial therapy. Unfortunately, it required her to redo her makeup. She threw a newly drawn object over her shoulder, checking her face in the mirror and making sure to lock the door behind her this time. Simon had scolded her for that.

Todoroki headed down the street, quietly observing the people in front of him. The hospital wasn't that far away...
He spotted a tall girl in a bright outfit with really long hair. Is that...?
Luna wore a high waisted baby blue pleated skirt, and her black hoodie was under a fuschia t-shirt. She had on the same baby pink sneakers she always wore to school, angel wings decorating the ankle.
She was looking to the side, waiting for the bus, with light pink ballet shoes thrown over her shoulder.
She did ballet? Where was she going?
He found himself staring a little bit too long. I've never seen her outside of the school uniforms before... she looks cute.
His cheeks tinted themselves a slight pink.

Luna looked around, grumbling to herself a little. What's taking the damn bus so long?
Wait, is that Todoroki??
Weird... where is he going?
She chuckled, because he had on the same serious gaze he did in school.
He just wore a flannel over a t-shirt. It was kind of jarring to her, she hadn't really thought he had the ability to dress casually with how serious he is.
It suits him though. She kept staring. Suits him a lot.
Wonder if he saw me?

"Luna??" The person at the front desk exclaimed, eyes wide.
"Aki!" She ran to meet them in a strong hug. Aki was the secretary and Luna's closest friend from her old ballet classes. She wouldn't have survived her first few months in Japan if it weren't for them. "How have you been?"
"Good. You?"
"I've been good. I got into UA, so there's that."
They grinned. "I know!! I saw you at the festival, you were amazing!!"
"Heh, thanks."
"So, what brings you here? Are you reapplying for classes?" They asked excitedly.
"No, sorry. We still can't afford it." Luna's smile dropped. "Actually, I wanted to ask if I could borrow the studio, just for an hour or two. For an old friend?"
"Of course, sweetie. No one's holding any lessons right now." They ruffled up her hair. "Just give me an autograph before you leave."
"Oh shush!" Luna chided them, and they snickered.
"You have an hour and a half, ok, hon?" Luna smiled. nodding in response before finding room 4b.
She shed the t-shirt and the hoodie, the black tank top underneath matching better with the pointe shoes she was tying around her legs.
Ballet was just one of the extracurricular activities her mom made her do as a kid, and it ended up sticking more than the others. Brian tried hard to keep her in classes when she moved here, but it got too expensive real fast, and she had to quit.
To dance like that... it was a privilege she'd always  tried to exploit.
She slowly scanned the room. It looked exactly the same. Same scuffs on the floor, same wobbly bar on the left wall. And it felt the same, too, when she stood up on her toes and walked around the room that way. She did an experimental twirl.
She almost fell over. Maybe I'm a little rusty.
But as soon as she jumped through the air, she remembered why she started putting wings on all of her shoes.
She didn't have to look in the mirror to know that blue was seeping into the deepest gray of her eyes.
It wasn't necessarily a sad blue, just a calm one. One she liked to bask in.
Venting to a room that only listened...
I missed this.

The mood at school was buzzing with energy and excitement. Talks of work studies, the festival-
"Me and Midnight???" Simon cried out.
Thirteen laughed, pulling up the article on Simon's desktop for her.
"Right there! 'Si-night'" they said before laughing.
"That's... unfortunate." Cementos added, chuckling a bit.
"Oh shush! It's not a big deal!" Simon argued. "Now, I have to go congratulate my class for all qualifying top 42."
"Gloat much?" Vlad added from his desk farther down.
"Suck much?" Simon called back as she walked out.
She poked her head back in.
"Get it?? Your like, vampire thing you have going.. suck?"
"Go teach your class!" Thirteen hurried her off, and she smiled as she ran down the halls to be early to chat.
"Si-night isn't going to be a thing!" Jiro yelled as Simon entered.
"It's already my lock screen!" Kaminari yelled as he held out his phone, a badly made wallpaper of that part at the festival where Midnight pulled a blushing Simon into her chest.
Simon cleared her throat, making him jump. "I'll pretend that didn't just happen if you change it."
He nodded, looking down.
"I'm so proud of all of you. You showed everyone that my class is the best class!"
"Not your class." Aizawa's voice came from the front, and Simon turned just as the bell rang.
"Oh- good to see your face again!" Simon smiled.
His bandages are finally off!
He watched her for just one second too long before looking away, and Luna sucked in a breath.
What's this..?
She looked at Simon.
Her costume was cute now, she wasn't recently beat up looking anymore, and right now you couldn't open an app without seeing something about how cute Simon is, and how she blushes with her ears, or the off comment about her boobs.
Physically and socially, Simon Says was fresh out of a glow up.
And Luna wasn't the only one who noticed...
The two went on to elaborate on work studies, and the topic of names was finally brought up.
The class cheered like crazy as Simon sighed, being forced to take her exit at this time. She had counseling work to get done.

When Midnight came in to help the students pick out their names, Luna wanted to curl up into a ball and die.
She's so hot...
You're respectful. You're not gonna look at the boobs. You're not.
She did.
She tried to focus on the white board she was handed. What to write... what to write...
What did mom want me to be called again? Lady Wechsler? Yeah, no way.
She had two in mind.
She loved both... shoot.

"Pftt.." She snorted as Bakugo presented his second name option in all seriousness. "He just went from King to Lord... way to downgrade."

"Oh my god, Pinky? Froppy? Uravity? Creati? They're all so adorable!!!"

"Oh, Todorokoi's using his name? Weird, but fitting. You do you, I guess."

"Iida too? Why does he look so sad?"

Midnight looked at her list. "Kanazuki, you haven't gone yet."
Luna took a deep breath as she walked to the front of the classroom.
"Here goes." She whispered quietly.
She looked to Mina for support, who gave her a grin and a thumbs up.
"My hero name is.. The Colorful Hero: Etch-A-Sketch!!"
The fraction of a second before everyone reacted was too scary.
Maybe I should've just gone with Scribbly...
"I love it!!" Midnight gushed. "It's a recognizable and catchy sound people will remember."
"Thank you." She let out a huge breath before walking down to her seat, a tingle running down her arms.
I have an identity now, a hero name.
It feels nice.

 It feels nice

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