Part 2

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The car pulled up to a large building with many flashy signs. My stomach sank as I realized where we were. 'PORN STUDIOS XXX' was flashing across the signs and doors. It now made sense why the three Vs were all dressed so nicely. "Alright, we're here," Vox said, snapping me out of my thoughts. He opened the door and walked out, Val right on his tail. As I stood, ready to exit, Velvet looped arms with me and grinned. She half-dragged me out, not caring that I was stumbling over my own feet.

Valentino glared back at her and hissed, "Vel, knock it off. You can clearly see not all of us have your energy." Velvet gasped and pouted, unlinking her arm with mine. Although Val had a point, it felt nice to have contact with someone who didn't seem entirely evil. But I wasn't sure she was completely innocent. Vox shook his head and said with a flourish of his hand, "And this is why Vel shouldn't come along with us to business meetings. She's like a child."

Vel grabbed Vox's shoulder and shouted, "You take that back!" Vox whirled around and hissed, showing off his 2D teeth. "Make me," he snapped. Valentino kicked Vox in the back of the leg, causing his knees to buckle. He collapsed to the ground with a grasp as Val said with a warning, "You try to start a fight again and I'll rip that TV right off your neck you box of wires." Velvet snickered, but Val turned to her and said, "That counts for you too Velvet. I've just about had enough of your 'lovers' quarrel'." 

Velvet's jaw dropped in surprise. She looked like she wanted to defend herself, but Val sent her a withering glare. She immediately fell silent as Val took the lead of the group.

Okayy, so Val is most certainly the leader here. Making a mental note now not to get on his bad side.

Vox stood up, muttering curses. As Velvet took after Val, Vox turned to me and said with a softer tone, "Are you coming or what? Trust me, you don't want to be caught around here when the exterminators come. They would eat you up."

That thought alone made me shiver, so I raced after Vox into the Porn Studio, against my best wishes. As Vox held the door for me, I thought about the 3 demons I had met within my first couple of minutes in Hell.

Velvet- the energetic whirlwind of energy that always seemed to be looking at her phone. She seemed to say whatever was on her mind, but it didn't particularly seem to be a bad thing. It also seemed like she worked at the Porn Studio.

Valentino- the tallest person, no, demon that I had ever seen. Liked alcohol and cigarettes, and lived, maybe worked at the Porn Studio. He seemed cold, like he could break anyone of his choosing.

Vox- the sarcastic and cranky TV head. He and Velvet seemed to be good friends, and like Val and Vel, he also seemed to work or live at the Porn Studio. He barely ever smiled, at least in the moments I had spent with him.

I was led into an elevator with the three of them, all of us squished together uncomfortably. With a press of a button, the elevator rose and rose to the very top floor. Val tapped his foot as the elevator lurched to a stop.

"Ah, home sweet home at last," Velvet sighed. As the doors opened she pushed her way past everyone and sang, "We're baaack!"

The room before us was filled with smoke, tables, chairs, and alcohol. There was a plush couch that faced a runway leading up to a pole. There was a dancer already on the pole, twirling around, practically bathing in cash. The audience was cheering for them, some wolf-whistling and others trying to cop a feel. Waiters and waitresses hustled to get drinks to customers at the sight of Valentino. A horned demon rushed up to him and said quickly, "Ah, mister Valentino. Welcome back. May I take your coat?"

Val shook his head and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I want you to fetch y/n a fresh set of clothes. Just something other than what they are already wearing. I can't have them looking ragged in front of my top buyers."

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