Route 6~ Velvet

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Adrenaline pumped through my veins as my tandem partner and I floated down to a grassy patch in Pentagram City. Velvet was already there with her space buns messy and no longer pristine. She bounced on the grass as she called out to me, "Y/N! WASN'T THAT AMAAAAAAZING?!" She darted over to me, where my tandem partner disconnected us and my shaky legs finally brushed the ground.

Velvet rushed up to me and squealed, giving me one hell of a bear hug. She planted a huge kiss on my cheek, her lips forming a smile. I laughed and fell over, the two of us sprawled out on the grass. The two tandem demons exchanged glances as they surveyed the two of us laughing on the ground.

"Alright, Miss Velvet, there are more customers so you should probably get moving along. And your other fuckbuddy," one of them said. Velvet immediately stopped laughing and sent a withering glare at the tandem demon. She stood, brushed herself off, and said softly, yet dangerously, "I'm sorry. I think I misheard you. Y/n is not my fuckbuddy. Now, what did you say about us?"

The demons only blinked at the two of us. The one who had insulted me snapped, "I said, get you and your one-night-stand off the landing area. NOW." The other demon whirled toward their partner and hissed, "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing messing with Velvet?!"

Velvet's face darkened as she pulled out her phone. She pulled me in the shot and started a video. "Hey, you sexy sinners! It's Velvet here! I'm with the one and only y/n!" Velvet chirped as she nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck. "We just skydove and, WOW! I totally recommend it! But, I don't recommend coming to this establishment. The workers smell worse than a newbie demon coated in three layers of VoxTube drama." The tandem demons hissed and started to walk over to Velvet.

I swallowed, but even though I was nervous, I trusted that Velvet would ensure everything would be okay. Hopefully. "I am a little famished, however," Velvet said calmly. "So I might as well take advantage of the free meal!"

Free meal? What in the hell did she mean-

Suddenly Velvet shoved her phone into my hand and lunged for the tandem demon. The other demon shrieked and bolted from the scene, not even caring about their friend. Velvet ripped apart the demon's nylon harness and clothes while the demon struggled to kick Velvet off of them. Velvet grinned, flashing her razor-sharp teeth to the camera. She suddenly dug into the chest of the demon with her teeth. Blood and flesh exploded all over the grass as she even stabbed her sharp nails into their skin.

It was horrifying to see, but I just couldn't look away. So I kept the phone aligned with the bloody scene behind me and waited. Velvet's giggle when she was tearing flesh and breaking bones was eerily creepy and distorted. It was nothing like the cute Sinstagramer I had seen.

Finally, the demon's screams faded, and Velvet rose, spitting a chunk of flesh from her mouth with a pleased look on her face. She strode over to me like the blood covering her outfit was nothing but a tiny stain. Taking her phone back, she spoke to the camera, "Remember, sinners, if anyone fucks with you or anyone you love, just kill them! Easy-peezy!" She blew a kiss and finished, "Alright, see you on the next live stream! Love you! Byeeeeee!" After she stopped the video, she let out a tired sigh and raised a brow at the corpse in the grass.

"It could've been so much bloodier. Oh well, my viewers have seen worse!" she giggled while dialing a number on her phone.

Even though Vel had just torn apart someone, I still wanted to wrap her up in blankets and plant little kisses all over her doll face. "Hey, Val! Yeah, could you send a limo? Yeah. Thank you! Love ya!" Vel finished her call and slipped her phone into the pockets of her dress. She grinned up at me, bloody teeth and all.

I gave her a teasing grin and said, "Hey Velvet, I think you have a little blood on your cheek." Velvet smiled even wider and began smearing the blood around, asking, "Really? Where? How did that get there?"

"I got it, I got it," I said as I used my sleeve to wipe off some blood from her face. Once a patch of her face was clean, I pecked her cheek with a blushing face and awkward smile.

"A little cliche that you killed someone for me on your live stream," I chuckled. "And I don't think they deserved it." Velvet rolled her eyes and gave me puppy dog eyes. "Well now, all my followers will think more of you! And I don't want anyone to mess with you! You're not an overlord yet!" She cuddled up to me, blood smearing my clothes and skin. I gave her matted hair a soft pat and asked, "Yet?"

Vel looked up at me through her lashes and cooed, "Yeah! You can be an overlord if you use your powers more! Then Val, Vox, and I will have another overlord friend!" I laughed and retorted, "You're adorable when you're persistent. But not when covered in blood! So when we get back to the studio, you definitely need to wash it all off." Vel made a small squeak and practically clung to my waist as if it were life and death.

Val's sparkly, glittery limo pulled up, the horn honking several times before Vel and I noticed. Velvet jumped off of me and squealed with delight. "Val! You're here!" But her voice trailed off as a demon stepped from the driver's side and said with practiced politeness, "Miss Velvet, y/n, Val sends his best, but it's just me taking you both back. May I help you both inside?"

"Uh, no thanks," Velvet snarled, baring her bloody teeth as we passed by him. He simply shrugged and got back inside of the limo. Velvet opened the door and let me walk inside first. Then, she practically threw herself inside and snuggled real close to me. I smiled softly as the driver sped off through the streets and back to our home.

also some lemon will be in route 7 👀

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