Part 5

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Over the next few days, I had started to get settled into Hell. Vel, Vox, and Val were the highlights of my time, and they made me feel welcome and appreciated. I looked forward to every waking moment with them, and it seemed like they enjoyed my company as well. 

As time progressed, the four of us grew very close, and I even started to question whether or not I had feelings for them. They were all so funny and friendly in their own unique ways that it was difficult to pick one out of the three. So I decided that I would keep hanging out with them until I confirmed whether or not my feelings were real. 

I emerged from my room once again to the sound of electronic music and wolf whistles. As I yawned and walked into the smoky stage room, I heard Vel's voice from across the room.

"Hey! Y/n!" she called, waving me over. "Val and I are going to get Vox from his house so we can all go shopping for the day!" Her eyes lit up at the word 'shopping'. I tilted my head and replied, "Sounds fun! I can come, right? I wouldn't be intruding?" She giggled and assured, "Duh, that's why I told you! So you could come! All three of us enjoy you!" 

She looped her arm through mine and practically dragged me to the elevator. Once we were securely inside and heading down, she whipped out her phone and started furiously typing. How she managed to do so with such agility was beyond me.

"What are you doing?" I asked, scratching my head. Without looking up, Velvet said confidently, "Just texting Val. He's waiting downstairs and being a whiny bitch about how long we're taking." "Ah. Sorry," I said with a wince. Being late was always a pet peeve of mine, and hearing how Val wasn't taking it well wasn't helping my confidence. 

The elevator finally reached the first floor, and the doors opened to Val impatiently tapping his foot in the lobby with a frown on his face. But his face lit up once he saw the two of us and said, "Ah, finally! I've been waiting for a long time. So. We'll pick up Vox and go shopping. Any idea of where you two want to go?" Velvet tapped her chin comedically and squeaked, "Oo, oo, can we go shoe shopping?? I need some new flats. And hey, y/n looks like they could go for some new shoes, right?"

I chuckled nervously and said, "I mean, I don't really. My shoes are perfectly fine as is." Velvet let out an annoyed breath and crossed her arms- almost like a pouting child. Valentino straightened his glasses and replied, "Well, I think y/n should choose. You go shopping enough Vel."

"Thank you!" I said, a smile across my face. "Although I'm not sure what places are around here to be honest.." Val linked one of his arms with me and said with a grin, "Well we'll show you the best places in the city."

Velvet started bouncing up and down excitedly, squealing, "Ooh! Yes! Rosie's is really awesome! Can we go there?"

Val flinched as if Velvet was getting on his nerves. He sighed and said with a click of his tongue, "Let's just pick up Vox and go from there."

"I agree," I said. "How far away is Vox?"

Velvet replied, "Not that far. It should only take us a few minutes to get there." Val nodded as he started to head out of the studio. The three of us emerged out onto the streets where an assortment of demons were walking on the sidewalks and yelling at each other. Right by the door was Val's limo- the very one that I rode my first day in literal HELL.

We all climbed inside where Val immediately started to pour out a glass of liquor. He passed it to Vel, who took a ginger sip. He then poured out one for himself and turned to me, asking, "Hey, y/n, you want a glass?" I laughed nervously and shook my head. "No thank you. I appreciate the offer though."

Val let out a snort and said sarcastically, "Have no idea how you ended up in this shithole. Take a glass, I can't let it go to waste." And without asking, he poured a full glass and handed it to me. I just blinked at him and took it, taking a small sip like Velvet. It was ridiculously strong, twisting my face as soon as the drink touched my lips.

"Satan, what the hell is this?" I asked, setting the drink in the cupholder. Val barked a laugh as Vel said, "It's a drink of Val's own making. You like?" I gave her a look that said it all. 

The limo started moving, and Val and Velvet started some small talk as we drove down the city streets. Both of them were both were kind to me, and every time we talked it gave me a sense of security. I turned to look out the window and smiled just thinking of the three Vs. 

Finally, we rolled up to a very modern black and white house. I could only assume it was Vox's, as he emerged from the front door with a stone face and a phone in his claws. He climbed in the car and smiled as he saw me. "Ay, I didn't expect to see you here." I smiled back and said, "Well, here I am."

Val tapped on this window in the limo, and it pulled forward into the road. Velvet grinned and said, "Hey Voxy! We're going-"

"Do NOT call me that," Vox growled, crossing his arms and frowning. Val let out a harsh laugh and drained the rest of his drink. We continued our journey into the city to who knows where, chatting and laughing along the way. Every moment spent with the three Vs was another moment where I became more certain of my feelings for them.  Although it was very difficult to decide which of them was the best for me. So I decided that during our lovely shopping endeavor I would pick one of them to pursue.

To be continued... 

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