9. Thing 1 and Thing 2 are Ready to Square Up

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Simon sat at her computer, checking over the info of all the kids who signed up. She was finally working hard at school, and she was loving it.
After she suggested counseling, the school looked into it and found her information in the database. It was a perfect fit. She was now actually faculty, and not just the test dummy for some new experimental teaching bullshit.
She heard a sleeping bag unzip, and finally looked up from her screen.
It's dark out..
She turned to see Aizawa getting off the floor.
"Good morning." She joked as she fixed her glasses and looked back at the screen.
He grumbled in response.
"Recovery Girl said to stop by when you woke up." She explained.
"What..? Why didn't you just wake me up?"
"Pretty sure you killed the last person who woke you up during a nap." She joked, standing up painfully and stretching her injured back.
She began walking towards the door. "Are you coming?"
He wordlessly started following, and the silence followed the whole way there as well.
When they got to the medical bay, Simon blinked as she looked under the door with the light off.
"Uh.. she said she'd be here until 7-"
She checked her phone.
"Nevermind it's 8:30.."
"You should've woken me up." He reiterated, opening the door.
"Ah- you tell everyone specifically not to wake you up." She said as she followed him inside, feeling like she was breaking a rule.
"That's what I tell the students." He said as he opened one of the drawers. "You're an adult, though I didn't know I had to tell you."
"Well of course I know that.." she defended as he faced a mirror, taking off the bandages on his face from the day, barely visible in the dark lighting.
"Nobody here sees you the way you think." He said before washing his wounds in the semi-darkness.
"Ah.. I don't know what you mean."
"I don't see you as some kid anymore, and I haven't since you left, so stop treating me like your teacher."
He made eye contact with her in the mirror.
"Stop treating the staff like they're your teachers still. It's just going to make everyone look down on you."
She blinked. She knew he was observant, but he was pointing out things even she didn't know were happening.
"Yeah?" He asked as he started to put his new bandages on.
"Yeah." She said with a small smile. "I'm gonna go home now then."
"Okay." He replied, muffled by his bandages again as she turned. "Didn't you come here for a reason though..?" He asked and she stopped moving.
She chuckled to herself quietly.
"Right!" She shuffled over to the counter and stood next to him, reaching up into the cabinet to grab new wrist binding.
"And try and actually wear your uniform to your job once you're done recovering, please." He said.
"Calm down, it's in the shop! And I'm an adult so you can't dress code me." She said as she started fixing her hand up.
He sighed. "You sure switch up fast.."
"It's called quick adaptation, coworker." She said in a teasy tone.
"I'm regretting it now." He said as he turned.
"Oh calm down work buddy!" She called after him as she threw away the trash she left and wrote an apology note for Recovery Girl.
"Goodbye, Simon.." He called out as he closed the door, creating as much distance from her as he could.
She stuck her head out the door as he was halfway down the hall with a dopey grin.
"What was that, pal??" She yelled.
"If this becomes a habit you better know I can get you fired." He threatened, and she laughed as he turned the hall.
Class was normal, usual, and perfect.
So of course Bakugo had to fuck it up.

When the doors opened for them all to leave, Luna was one of the people at the very front, eager to go home.
But instead of a nice, quiet hallway, they were bombarded with a mob of kids.
"Out of the way, extras, or I'll blow your faces off."
Bakugo threatened.
A tall guy with purple hair stepped up, making a whole speech about them being arrogant or something.
She wasn't really listening. She was occupied trying not to laugh at how much this dude looked like Thing 1 and Thing 2.
Dr. Seuss character lookin ass...
"Look, a lot of people in the general studies course are here because they didn't get into the hero course. They say the school will consider transferring some people in, and some people out."
Before Bakugo could yell something stupid, she talked over him.
"Look, I'm sorry you didn't get in, but most of us are planning on staying." She said smugly. "Good luck to you, though."
"Hey 1-A!!" Someone from 1-B said. He kinda looked like Kirishima, but if he was even more of a side character. "Don't embarrass the rest of us at the festival, ok?"
She heard Bakugo breathe in to speak, and kicked him in the shin.
As he growled in pain behind her, she smiled sweetly, but smugly. "We won't if you won't." And then she bolted down the hallway, running from a wild Bakugo.
The whole class watched this interaction, confused.
Did she just.. get him to stop talking so she could say the same thing but.. nicer??
Bakugo chased her down the hallway and let her off with a good soap-worthy goodbye.

 nicer??Bakugo chased her down the hallway and let her off with a good soap-worthy goodbye

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