25. Breaking Dawn

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Simon stood in the middle of her living room, thinking really hard.
If I clean my house, I'll be seen as a more respectable person and teacher who responsibly provided a nice place for her student to stay.
Her eyes drifted toward the couch. But if I don't clean my house...
She tried to think of a logical reason why she shouldn't.
I'll be seen as more relatable and my student will be more comfortable with emotionally opening up to me.
She jumped onto the couch, fishing for the TV remote. As a counselor, I could never compromise my student's emotional well being.

Luna was leaving for her work study the night before everyone else, seeing as she was a special case.
Usually, teachers couldn't do work studies, but Simon found a request form that allowed her to take Luna under her wing.
"Did you pack pajamas for every night?"
"Yes, Amara."
"Did you pack backup pajamas for every night?"
"Yes, Amara."
"Hmmm... what am I forgetting?"
"Everything else."
"Oh, that's right! Did you pack everything else??"
"...yes, Amara."
"Awww! I'm gonna miss you!" Amara squeezed Luna tightly. "Remember you can come back home any time you want."
"Sweetie, she actually can't." Brian said. "It's a work study."
Amara's smile got wider and more plastic. "If Jane does anything, call me and I'll talk to her!"
Luna felt wildly uncomfortable as she waved them off.

Simon is a good hero and a kind person. You'll learn a lot. Just bring your all so you can stay here.
Luna's self pep talk was cut short once she reached the address. A huge apartment complex, and on the 12th floor, she stood in front of room 419.
The door opened after a quick knock, and Luna's eyes went wide.
Simon's bangs were in a tiny bun at the top of her head and a face mask over her skin as spa music came from her TV.
"Luna! Come in! This brand I used to sponsor sent me a new line of skincare products!"
Luna was yanked into the apartment by her wrist, and immediately the smell of sweet scented candles hit her nose.
The place was sprinkled with untidiness, but the big windows and clear couch made it seem much more organized and open than it really was.There were potted plants of various sizes everywhere, also in various stages of death. The kitchen counter was a pale, light green, matching the couch, the TV posed on a low stand in front of it.
"Sit! I have some left!" Simon sat cross legged on the couch as she yanked Luna next to her, grabbing the little container of product and scoop.
Luna hadn't said a word yet.
"Simon?" Luna asked.
"Are those all from today?" She pointed to three empty cans of an energy drink.
Simon pouted. "No. I'm just in a good mood right now and I'm not gonna overwork you on your first night!"
Luna blinked.
"Okay two of them are from today, not that one." She admitted.
"I want to do real hero work, not some.. girl's night."
Simon sighed and put the container down. "A healthy mind, body, and spirit are the building blocks to improvement." She stood up, stretching. "Observe."
Her feet widened, squeaking against the wood floors as she held her arms out. "Come at me."
Luna smiled and sprung to her feet. She swung for her head, and she ducked under, jabbing Luna in the side and jumping back.
Luna grunted and instantly went in for another jab.
"Simon Says start singing opera." Simon.. well, said.
Luna realized her last words were a command, and without her own consent, started belting out high notes.
She continued to try and fight Simon, missing every time as she beautifully sang (unwillingly.)
"Your voice is great!" Simon said, jumping off her own couch.
She lost control, and Luna quickly spun for a kick.
"Kick me!" Simon yelled, and Luna quickly drew her leg away.
I have to be too fast for her to pre-
Simon jumped off the couch and slammed Luna into the floor like John Cena.
She sat on top of her in victory, leaning down towards her pinned head.
"Mind," she motioned towards the spa music playing.
"Body," her face mask.
She got off of Luna and helped her up.
"What's spirit..?" Luna mumbled angrily.
"Getting to beat you up."
Luna scoffed as she rubbed her back, collapsing onto the couch.
"Ready for girl's night?" Simon asked as she walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water.

