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[We reached Part 2!]

"Lea.. wake up, wake up!!" Niki said while shaking his first love's body.. "Ambulance is here... wake up Leaa!" He said.. "Oh no, this is really bad.." Ms. Kang said.. "Lets go Ms. Kang" Ni-ki said hurrying... "No youre not coming..." Ni-ki's tears flowed down.. "Its happening to her cause she's still think, what if I die...How about Ni-k?" Ms. Kang said.. "Please Ms. Kang Im begging you" The young Japanese boy said.. crying.. "No! If you come with us I' ll call the police!" Ms. Kang said.. making Ni-ki really sad..

Ms. Kang knew that this day would come cause Lea is still stressing over Ni-ki.. She already planned it, she plans to bring Lea in states.. She already planned this cause thats what Lea's parents like.. She dont want Lea to be sad after she's awake.. But what can she do? Theres nothing..

"D-doc, do you think that she will be fine in states?" Ms. Kang asked.. "I think so, doctors in the states are much better than the doctors here I guess." The doctor said.. "You need to bring her states before she cant breathe.. or before her heart stops beating." He continued.. "Thank you doc, please take care of her, I'll just book some tickets Thanks again doc" Ms. Kang said before leaving..


"What did I do?!" Ni-ki shouted to himself.. "A-are they m-mad at me? What If L-lea dies because of m-me?" Ni-ki said while crying.. He opened his phone and called Jungwon "Please answer hyung.... Please" Luckily it was lunch time so Jungwon can answer it..

:Hello? Ni-ki?

H-hyung *crying*:

:W-what happened? Why are you crying? Did something bad happened?

About L-lea:

:What about Lea?

*a sudden silence*

:Ni-kiiii! Answer me please!

Lea, she is rushed to the h-hospital.. she said she wanted to rest..:

:Are you in the hospital?

Ms. Kang didnt want me to come, based on what she said, Its like Im the reason why Lea is always stressed.. Lea is always thinking if how if she died without having a relationship with me.. and she told me that having a one day relationship wad enough for her.. Im s-sorry hyung, I didnt mean to make her stressed..:

:Stop crying Ni-ki, that isnt your fault... uhm, just take a rest, she will be okay.. trust me.. Im going to you home later, the lunch break is over.. Bye, dont cry to much..

Call Ended


Ms. Kang, she is ready to bring Lea in the states, all of the things that Lea needed is ready.. She also hired some bodyguards so that Ni-ki cant see her.. She didnt want to do this, but this is the only thing for Lea to continue her life. "Lea! Ms. Kang please... Ms. Kang I know your still there!" Ni-ki said.. What? Ni-ki is here? Ms. Kang already packed all the things and she let her tears flow.. she needed to do this.. she went out, "Im sorry little boy, She's gone.." Ni-ki just sat down on the floor.. with Jungwon on his side.. We all know that Lea isnt dead yet, Ms. Kang know that if Ni-ki knew it, that Lea isnt dead yet.. he will stop them.. So thats a big no.. "W-what? That cant be Ms. Kang" Jungwon said.. while crying, He is a tough boy, but, In this time.. he let out all of his tears to flow. "Im sorry.. kids, but I think its late, You need to go home now.. specially, your guardians isnt here.." One of the bodyguards said.. Jungwon just pulled Ni-ki out...

"Stay in our house for now Ni-ki, youre not okay.." Jungwon said.. "T-thank you..."

Few minutes later.. they arrived at Jungwon's house.. "Jungwon, Ni-ki.. what happened?" Jungwon's mom asked.. "L-lea.." Jungwon said.. "What about that beautiful girl?" His mom said.. "She's g-gone." Ni-ki said.. "W-what? Why?" She asked.. "Okay, its okay not to tell me.. but, dont cry to much, its not good for you two" She comforted.. "Stay here for now.. Ni-ki." She said.. Ni-ki just mouthed 'Thanks eomma'.




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