Route 1~ Vox

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Shopping was an activity I hadn't taken much care of in my previous life. I typically just ordered online and dealt with the lame shit I was sent. But here in Hell, I had grown fond of shopping, especially around Val's studio. There were some outfits that suited my body, unlike when I was alive. So the four of us entered the first shop that had caught my eye.

The cashier's eyes widened when he saw the group of us. "Oh, I guess Sir Valentino and his pets would like a tour around?" he taunted although he was clearly trembling.

And then all Hell broke loose. Making puns, haha. But Velvet immediately dashed toward the cashier and pinned him against the wall, cracks spiraling out. Valentino let out a laugh and rested a hand on Velvet's shoulder, all while I stood there, unsure of my next move.

Suddenly, I felt Vox's sharp claws dig into my shoulders. I let out a small squeak. He had his arms crossed around me, simply holding me. Oh no, I felt the blush creeping into my face. We were literally less than inches apart. Vox then growled, "Don't you ever worry, y/n. You are not a pet. You are not going to be made fun of in front of me." He then let me go and marched over to Val and Vel. I let out a breath I had been holding for a while. I cleared my throat and made my way over to the situation at hand.

The cashier was simply pleading for his life while Velvet's hands - now claws - were crushing his neck. She let out a laugh, one I had never heard of before. Not giddy or cheerful, but instead a devilish snarl. Once she let out one final cackel, blood spurted from the cashier's neck and he crumpled to the floor. A droplet somehow landed on my cheek. Before I could notice it, Vox looked over and said in a hushed tone, "I'll get it." He gently wiped the blood drop off, and we stood there, my face surely bright red, while he was only blushing slightly.

"WELL, WELL! Looky over here, Valentino! Seems y/k and Vox are SMOLDERING! If you guys wanna get busy, just get a room, hah!" Velvet squealed, snapping several pictures all while covered in blood. "CURSE YOU! THAT IS NOT WHAT IS HAPPENING VEL!" Vox shouted, quickly looking away. Val laughed and adjusted his glasses before chiming in with Velvet, "Aww, Voxy, falling for y/k. How sweet. But how disobedient. You signed that contract, and you know that you're mine. Forever."

"A contract?" I asked. Velvet turned to me and gave a wide bloody smile. "Oh yes! Voxy made a contract with Val to protect him, give him a place to live, and in return, he'd have to listen to everything Valentino says. FOR ETERNITY! Heheheheee, poor TV. MY contract was a LOT less... RETARDED! Haha!" I could only swallow the sour taste in my mouth as I imagined making a contract for all eternity. And just... going about your daily life with it hanging over your head.

Vox returned seemingly out of nowhere and promptly announced, "y/n is going to go shopping now. Like we CAME TO DO." He gestured to the bloody corpse on the floor and Velvet. She couldn't help but let out a devilish giggle. Vox looped his arm with mine and swept me away. I looked up at him, my face getting more flustered by the second. As we meandered about the dresses and skirts, he suddenly pulled me closer to him and gave me a look that was... confusing. He looked happy, sad, livid, and embarrassed all at the same time. 

"About what I said earlier..." he began, avoiding my eyes. I tilted my head and asked, "What do you mean?" He cleared his throat and unlinked his arm with mine. He still held me close by the waist. Surely my face was burning up. Vox's must have been too because he quickly removed them and said, "Sorry, probably just a screen error or something. But don't let anyone make you feel like... like a pet." Suddenly I remembered what Vox had angrily said before Velvet tore the cashier apart. 

Vox put a hand on my shoulder and let his TV screen drop. He then looked slightly up at me and whispered, "And if anyone, especially Val, calls you their pet, I'll come and blast them to bits. Once someone thinks you're their pet, you're stuck forever. Ok y/n?"

I didn't expect those words, but despite my flustered appearance, I said, "Ok, Vox." I then cautiously wrapped my arms around him into a deep hug. He tensed and his old personality launched right back into his wiring. He patted my back like he didn't know what a hug was.

"HEY! YOU TWO! IF YOU'RE DONE NOW THEN LETS GO BUY SOME SEX TOYS!" a familiar and joyful voice shouted from across the store. Val gave Velvet a sharp pull on her pigtail, immediately silencing her. Velvet yelped and quickly jumped back.

"Let's go with the others," I suggested, and he simply gave a nod of his head, his blush quickly fading. Although mine was sure to remain for quite a while. I wondered... would this relationship ever grow into something more?


Hiya!! It's honee and I just wanted to let you know that I'll be working on these routes by going back and forth, so I won't just keep working on Vox's route. I'll most likely do Velvet's route next but who knows!

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