20. Skylight

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Simon sighed.
A long day and a bunch of new faces that she'd get to memorize.
She couldn't wait to hear about names, and was going into the teacher's office to ask Aizawa.
Only, when she opened the door, he was gone.
Hm.. must be busy.

Simon blasted music in her headphones as she sped down the sidewalk, mind still heavy with thoughts from the past few days.
No matter how much she tried to focus on the day and her mission, that dinner with Luna kept popping into her head.
She understood why she was the way she was now, and she couldn't help but resent her mother.
She wondered how Luna handled 15 years of that absolute cun-
"Tina!" A voice called, and Simon stopped in her steps, staring down the street in shock.
"Tina! Get inside!" Simon screamed.
"No! It's Parker! He's not going to hurt me!"
Simon brushed the memory away.
Two girls met and hugged outside of a restaurant.
She sighed.
It's not an uncommon name, get a grip..
She had a job to do.
She was finding out who was organizing the Greenhouse.
Finding someone that's manufacturing a new hallucinogenic gas-based drug isn't really standard hero work, usually that stuff's up to the police, but Simon was serving the greater good, while also serving herself kinda.
Meaning, this mission could be personal, but it all depends on who's sitting in the big chair.
She prayed it wasn't personal. If her theory was right, this was about to become a lot more complicated.
Simon entered the alleyway in the business district, shedding her disguise once she avoided the men in cheap suits guarding the building.
Her new costume was so much more inconspicuous and comfortable.
The one before was the first one she had in America, and since all the others she had in America were less than respectable, she just used that old one. God.. different times..
Her back was for the most part healed by now, but her mid-pieces being supportive and bulletproof was a plus, regardless of damage.
She grabbed onto the piping that scaled the building.
She began her ascent regrettably, knowing her body was not really built for scaling walls.
Her shoes helped though, the grip at the bottoms an assistance.
She pulled herself over the ledge of the old building, and tiptoed towards the skylight below her, shining straight down into the boss's office.
She found that out with Google maps.
There was a bright yellow glow from the inside, and she leaned over the glass like a spy in an old French spy movie.
Two men were talking incoherently below.
She tried to push her ears forward to hear better, but even with the enhancement that her hearing gave her, she heard nothing.
She relied on visuals.
The top of the boss's head was right under her, and she couldn't make out a face from the angle
He had blonde hair, making her chest relax.
People can dye their hair.
She stopped relaxing.
The other man was big and bald and mean looking. He was upset.
The boss was still and quiet as the big man yelled at him.
What the hell are they saying??
She debated, looking around.
She pulled her hood up, and a mask that covered up to her nose.
Fuck it.
She placed her hand over the glass, ready to push it open to get better hearing.
Her hand was wrapped and yoinked away, her body pulled back against the gravel of the roof.
She grabbed the bond and pulled quickly, realizing what she was holding as she heard a thud.
"Oh my god! Why are you here?!" She cried out in a whisper as he laid face down in the gravel.
Aizawa slowly lifted his face up, glaring.
"You didn't give me a warning! A-and I have good reflexes in my defense.." she rubbed her arm as he stood.
"Why are you here? And were you seriously just going to crack the window?"
"One, this is my case so that's why I'm here. And two, yeah I was, why?"
He crossed his arms.
A drop of rain hit the top of her nose.
And then more.
And it was raining.
She looked at the window.
"Do you not check the weather on your phone?" He asked.
She scoffed and leaned back towards the skylight. "I'm trying to gather information here, so please be quiet."
She really focused, blocking out the rain.
Those were the two words she sorta made out.
She put her ear on the glass, unable to look down to see when the boss stood up with a gun.
Her body jolted backwards as a gunshot rang in her ears.
She hit the legs of her unwanted guest as he walked around her, hands in pocket, to look down.
"He shot the big guy." He commented.
Simon caught her breath, taking off her hood and letting the wind hit her face.
She touched her ear softly.
The shot was muffled even, her ears just had extra sensitivity from their shape advantage..
She looked up to Aizawa.
Was he talking to her..?
The ringing was too loud, and he sounded far away, almost underwater.
She gathered that he was trying to explain what he knew about this meetup to her.
"..Parker Vanderwall.." she finally heard at full, unringing volume, and her chest tightened.
"H- him!?" She choked out in the lowest whisper she could, pointing down.
He noticed her state, nodding slowly, alert.
She shuffled to her feet, a primal response as she created distance from the window.
Not here! He can't be here! He's the boss-?? I need to leave! I need to get Mom, Amara-
"Simon, what's-" she felt a hand on her shoulder and pushed it away as she ran her hands through her wet hair.
"No! No we have to go before he gets in our heads!" She began to turn.
Her body froze as her head vibrated that word, vision going blurry.
"Simon??" Aizawa called out. She was going to fall until her arms were grabbed to stabilize her, but she registered it late, like she was in her head watching her eyes from a screen.
"You know why I'm here, Janie. I'm gonna break your little happy make believe world in half. I'll fucking kill you. I'll make sure you and your little family squirm under my foot as I crush y-" she was suddenly back in reality, her legs collapsed, being able to take a breath as she saw Aizawa leaning over the skylight, using his quirk as he looked down.
Parker can't use his quirk unless his eyes are closed, so he probably didn't realize he's getting blocked out yet.
"Are you okay?" Aizawa asked her.
"W-We.. need-" she tried to get out, choking on her words.
Fire traced her memories, screams echoing through her fingertips.
It was all my fault.
I did this.
I broke him.
And suddenly she heard the rain's loud hiss as the world came back to her.
Aizawa saw her eyes fill with seriousness.
"We need to leave before he realizes you erased his quirk, when he gets into your brain for the first time, it rips you apart."
He nodded, not questioning her as she ungraciously but quickly jumped from the roof.
"You know a lot about him?" He asked her.
She laughed to herself, starting to get a grip on her mind again. "Yeah.. I've been working on this case for a few months, but.. P-Parker Vanderwall is someone that.." she trailed off, looking up apologetically as she didn't want to continue.
He can't know about Parker or the church. He just can't.
Nobody can..
"I've been working the Jade case since winter-,"
"Wait, what?" She blinked.
"The case, since December-"
"Jade?" She asked as they began to sneak out of the district quietly.
"Yes?" He asked.
"Greenhouse case." She argued with two words.
"What? The drug is known as Jade."
"Jade is just a shade of green, the gas is green, it's a gas like a greenhouse gas..." she slowly explained.
"That's a long name for no reason." He replied.
"It's cooler."


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