Route 4~ Velvet

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Waking up with a huge hangover wasn't exactly the way I had planned my day to start. I groaned as the throbbing in my head only became more and more painful. As I tried to sit up, my blankets had wrapped around me and I tumbled out of bed and onto the plush carpet. I groaned again, this time with more frustration. I shouldn't have drank so much last night. But, then again, after Velvet kissed me, my only logical thought was that it was a dream and that drinking so much wouldn't affect me so much. But it wasn't a dream. I think.

I stood up and stretched out my arms, yawning softly. I put on a pair of slippers with red demon horns and stumbled out into the hallway. I had to know if yesterday was just a dream. Or if Velvet really did love me.

I made the seemingly long trek to Velvet's room. But thanks to my hangover, the hallway seemed to stretch into forever. Spiraling into a void-like pit. I clutched my stomach as I leaned against the wall. But with a few breaths, I managed to keep down the bile and vomit.

Eventually, I reached her door which was decorated with pictures, stickers, and all sorts of bits and baubles. I knocked three times, to which Velvet's sing-song voice yelled, "Vox, I TOLD YOU ALREADY! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I hesitantly cleared my throat and asked softly, "Uh, Velvet, it's y/n. Can I come in?"

There was a pause before Velvet squeaked, "Oh! Y/n! O- of course! Just- just give me a sec! Haha!" I heard her shuffling around and muttering soft curses before she opened the door. Her pigtails were tied up in ribbons and she wore her usual poofy pink dress. However, a faint blush was painted across her cheeks, and she looked slightly nervous as she invited me inside.

"Hi y/n, what, what are you doing here this morning?" she asked, fidgeting with her fingers. I sat on a nearby beanbag and got straight to the point before I chickened out, "Did you really kiss me last night?" Velvet jumped at the mere question itself. I could already assume what her answer would be. She gripped her skirt tightly and stammered, "Well, it's really a debate of whether or not I DID kiss you, but, you see- I, I may, I may have kissed you..." Her eyes were pressed shut and she looked like she would keel over from embarrassment.

"Thank Satan..." I whispered with a breath of relief. Velvet opened her eyes and released her skirt, looking surprised and flushed. "Wait, what?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

"I was afraid it was only a dream. I thought that it was an impossible hope," I said, giving her a lopsided smile. Velvet only returned the smile, her eyes shining and sparkling with joy. "So you had hoped that I would kiss you? So you actually like me?" she asked excitedly. I nodded, letting out a chuckle as she bounced on her heels.

Without warning, she rushed over to me and planted another kiss on my lips, her sweet lipgloss coating my lips. She tangled her clawed hands in my hair and pulled me closer to her face. I equally returned the kiss and pulled her closer to me. She nipped at my lip, to which I gasped slightly. As Velvet leaned down further to my level, we eventually tumbled over the beanbag and both of us ended up sprawled out on the floor.

There was a moment of silence before Velvet and I locked eyes. We then started giggling which evolved into almost maniacal laughter.

Velvet whipped out her phone in a quick second before snapping a selfie of us sprawled out in her room. She looked at me and said reassuringly, "Don't worry y/n, I won't tell all of Hell that we're basically together just yet. But, you can always like my Sinstagram posts you know!" She threw in a playful wink. I sat up and replied with a chuckle, "Vel, I've liked every single one. And sometimes it's hard to keep up!"

Velvet tapped her finger to her chin before nodding, "Well, I try to post three times a day... I must have thousands of posts!" She giggled and leaned on the beanbag. As I straightened myself out, she looked into my eyes with a look I couldn't quite read.

"What's going on Velvet?" I asked, genuinely curious. Heat rushed to her face and the look was immediately gone. "O-oh! Nothing! Uh, I was just thinking that I needed... uh... a new manicure! Satan, my nails are begging to be adorned." I raised a brow at her as her giggles slowly faded out. She tried to give me a convincing smile, but I could really see right through her.

"You want to be my girlfriend, am I right?" I asked, giving Vel a cheeky smile. Velvet jumped at the question and covered her face with her phone. She squealed and said, "No! Not true! Ask anyone in the studio! Just a hook up!" I let out a laugh and teased, "So we're just a hook up? We haven't even done that yet Velvet."

Her face was brighter than Hell's crimson red sky. She only stood there, staring me down. She shook her head furiously and said, "Okay, I need to get dressed, uh, just wait outside y/n!" Without a second thought, she pushed me out the door and into the hallway. But before she closed her door, I grabbed her wrist, twirled her towards me and gently kissed her forehead.

She squealed and swatted me away, her adorable blush returning. "You truly are a demon, y/n!!" she yelled from inside her room. She had buried her face in her pillow and was angrily kicking her mattress.

"Well I can make it up to you," I said, and suddenly her kicking stopped. She cautiously poked her head out from the pillow and raised a brow.

"I'll take you out on a date tonight. Sounds fun, yeah?" I suggested with a smile. Her head immediately popped up with her sharpened grin. "Oh, I know the perfect place for a date!"

Then her brain seemed to register the word date. She did a double take and asked, "Wait, a real date? Not a hook up?" I nodded and asked, "Were you hoping for just a hookup?"

"NO WAY!" she yelled with excitement. She jumped off her bed and gave me a tight hug. "Oh, now I have so much to do! Get out, get out, y/n, I don't want you to see me until the date!"

She finally shoved me out and slammed the door shut, a key locking her door. From inside, I could hear faint giggles and squeals of excitement. I smiled so much my face hurt. I actually fell for that screen-addicted murderer.

Then my hangover returned. I felt a lurch in my stomach, and without warning, threw up in front of Velvet's door.

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