"Oh my god you have all of the Twilight movies?!" Luna gasped, face covered in spa mud.
"Oh we gotta.." Simon nodded. "You've seen them.. right?" Simon asked.
Luna's face dropped, her face contorting in anger. "You nicknamed my daughter after the Loch Ness monster?!" She yelled, making Simon snort.
"Put it on while I wash my mask off!"
"Can I order pizza?!" Luna yelled to Simon down the hall.

"Bella's dad?!" Luna exclaimed.
"I don't have to explain my exquisite taste to you!" Simon yelled back as she went to the door to get the pizza after the doorbell rang.
"You don't need to give me an explanation, the only possible reason is daddy issues!"
"Luna!" Simon yelled back in shock as the girl continued to laugh maniacally.
The doorbell rang again.
Simon swung the door open.
Not the pizza.
"Ah- hi!" Simon looked back at Luna for a second and then stepped outside with her guest, closing her apartment door.
"What's going on?? Is everything- like, okay?" She was awkward around him after what happened.
"Jane." He said, catching her completely off guard.
She was not used to her real name coming from him.
"Wha- Shouta." She mocked his intensity and sternness. "How are you here??" She asked as she heard Luna laugh inside.
"I- are you busy?" He asked.
She avoided his eyes. "Yeah. Training and stuff."
Okay, things have been really awkward after what happened..
Since she opened up to him, for the first time to anyone ever mind you, and he ignored it completely.
It was a bit awkward.
"I forgot you started with Kanazuki today, my bad." He said.
"Yeah.. is it urgent? I'm not doing anything with the case while Luna's here I don't think, so don't worry about me getting in your way." She said coldly, frankly but politely.
He looked like he was struggling to find words.
"I just wanted to let you know that the next meeting spot between the owners of the 3rd and 5th branches had been found out, and tomorrow night the police station wants hero help to see if we can catch them and start taking the Greenhouse Case apart. Its low risk and would be good for Kanazuki's patience issues."
The corners of her mouth lifted a bit.
He called it the Greenhouse Case.
"She needs it, definitely." She met his eyes. "I'll rent out a car and be there."
The door handle behind her turned, and Luna, swaddled in a blanket, waddled up and threw her arm around Simon, not noticing who was standing in front of her.
"Where the hell have you been, Loca??" Luna quoted the movie, wiggling her eyebrows, and Simon sighed.
Luna looked up, seeing her teacher.
She looked back to Simon.
Then at him again.
Her eyes went wide.
"Go jump out a window." Simon said, activating her special move.
"nO!!" Luna cried as her legs turned her body.
She didn't get a step in before she had control again.
She looked back, and Aizawa had erased Simon's quirk.
Simon's eyes went wide when she realized what she said, Luna staring at the woman in horror.
"I would've stopped when I realized!" She argued with Luna's wide eyes. Luna punched her on the shoulder, hard.
"Ok, I deserve that..."
Aizawa cleared his throat, and Simon plastered on a factory-made innocent smile, turning to him.
"I would've stopped when I realized.." she repeated in a higher pitched voice.
"Please Don't kill a student when they embarrass you." He said dryly.
"Thanks for the tip." Simon said in defeat.
"So.. how long have you two..?" Luna whispered.
"Stop! I will turn off that movie so fast!" Simon whacked her head.
Aizawa blinked quickly. "Good luck with all that training you're doing, then." he joked.
"She's about to be a punching bag." Simon said as he turned to walk back to the elevator.
He smiled to himself. "See you tomorrow, Jane." He emphasized her name.
"YOU'RE ON A FIRST NAME BASIS??" Luna screamed.
As the elevator dinged, the last thing he heard was a pained yelp from Luna, followed by a matching pained yelp from Simon.

"LUNA!""NOW I KNOW YOU HAVE DADDY ISSUES! YOU'RE SCREWING HIM!! LOOK AT THAT MA- OW!!!"As the elevator dinged, the last thing he heard was a pained yelp from Luna, followed by a matching pained yelp from Simon

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