3. Mission Possible

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Lunch scared her. To Simon, the teacher's office was filled with.. well, all of her high school teachers plus All Might.
She held her very American lunch sack tightly as she stood in front of the door.
Just as she got the courage to open it, it was opened for her.
"Aha! Simon! It's wonderful to see you back in action outside of The States!" All Might projected loudly.
"Wonderful to be back, All Might!" She responded sweetly as he left down the hall in a rush.
She entered the room, happily seeing nobody there.
She found her desk and sat in the chair.
"I need sleep.." she said to herself.
Having to deal with her sister being pregnant, and her sister-in-law being there. She couldn't help but resent Kanazuki for marrying her sister, even if it was irrational.
Incoming Call: Amara Kanazuki
"Kill me." She cried before answering the phone.
"Who's my favorite baby sister?"
"I absorbed her in mother's womb." Simon replied.
"Do not talk like that to a pregnant lady!" She joked back.
"We're adopted, idiot."
"Still! I don't wanna jinx my baby!"
"It'll be fineeee!"
Amara gave her fake, about-to-ask-for-something laugh.
Simon waited.
"I have a favor to ask."
It's always something..
"My husband forgot his lunch and he's on campus.. would you be a doll and share?"
Simon's breath hitched. "Mhm!" She said. "Bye-bye!"
She hung up the phone.
"This is my sandwich! I can't give him my lunch! Why does she do this?! Is her husband even an adult?!" She cursed as she stomped out to go give her hard work away.
She came back grumbling, but stopped when she saw Midnight there.
"Ah- hello, ma'am." She greeted.
"Simon Says! You still look so young and beautiful!" The woman cooed.
"Thank you, ma'am!" Simon blushed.
"You made such a lasting impression here with your high rank so young! And not to mention what you were doing in the states! I'm impressed!"
"Ahhh.. I know! I just hope nobody else knows about the states..!"
"You sound upset, Simon."
"No, it's not that! I needed a lot of money at the time, but official hero ranking is one of the reasons I stayed away so long!"
"My bad, dear!"
"No, it's okay!"
"It's wonderful to see you back in school though! I missed you in my class! Your performance was unbelievable."
"Alright then, enjoy your lunch coworker!" She said before leaving.
I tried so hard not to look at her boobs.
Simon collapsed into her chair, her stomach growling.
"Shush, tummy.. we're eating sleep." She huffed, leaning onto her desk.
"You need to manage sleep better." She was awoken by a stern voice.
She jolted up and rubbed her eyes. The sky was orange, the room glowing as the sun set.
"Ah-!" She stumbled to her feet, grabbing her gloves that she took off. "I'm so sorry, sir! I shouldn't have fallen asleep on my first day and that combined with me already being late.."
Aizawa waited until she stopped ranting.
He looked upset.
"I work at nights, so it's hard to find times to be able to sleep.. I'm really sorry, really."
"Are you done?" He asked.
"Good job today. You would usually be dismissed after lunch anyways. The teachers just agreed to let you sleep."
"Oh.. um.. thank you, Erasure Head."
"Yeah." He said shortly before leaving.
Did he get meaner since I graduated??
She stretched out her cracking bones.
With that uncomfortable silence out of the way, she returned home.

Something funny was that her hero costume was usually something that she didn't wear while actually on the job.
Honestly, she didn't need it anyways, considering her style of fighting usually has her away from people. But the loud purple and black costume makes her less recognizable during real missions where she's wearing a hoodie.
Well, as less recognizable you can be with elf ears and cotton candy colored hair..
She put on a skirt and hoodie, getting to wear her casual comfy clothes, as well as have her ears filled with metal.
She got her shoes on and checked her phone.
She'd been investigating a huge drug scheme since she got here, and now was her first chance to see some of the higher ups up close without exposing herself.
She had it all planned out.
Being solo, she was her own agency, technically. She did everything herself and other than the government, was her own boss.
She rounded the last corner and tucked her phone away, pulling her hood up to hide the blue parts of her hair.
The big bouncer stood in front of the club. No line, this place has been here for ages.
She walked up to him.
"Hey, what are you doing little girl?" The man asked in a deep voice.
She frowned in the shadows.
5'0 is a perfectly reasonable adult height.
"Um, I'm not sure where I am right now.. I got lost so can I go in and use the phone?" Stupid rebellious teen act was her most mastered character.
He squinted. "Minors aren't allowed in."
"I need to call my mom." She said softly.
"That's not my problem, you're still not getting in."
"Fine, old man! If you don't believe me, give me your phone, then!"
She's mastered her quirk's specific requirements.
He reached into his pocket, and just like that, she felt the power surge into her body.

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