13. Sharpie

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TW: Panic attack, mention of abuse

Bakugo growled continuously. Luna was currently putting a leash on him.
Not a pet's leash, god no. Not a kinky one, either.
This leash attached to Bakugo with a backpack, small and fluffy, shaped like a bear. The long part was like those dog leashes that extend if you need them to.
"Why am I wearing this again???"
"Because you're gonna wanna play rough with the other kids, and leave us, and then we're gonna get disqualified, and then I'm gonna beat the shit out of your overly aggressive ass."
"If it looks stupid, I kill you."
She held in her laughter, staring at the cute teddy bear with a bow tie. "No, it looks cool, I promise."
She patted her inhaler in her pocket, making sure it was there.
Bakugo tied the headband behind his head. 690 points.
Usually she'd laugh at the number, but her nerves were too much, even for immature sex jokes.
Bakugo sat on top, the rider. Kirishima took the front, Mina took the left and Luna took the right.
They all mentally counted down.
"Can you get your ass out of my fa-"
"GO!!" Midnight yelled, the word echoing through their heads.
They ran forward as a team.
As expected, everyone went for Team Midoriya, like a pack of hungry dogs chasing a rabbit.
But maybe they were stronger than rabbits, because they avoided all the teams, flying up into the air.
"Deku..." Bakugo grumbled, before very explosively propelling himself up to meet them.
Luna tightened her grip on the leash handle.
He almost blasted them, but Tokoyami blocked it with Dark Shadow.
He's so cute!!! His big yellow eyes, ugh!
Luna found that dark demon thing adorable.
Bakugo fell back down, and she pulled hard on the handle, landing him right back on their arms, painfully so.
They charged forward, towards Midoriya's team, until an arm blurred through their vision, and the headband was in a retreating hand.
No, no , no, no. Fuck!
This weird blond kid laughed at them. "Class A is so underwhelming."
"What did you say??"
"Honestly, you're making us look bad, being the "best class" and being... you."
Luna saw the sparks and quiet pops in his hands.
Normally, she would've told Bakugo to chill out before he could rage, but this time...
"Hey, Sharpie."
"Hm?" She didn't even mind the nickname, it sounded cool to her art hoe ears.
He pointed at the four headbands around the blond bitch's neck, then moved their attention to the one on his head. "Get me that one."
"Yep." Their anger sort of washed each other's brashness away, and somehow they were calmer when they worked together.
Quick sketch, shadow it just for good measure, and boom.
Her favorite little helper: a small bluejay.
Command: Retrieve.
It cut through the air, circling around and back behind the group, at the same time that they rushed forward.
Bakugo snatched one of the headbands from around his neck, blasting them as a distraction and Monoma yelped in pain when the bird's beak poked into the back of his head.
As they backed up, Bakugo grinned, tying their headband back on his head.
The bird dropped its headband in Bakugo's hand, flying over to cuddle with Luna briefly before crumbling into graphite dust.
"Bye, Pear." She sadly remarked.
Mina frowned. "Wait, why'd you name it Pear?"
"I don't know, I didn't have a lot of time to name it. I don't even like pears."
"You're stupid." A deep, dumb voice said.
"I got that headband around your neck, I can choke you with it too."
"-We purposely scored just high enough in the preliminaries to get in, without being targets."
Oh, was he talking? The blonde kid?
What was his name... she tried to sift through the students she remembered, which were a lot. He said Class B, right?
She snapped, lightbulb going off in her head. Monoma!!
She processed what he'd just said, eyes swirling a slight crimson.
"That's dumb as hell. Real heroes never settle for anything lower than their best."
Bakugo scoffed slightly at her statement, grinning. Did they agree on something???
Monoma looked at her dramatically. "This isn't a game of heroes."
"Not to you." She responded.
"Go! Forward! Go go go go go!!!" Bakugo bonked Kirishima on the head repeatedly.
Bonk bonk bonk.
Those mental sound effects are what broke her, making Luna snort and laugh as they moved forward to grab the rest of the bands.
Another bluejay, another headband around Bakugo's neck.
"Good job, Apple!" Her team continued to be confused by her choice in bird names.
She sent a third bird behind them, but then Monoma blew into the air, and it... solidified?
Wasn't that the other guy's power??
The bird crashed into the glass-like shield, and fell to the ground, unmoving.
"CAROL!!!" Luna screamed as she sent something else their way:
a heated up Bakugo ready to blow them up.
Two headbands around his neck, that's all they needed...
They circled the other group, Mina laying a moat of acid around them that they couldn't jump over.
Bakugo reached for them, grabbing hold.
When they ran off, screaming in victory, she looked up at him. "Which one did you get?"
He grinned as he held up both of them.
Luna gave Mina a huge hug, and Kirishima too.
Kirishima was kind of surprised about it, but he hugged her back nonetheless, and called her birds super cool.
She walked up to the fuming Bakugo, probably feeling shitty about getting second. He sat, criss cross applesauce, like a child.
This boy... his mood changes faster than the wind changes directions. She refused to think about how familiar it was.
"Hey..." She held out a hand to him. "Second is still good, you know? There's still a reason to celebrate."
He looked quizzically at her hand, his expression darkening.
He slapped her hand away, getting up himself. "There's no reason to celebrate when you're not the best. I don't need your help!! You're below me! Below me... Got it??!!"
"Fine, dick!!" She rubbed her stinging hand. Does he have some weird thing about people holding out hands to him?? Geez!!

The In-Laws||MHAxOCS||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora