2. Trial and Error

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Simon ran through the familiar halls, terrified.
Not only was she late, but she just found out who she'll be the teacher's assistant for..
She opened the doors to her class to find them not there.
What?! This is definitely the right place!!
She looked out the window and sighed in relief.
Not gone, just outside..
"Hey! Mr. Eraser Head!"
"Oh god.."
"I'm so sorry I was late! I found out my sister was pregnant this morning and I am so not used to public transportation again!"
Aizawa looked stunned. He filed for the TA like all the other homeroom teachers, but didn't know that she'd be the one taking the spot.
Simon Says was a responsible hero, and a student while he was teaching for her last 2 years when he first became a teacher.
"Sorry! What are we doing, teach?" She laughed. "I mean- sir."
He looked back to the class all standing in front of him.
"Ah! Hello class 1A! I'm your teaching assistant for this year! My name's-"
"You're Simon Says!" A boy yelled out from the crowd.
"Aha.. what he said!"
"She started as the second youngest new pro to ever be so big, immediately going solo after graduating, instead of joining an agency! She was 18 when she debuted! She was already famous for winning first place at the sports festival when she was in her first year, and for being one of the first foreigners to get into UA instead of being transferred! Since then, she's been breaking records in the US and more impressively, Japan! Nobody knows why she left but for one season she was the number 20 hero!"
"Aha.." she blushed, "Its been a while, but I'm back. I'm basically here to be support to you guys and help you with your hero studies and make sure everyone's trying their hardest!"
Aizawa cleared his throat, and she frowned.
"As I was saying.. whoever places last will be expelled."
Christ, old man.. isn't that harsh?
"Amara's pregnant..?" She heard from her left, a girl with her head down.
"Ah.. how do you..?" Simon recognized that hair.
"HUh! Why are you here? You mean little scumbag!? You're that Flower Girl!"
Luna's head shot up. "I was trying to be mature about it!"
"By what?! Not looking me in the eye!?"
"Not my fault you're unbearable to look at, old lady!"
"Really?! You-"
"Simon." She heard from behind her.
'You got me in trouble!' She mouthed angrily at Luna, who stuck her tongue out.
She slowly turned to her former teacher/current boss.
"Please do not fight with the students unless I say so."
"Ah.. yes, sorry."
He's still so scary..
"So does that mean I'll be allowed to fight them eventually..?" She smirked.
He ignored her.

Luna breathed in and out.
All she had to do was fail. Easy peasy, right?
As the other students started going up to- were they gonna throw a ball? Seriously? She spotted some spiky blond hair, and growled, stalking towards him.
"What is your problem??!"
He looked her up and down, and scoffed. "What's yours, loser?"
"I'm the loser?? You're the one who almost killed 20 people!!"
"Listen, you fucking extra. I don't give a shit! I beat the robots, didn't I?? And I'm gonna beat you today!!"
Oh, bitch. He didn't.
"You're a brat, and I'm gonna destroy you." She promised.
Change of plans. Beat this hothead.

Luna went up to the plate and picked up a stick. She bent over and on the ground, she traced a small bird with fast and exquisite detail.
Simon's eyes bulged from her head as the bird popped into reality. She held out the ball for the bird to grab, and whispered a single word to it.
A command maybe?
She gave it a gentle pet first, scratching it under the chin. Cute.
The bird flew off with the ball, and they all sat there to wait...
Everything was silent until Aizawa's machine clicked.
689 meters.
"Holy shiiiiiiiipwreck!" Simon began to swear but then stopped herself, giving a smile to the teacher.
He barely looked at her and continued.
As it continued, Simon was blown away by this class.
"Yaoyorozu and Kanazuki have really similar quirks.."
"Who?" Aizawa responded.
He was listening to me??!
"Oh.. her! She's my brother-in-law's sister so I thought they had the same name."
"No, she's.." he looked at the paper. "Luna Wech..sler?"
"A white person name?!" She gasped. Her sheet said her late dad was from America and her mom was from the Philippines.. she moved here from America? She's a foreigner??
American, no less..
So her brother is only her half brother..
What kind of name is Wechsler?! It sounds like throwing up!
"They do both have creation-related quirks." He continued, even after Simon's mind was elsewhere.
"Oh! Yeah.. but I think Yaoyorozu has a stamina advantage. You can see that Kana- Wechsler.. is already breathing hard after just the sprint and the throw."
"I see." He said, not sounding entirely dead inside.
Did he not see before?!! I've never been more proud of my observation skills... I out-observed Mr. Observer! Is this what being a genius is..?
"Though, even then, Wech.." he quickly gave up on the name. "Kanazuki seems to be more creative instead of practical with her quirk, it looks like she only needs to know what the thing looks like to make it."
Luna used one of the springs she made for the long jump and put it on the floor under her back, making the sit-up task easier and faster.
She was definitely good...
"Yeah.. I see."
"Are you sulking..?" He asked.
"Kanazuki is overrated.." she huffed.
"Do you hate your in-laws that much?"
"Do you have in-laws..?" She said tiredly.
He chuckled.
Like laughed.
She was in shock. She didn't know he could physically do that. He taught her underclassman friends for 2 years and she'd never seen him emote more than the two emotions "tired" and "upset."
"Yes?" He asked, and Simon jumped.
"You're staring."
"YOU laughed at something I said!"
"Tch.." he shook his head, his sternness returning.
Oh I'll crack him one day..
"You're not actually gonna expel that kid, right? Especially after what he just did." Simon asked as the class was in awe at the mumbling boy's quirk. She hadn't looked at the names list, but this blonde kid called him Deku, was that his name?
Aizawa hadn't made up his mind..
"He's got his eyes, Eraser." She said quietly, and was not responded to. (Again)
"I knew you wo-" she began once the students left, but Aizawa interrupted her.
"Go back to class and take attendance, then answer their questions about the school because they missed orientation."
"Ah- Yes, sir."
"You all did great!" Simon praised once everyone was sat down. And sorry Aizawa is so scary.. I'd say you get used to it but not even I have!" She tried her hardest to joke.
The 20 student class had mixed reactions to her, however none were inappropriate because a certain grape looking pervert has gotten deleted from existence :)
The girls seemed to like Simon for the most part, with exception to a very angry and competitive girl with marker smeared on her cheek.
The boys had mixed reactions, but the heterochromatic one in the back seemed to have no expression, and the angry boy that Luna was fighting earlier was glaring like a rabid chihuahua.
She continued to answer questions and build friendships with the kids, joking about how one day she'll overthrow Aizawa and give them all pizza.
Luna found her unbearable..

"Hey, Weck- We.. uh.."
"Kanazuki is fine." She smiled at the girl, who she recognized from the entrance exam. She had curly pink hair, matching pink skin, and cute horns.
"Thank you for helping me at the exam! I'm Ashido." She had such a cheery and cute demeanor, it was hard not to be fond of her.
"Nice to meet you, Ashido. And it was really no problem."
The whole time as she grabbed her lunch tray and sat down, Mina walked along with her.
I guess she wants to be friends with me?
Maybe it wasn't a good idea to make friends...
But she was so nice, how could Luna refuse that?
So they sat down at the girls' table, and one by one she got to know them all out of who was there.
"Your quirk is insane. Seriously, Yaoyorozu and you are gonna be the best in the class!" Asui- or- Tsu, complimented.
"Oh, thanks Tsu! I have a lot of work to do though..!" She replied, referring more to finding a way out.
"That's the spirit!" Yaoyorozu added.
"By the way, your eyes are really pretty!" Mina gushed, the other girls agreeing.
"Thanks..." Luna blushed. Her eyes were a bright, almost glowing rainbow, the pastel pattern looking like a lollipop, or those swirled marshmallows. They tended to change to one of the six light colors, if her mood was severe enough.
With Luna being Luna, it often was.
The girls continued to laugh and chat, only something caught Luna's eye.
Someone, really.
She couldn't help but stare at the guy with the half and half hair.
What was his name? Todoroki?
That boy has definitely never cracked a smile in his life.
Hmm. Daddy issues?
Why did he never use his other power?
She kind of had a staring problem, so when he looked up at her with an inquisitive gaze, she didn't even realize.
Something about him...

 Something about him

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